Moved the GHOP module into the modules package.
This also includes moving the templates and content into their respective place inside the Soc folder. This is to avoid adding every folder to the app.yaml file.
Patch by: Madhusudan C.S. and Lennard de Rijk
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk
from google.appengine.ext import db
import string
class Tag(db.Model):
"Google AppEngine model for store of tags."
tag = db.StringProperty(required=True)
"The actual string value of the tag."
added = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
"The date and time that the tag was first added to the datastore."
tagged = db.ListProperty(db.Key)
"A List of db.Key values for the datastore objects that have been tagged with this tag value."
tagged_count = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
"The number of entities in tagged."
def __key_name(cls, tag_name):
return cls.__name__ + '_' + tag_name
def remove_tagged(self, key):
def remove_tagged_txn():
if key in self.tagged:
self.tagged_count -= 1
def add_tagged(self, key):
def add_tagged_txn():
if key not in self.tagged:
self.tagged_count += 1
def clear_tagged(self):
def clear_tagged_txn():
self.tagged = []
self.tagged_count = 0
def get_by_name(cls, tag_name):
return cls.get_by_key_name(cls.__key_name(tag_name))
def get_tags_for_key(cls, key):
"Set the tags for the datastore object represented by key."
tags = db.Query(cls).filter('tagged =', key).fetch(1000)
return tags
def get_or_create(cls, tag_name):
"Get the Tag object that has the tag value given by tag_value."
tag_key_name = cls.__key_name(tag_name)
existing_tag = cls.get_by_key_name(tag_key_name)
if existing_tag is None:
# The tag does not yet exist, so create it.
def create_tag_txn():
new_tag = cls(key_name=tag_key_name, tag=tag_name)
return new_tag
existing_tag = db.run_in_transaction(create_tag_txn)
return existing_tag
def get_tags_by_frequency(cls, limit=1000):
"""Return a list of Tags sorted by the number of objects to which they have been applied,
most frequently-used first. If limit is given, return only that many tags; otherwise,
return all."""
tag_list = db.Query(cls).filter('tagged_count >', 0).order("-tagged_count").fetch(limit)
return tag_list
def get_tags_by_name(cls, limit=1000, ascending=True):
"""Return a list of Tags sorted alphabetically by the name of the tag.
If a limit is given, return only that many tags; otherwise, return all.
If ascending is True, sort from a-z; otherwise, sort from z-a."""
from google.appengine.api import memcache
cache_name = cls.__name__ + '_tags_by_name'
if ascending:
cache_name += '_asc'
cache_name += '_desc'
tags = memcache.get(cache_name)
if tags is None or len(tags) < limit:
order_by = "tag"
if not ascending:
order_by = "-tag"
tags = db.Query(cls).order(order_by).fetch(limit)
memcache.add(cache_name, tags, 3600)
if len(tags) > limit:
# Return only as many as requested.
tags = tags[:limit]
return tags
def popular_tags(cls, limit=5):
from google.appengine.api import memcache
tags = memcache.get(cls.__name__ + '_popular_tags')
if tags is None:
tags = cls.get_tags_by_frequency(limit)
memcache.add(cls.__name__ + '_popular_tags', tags, 3600)
return tags
def expire_cached_tags(cls):
from google.appengine.api import memcache
memcache.delete(cls.__name__ + '_popular_tags')
memcache.delete(cls.__name__ + '_tags_by_name_asc')
memcache.delete(cls.__name__ + '_tags_by_name_desc')
class Taggable:
"""A mixin class that is used for making Google AppEngine Model classes taggable.
class Post(db.Model, taggable.Taggable):
body = db.TextProperty(required = True)
title = db.StringProperty()
added = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
edited = db.DateTimeProperty()
def __init__(self, parent=None, key_name=None, app=None, **entity_values):
db.Model.__init__(self, parent, key_name, app, **entity_values)
def __init__(self, tag_model = Tag):
self.__tags = None
self.__tag_model = tag_model
self.tag_separator = ","
"""The string that is used to separate individual tags in a string
representation of a list of tags. Used by tags_string() to join the tags
into a string representation and tags setter to split a string into
individual tags."""
def __get_tags(self):
"Get a List of Tag objects for all Tags that apply to this object."
if self.__tags is None or len(self.__tags) == 0:
self.__tags = self.__tag_model.get_tags_for_key(self.key())
return self.__tags
def __set_tags(self, tags):
import types
if type(tags) is types.UnicodeType:
# Convert unicode to a plain string
tags = str(tags)
if type(tags) is types.StringType:
# Tags is a string, split it on tag_seperator into a list
tags = string.split(tags, self.tag_separator)
if type(tags) is types.ListType:
# Firstly, we will check to see if any tags have been removed.
# Iterate over a copy of __tags, as we may need to modify __tags
for each_tag in self.__tags[:]:
if each_tag not in tags:
# A tag that was previously assigned to this entity is
# missing in the list that is being assigned, so we
# disassocaite this entity and the tag.
# Secondly, we will check to see if any tags have been added.
for each_tag in tags:
each_tag = string.strip(each_tag)
if len(each_tag) > 0 and each_tag not in self.__tags:
# A tag that was not previously assigned to this entity
# is present in the list that is being assigned, so we
# associate this entity with the tag.
tag = self.__tag_model.get_or_create(each_tag)
raise Exception, "tags must be either a unicode, a string or a list"
tags = property(__get_tags, __set_tags, None, None)
def tags_string(self):
"Create a formatted string version of this entity's tags"
to_str = ""
for each_tag in self.tags:
to_str += each_tag.tag
if each_tag != self.tags[-1]:
to_str += self.tag_separator
return to_str