Added state property to role model.
This can be used when for instance a member has been removed from a club or a when a program has been marked inactive. Certain roles would then be shown on the upcoming roles page marked as previous roles. This would give us the archiving capability that was shown in the mockup.
Patch by: Lennard de Rijk
Reviewd by: to-be-reviewed
from django import httpfrom django.conf import settingsfrom utils import next_redirect, confirmation_viewfrom django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExistfrom django.db import modelsfrom django.shortcuts import render_to_responsefrom django.template import RequestContextfrom django.template.loader import render_to_stringfrom django.utils.html import escapefrom django.views.decorators.http import require_POSTfrom django.contrib import commentsfrom django.contrib.comments import signalsclass CommentPostBadRequest(http.HttpResponseBadRequest): """ Response returned when a comment post is invalid. If ``DEBUG`` is on a nice-ish error message will be displayed (for debugging purposes), but in production mode a simple opaque 400 page will be displayed. """ def __init__(self, why): super(CommentPostBadRequest, self).__init__() if settings.DEBUG: self.content = render_to_string("comments/400-debug.html", {"why": why})def post_comment(request, next=None): """ Post a comment. HTTP POST is required. If ``POST['submit'] == "preview"`` or if there are errors a preview template, ``comments/preview.html``, will be rendered. """ # Fill out some initial data fields from an authenticated user, if present data = request.POST.copy() if request.user.is_authenticated(): if not data.get('name', ''): data["name"] = request.user.get_full_name() or request.user.username if not data.get('email', ''): data["email"] = # Look up the object we're trying to comment about ctype = data.get("content_type") object_pk = data.get("object_pk") if ctype is None or object_pk is None: return CommentPostBadRequest("Missing content_type or object_pk field.") try: model = models.get_model(*ctype.split(".", 1)) target = model._default_manager.get(pk=object_pk) except TypeError: return CommentPostBadRequest( "Invalid content_type value: %r" % escape(ctype)) except AttributeError: return CommentPostBadRequest( "The given content-type %r does not resolve to a valid model." % \ escape(ctype)) except ObjectDoesNotExist: return CommentPostBadRequest( "No object matching content-type %r and object PK %r exists." % \ (escape(ctype), escape(object_pk))) # Do we want to preview the comment? preview = "preview" in data # Construct the comment form form = comments.get_form()(target, data=data) # Check security information if form.security_errors(): return CommentPostBadRequest( "The comment form failed security verification: %s" % \ escape(str(form.security_errors()))) # If there are errors or if we requested a preview show the comment if form.errors or preview: template_list = [ "comments/%s_%s_preview.html" % tuple(str(model._meta).split(".")), "comments/%s_preview.html" % model._meta.app_label, "comments/preview.html", ] return render_to_response( template_list, { "comment" :"comment", ""), "form" : form, }, RequestContext(request, {}) ) # Otherwise create the comment comment = form.get_comment_object() comment.ip_address = request.META.get("REMOTE_ADDR", None) if request.user.is_authenticated(): comment.user = request.user # Signal that the comment is about to be saved responses = signals.comment_will_be_posted.send( sender = comment.__class__, comment = comment, request = request ) for (receiver, response) in responses: if response == False: return CommentPostBadRequest( "comment_will_be_posted receiver %r killed the comment" % receiver.__name__) # Save the comment and signal that it was saved signals.comment_was_posted.send( sender = comment.__class__, comment = comment, request = request ) return next_redirect(data, next, comment_done, c=comment._get_pk_val())post_comment = require_POST(post_comment)comment_done = confirmation_view( template = "comments/posted.html", doc = """Display a "comment was posted" success page.""")