Make "Mark as Ineligible" reversable and make this feature available for mentors too.
Now also with every click on "Mark as Ineligible" or "Mark as Eligible" button a private comment is posted with message "Marked Student Proposal as Ineligible/Eligible" which will help keep track of the changes made by mentors/org admins.
Patch by: Pawel Solyga
Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed
# Generates epydoc for $target to $outdir, while ignoring $exclude
# WARNING: The contents of $outdir are -deleted- before the running epydoc
# This way there are no 'stale files' when the script finishes.
target="../app ../tests"
echo "Cleaning out $outdir..."
rm -f $outdir/*
echo "Done."
echo "Running epydoc..."
echo "$target -> $outdir"
echo "================="
epydoc --html -v --show-private --inheritance=included --graph=all \
--parse-only --exclude=$exclude -o $outdir $target
echo "================="
echo "Done."
echo "Goodbye."