Added state property to role model.
This can be used when for instance a member has been removed from a club or a when a program has been marked inactive. Certain roles would then be shown on the upcoming roles page marked as previous roles. This would give us the archiving capability that was shown in the mockup.
Patch by: Lennard de Rijk
Reviewd by: to-be-reviewed
A mapping of state misspellings/abbreviations to normalized abbreviations, and
an alphabetical list of states for use as `choices` in a formfield.
This exists in this standalone file so that it's only imported into memory
when explicitly needed.
'KA', 'Karnataka',
'AP', 'Andhra Pradesh',
'KL', 'Kerala',
'TN', 'Tamil Nadu',
'MH', 'Maharashtra',
'UP', 'Uttar Pradesh',
'GA', 'Goa',
'GJ', 'Gujarat',
'RJ', 'Rajasthan',
'HP', 'Himachal Pradesh',
'JK', 'Jammu and Kashmir',
'AR', 'Arunachal Pradesh',
'AS', 'Assam',
'BR', 'Bihar',
'CG', 'Chattisgarh',
'HR', 'Haryana',
'JH', 'Jharkhand',
'MP', 'Madhya Pradesh',
'MN', 'Manipur',
'ML', 'Meghalaya',
'MZ', 'Mizoram',
'NL', 'Nagaland',
'OR', 'Orissa',
'PB', 'Punjab',
'SK', 'Sikkim',
'TR', 'Tripura',
'UA', 'Uttarakhand',
'WB', 'West Bengal',
# Union Territories
'AN', 'Andaman and Nicobar',
'CH', 'Chandigarh',
'DN', 'Dadra and Nagar Haveli',
'DD', 'Daman and Diu',
'DL', 'Delhi',
'LD', 'Lakshadweep',
'PY', 'Pondicherry',
'ka': 'KA',
'karnatka': 'KA',
'tn': 'TN',
'tamilnad': 'TN',
'tamilnadu': 'TN',
'andra pradesh': 'AP',
'andrapradesh': 'AP',
'andhrapradesh': 'AP',
'maharastra': 'MH',
'mh': 'MH',
'ap': 'AP',
'dl': 'DL',
'dd': 'DD',
'br': 'BR',
'ar': 'AR',
'sk': 'SK',
'kl': 'KL',
'ga': 'GA',
'rj': 'RJ',
'rajastan': 'RJ',
'rajasthan': 'RJ',
'hp': 'HP',
'ua': 'UA',
'up': 'UP',
'mp': 'MP',
'mz': 'MZ',
'bengal': 'WB',
'westbengal': 'WB',
'mizo': 'MZ',
'orisa': 'OR',
'odisa': 'OR',
'or': 'OR',
'ar': 'AR',