Bugfixes after recent refactoring
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
PyYAML - The next generation YAML parser and emitter for Python.To install, type 'python setup.py install'.You may build faster LibYAML based parser and emitter with'python setup_with_libyaml.py install'.Then you may use the LibYAML based parser this way: >>> yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.CLoader) >>> yaml.dump(data, Dumper=yaml.CDumper)For more information, check the PyYAML homepage:'http://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAML'.Documentation (rough and incomplete though):'http://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAMLDocumentation'.Post your questions and opinions to the YAML-Core mailing list:'http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/yaml-core'.Submit bug reports and feature requests to the PyYAML bug tracker:'http://pyyaml.org/newticket?component=pyyaml'.PyYAML is written by Kirill Simonov <xi@resolvent.net>. It is releasedunder the MIT license. See the file LICENSE for more details.