Make the mentor and organization admin comment submission on student proposal nicer. Now drop down box allows you to select comment type and based on selected type and your current Role shows you available comment options. Left TODO to put inline JS into separate JS file.
Patch by: Tim Ansell (small fixes by Pawel Solyga)
Reviewed by: Pawel Solyga
* jquery.spin-button
* (c) 2008 Semooh (
* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
* and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
spin: function(opt){
return this.each(function(){
opt = $.extend({
imageBasePath: '/soc/content/images/',
spinBtnImage: 'spin-button.png',
spinUpImage: 'spin-up.png',
spinDownImage: 'spin-down.png',
interval: 1,
max: null,
min: null,
timeInterval: 500,
timeBlink: 200
}, opt || {});
var txt = $(this);
var spinBtnImage = opt.imageBasePath+opt.spinBtnImage;
var btnSpin = new Image();
btnSpin.src = spinBtnImage;
var spinUpImage = opt.imageBasePath+opt.spinUpImage;
var btnSpinUp = new Image();
btnSpinUp.src = spinUpImage;
var spinDownImage = opt.imageBasePath+opt.spinDownImage;
var btnSpinDown = new Image();
btnSpinDown.src = spinDownImage;
var btn = $(document.createElement('img'));
btn.attr('src', spinBtnImage);
btn.css({cursor: 'pointer', verticalAlign: 'bottom', padding: 0, margin: 0});
txt.css({marginRight:0, paddingRight:0});
function spin(vector){
var val = txt.val();
val = parseFloat(val) + (vector*opt.interval);
if(opt.min!=null && val<opt.min) val=opt.min;
if(opt.min!=null && val>opt.max) val=opt.max;
if(val != txt.val()){
src = (vector > 0 ? spinUpImage : spinDownImage);
btn.attr('src', src);
setTimeout(function(){btn.attr('src', spinBtnImage);}, opt.timeBlink);
var pos = e.pageY - btn.offset().top;
var vector = (btn.height()/2 > pos ? 1 : -1);
var tk = setTimeout(arguments.callee, opt.timeInterval);
$(document).one('mouseup', function(){
clearTimeout(tk); btn.attr('src', spinBtnImage);
return false;