Fixed bug introduced by fixing a pylint error
Here first was very much intentionally set to None, as later on we
check if it is none in an 'first if first else exception' statement.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Helpers used to render response.
__authors__ = [
'"Todd Larsen" <>',
'"Pawel Solyga" <>',
'"Sverre Rabbelier" <>',
from google.appengine.api import users
from django import http
from django.template import loader
from soc.logic import accounts
from soc.logic import system
from soc.logic.models import site
from soc.logic.models.user import logic as user_logic
from soc.views import helper
from soc.views.helper import redirects
from soc.views.helper import templates
from soc.views.sitemap import sidebar
def respond(request, template, context=None, response_args=None,
"""Helper to render a response, passing standard stuff to the response.
request: the Django HTTP request object
template: the template (or search list of templates) to render
context: the context supplied to the template (implements dict)
response_args: keyword arguments passed to http.HttpResponse()
(response_args['content'] is created with
render_to_string(template, dictionary=context) if it is not present)
response_headers: optional dict containing HTTP response header names
and corresponding values to set in the HttpResponse object before it
is returned; default is None
django.shortcuts.render_to_response(template, context) results
Any exceptions that django.template.loader.render_to_string() or
django.http.HttpResponse() might raise.
if not context:
from soc.views.helper import params
context = getUniversalContext(request)
useJavaScript(context, params.DEF_JS_USES_LIST)
if response_args is None:
response_args = {}
if 'content' not in response_args:
content = loader.render_to_string(template, dictionary=context)
response_args['content'] = content.strip('\n')
http_response = http.HttpResponse(**response_args)
if response_headers:
for key, value in response_headers.iteritems():
http_response[key] = value
return http_response
def getUniversalContext(request):
"""Constructs a template context dict will many common variables defined.
request: the Django HTTP request object
a new context dict containing:
'request': the Django HTTP request object passed in by the caller
'account': the logged-in Google Account if there is one
'user': the User entity corresponding to the Google Account in
'is_admin': True if users.is_current_user_admin() is True
'is_debug': True if system.isDebug() is True
'sign_in': a Google Account login URL
'sign_out': a Google Account logout URL
'sidebar_menu_html': an HTML string that renders the sidebar menu
account = accounts.getCurrentAccount()
user = None
is_admin = False
context = {}
context['request'] = request
if account:
user = user_logic.getForAccount(account)
is_admin = user_logic.isDeveloper(account=account, user=user)
context['account'] = account
context['user'] = user
context['is_admin'] = is_admin
context['is_local'] = system.isLocal()
context['is_debug'] = system.isDebug()
context['sign_in'] = users.create_login_url(request.path)
context['sign_out'] = users.create_logout_url(request.path)
context['sidebar_menu_items'] = sidebar.getSidebar(account, user)
context['gae_version'] = system.getAppVersion()
context['soc_release'] = system.getMelangeVersion()
settings = site.logic.getSingleton()
context['ga_tracking_num'] = settings.ga_tracking_num
context['gmaps_api_key'] = settings.gmaps_api_key
context['site_name'] = settings.site_name
context['site_notice'] = settings.site_notice
context['tos_link'] = redirects.getToSRedirect(settings)
return context
def useJavaScript(context, uses):
"""Updates the context for JavaScript usage.
for use in uses:
context['uses_%s' % use] = True
def redirectToChangedSuffix(
request, old_suffix, new_suffix=None, params=None):
"""Changes suffix of URL path and returns an HTTP redirect response.
request: the Django HTTP request object; redirect path is derived from
old_suffix, new_suffix, params: see helper.requests.replaceSuffix()
a Django HTTP redirect response pointing to the altered path.
path = helper.requests.replaceSuffix(request.path, old_suffix, new_suffix,
return http.HttpResponseRedirect(path)
def errorResponse(error, request, template=None, context=None):
"""Creates an HTTP response from the soc.views.out_of_band.Error exception.
errror: a out_of_band.Error object
request: a Django HTTP request
template: the "sibling" template (or a search list of such templates)
from which to construct the actual template name (or names)
context: optional context dict supplied to the template, which is
modified (so supply a copy if such modification is not acceptable)
if not context:
context = error.context
if not context:
from soc.views.helper import params
context = getUniversalContext(request)
useJavaScript(context, params.DEF_JS_USES_LIST)
if not template:
template = []
# make a list of possible "sibling" templates, then append a default
sibling_templates = templates.makeSiblingTemplatesList(template,
error.TEMPLATE_NAME, default_template=error.DEF_TEMPLATE)
context['status'] = error.response_args.get('status')
if not context.get('message'):
# supplied context did not explicitly override the message
context['message'] = error.message_fmt % context
return respond(request, sibling_templates, context=context,