author Todd Larsen <>
Mon, 29 Sep 2008 15:46:42 +0000
changeset 208 e076aee6e90f
parent 54 03e267d67478
permissions -rw-r--r--
Take advantage of the Model inheritance provided by polymodel.PolyModel to have Club, School, Sponsor, and Organization actually inherit from the Group Model class, rather than being composed via ReferenceProperties. Patch by: Todd Larsen Review by: Pawel Solyga, Sverre Rabbelier, Augie Fackler Review URL:

"""Robust apply mechanism

Provides a function "call", which can sort out
what arguments a given callable object can take,
and subset the given arguments to match only
those which are acceptable.

def function( receiver ):
    """Get function-like callable object for given receiver

    returns (function_or_method, codeObject, fromMethod)

    If fromMethod is true, then the callable already
    has its first argument bound
    if hasattr(receiver, '__call__'):
        # receiver is a class instance; assume it is callable.
        # Reassign receiver to the actual method that will be called.
        if hasattr( receiver.__call__, 'im_func') or hasattr( receiver.__call__, 'im_code'):
            receiver = receiver.__call__
    if hasattr( receiver, 'im_func' ):
        # an instance-method...
        return receiver, receiver.im_func.func_code, 1
    elif not hasattr( receiver, 'func_code'):
        raise ValueError('unknown reciever type %s %s'%(receiver, type(receiver)))
    return receiver, receiver.func_code, 0

def robustApply(receiver, *arguments, **named):
    """Call receiver with arguments and an appropriate subset of named
    receiver, codeObject, startIndex = function( receiver )
    acceptable = codeObject.co_varnames[startIndex+len(arguments):codeObject.co_argcount]
    for name in codeObject.co_varnames[startIndex:startIndex+len(arguments)]:
        if named.has_key( name ):
            raise TypeError(
                """Argument %r specified both positionally and as a keyword for calling %r"""% (
                    name, receiver,
    if not (codeObject.co_flags & 8):
        # fc does not have a **kwds type parameter, therefore 
        # remove unacceptable arguments.
        for arg in named.keys():
            if arg not in acceptable:
                del named[arg]
    return receiver(*arguments, **named)