Changed location of the svn command in script from '/usr/bin/svn' to 'svn'. That makes the script more universal and it should work on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X if the svn is in the PATH.
Patch by: Pawel Solyga
Review by: to-be-reviewed
Third-party code that is *not* part of the application image (the Google AppEngine SDK in trunk/thirdparty/google_appengine, for example) belongs intrunk/thirdparty. For third-party code that *is* part of the applicationimage, see the notes in trunk/app/README.== THIRD PARTY LICENSES ==Third-party code must also include a license text file, named LICENSE orCOPYING, in the package subdirectory. If the third-party package subdirectoryis maintained automatically with a tool such as (whichremoves files, such as license text files, that were added later to the"target" directory), place the license text file in the trunk/app directoryand add the package name as a suffix.