Made Request Logic ID-based and added some helper methods.
(function () {
var role_profile_gmap = window.role_profile_gmap = function () {
// Create global variables
var map;
var marker;
var geocoder;
// The following strings can be customized to reflect ids in the page.
// You can also add or remove fields used for GMap Geocoding in
// the JSON address object
var current_lat = 0;
var current_lng = 0;
// Two different levels for zoom: Starting one and an inner that
// is used when showing the map if lat and lon page fields are set
var world_zoom = 0;
var country_zoom = 4;
var state_zoom = 6;
var city_zoom = 10;
var address_zoom = 13;
// Do not add a starting # as this JQuery selector seems
// incompatible with GMap API
var map_div = "role_profile_map";
var field_lat = "#id_latitude";
var field_lng = "#id_longitude";
// Need to save old values to avoid unwanted updating
// of lat and lot if marker dragged and blur another time an address field
var address = {
street: {
id: "#id_res_street",
old_value: ""
city: {
id: "#id_res_city",
old_value: ""
state: {
id: "#id_res_state",
old_value: ""
country: {
id: "#id_res_country",
old_value: ""
postalcode: {
id: "#id_res_postalcode",
old_value: ""
// Save current address fields in the JSON Object
function saveOldAddress() {
jQuery.each(address, function (level, level_details) {
level_details.old_value = jQuery(;
// Return true if the user has edited address fields
function isNewAddress() {
var is_new = false;
jQuery.each(address, function (level, level_details) {
if (jQuery( !== level_details.old_value) {
is_new = true;
return false;
return is_new;
// Write saved lat and lng values to page fields
function setLatLngFields() {
// Read lat and lng fields and store them
function readLatLngFields() {
current_lat = jQuery(field_lat).val();
current_lng = jQuery(field_lng).val();
// This function reads address fields, merge them and uses
// GMap API geocoding to find the first hit
// Using geocoding
// services.html#Geocoding
function calculateAddress() {
// If the user has really edited address fields...
if (isNewAddress()) {
// Merge address fields
var address_string = "";
jQuery.each(address, function (level, level_details) {
address_string += jQuery( + ",";
// Ask GMap API for geocoding
function (point) {
// If a point is found
if (point) {
// Save the current address in the JSON object
// Set the new zoom, map center and marker coords
var zoom_set = world_zoom;
if (jQuery( !== "") {
zoom_set = address_zoom;
else if (jQuery( !== "") {
zoom_set = city_zoom;
else if (jQuery( !== "") {
zoom_set = state_zoom;
else if (jQuery( !== "") {
zoom_set = country_zoom;
map.setCenter(point, zoom_set);
// Save point coords in local variables and then update
// the page lat/lng fields
current_lat =;
current_lng = point.lng();
// Public function to load the map
role_profile_gmap.map_load = function () {
// All can happen only if there is gmap compatible browser.
// TODO: Fallback in case the browser is not compatible
if (window.GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
// Save the address fields. This is useful if the page is being edited
// to not update blindly the lat/lng fields with GMap geocoding if
// blurring an address field
var starting_point;
var zoom_selected = world_zoom;
var show_marker = true;
// Create the map and add small controls
map = new window.GMap2(document.getElementById(map_div));
map.addControl(new window.GSmallMapControl());
map.addControl(new window.GMapTypeControl());
// Instantiate a global geocoder for future use
geocoder = new window.GClientGeocoder();
// If lat and lng fields are not void (the page is being edited) then
// update the starting coords, modify the zoom level and tells following
// code to show the marker
if (jQuery(field_lat).val() !== "" && jQuery(field_lng).val() !== "") {
zoom_selected = address_zoom;
show_marker = true;
// Set map center, marker coords and show it if this is an editing
starting_point = new window.GLatLng(current_lat, current_lng);
map.setCenter(starting_point, zoom_selected);
marker = new window.GMarker(starting_point, {draggable: true});
if (show_marker) {
// Adds a new event listener to geocode the address when an address
// field is blurred
jQuery.each(address, function (level, level_details) {
// Adds a new event listener: if the marker has been dragged around...
window.GEvent.addListener(marker, "dragend", function () {
// Update internal variables with current marker coords...
current_lat = marker.getPoint().lat();
current_lng = marker.getPoint().lng();
// ...and set page fields accordingly
(function () {
var org_home_gmap = window.org_home_gmap = function () {
// Global variables
var map;
// HTML div tag where map needs to be inserted
var map_div = "org_home_map";
// Setup required icons
var base_icon = new window.GIcon();
base_icon.shadow = "";
base_icon.iconSize = new window.GSize(20, 34);
base_icon.shadowSize = new window.GSize(37, 34);
base_icon.iconAnchor = new window.GPoint(9, 34);
base_icon.infoWindowAnchor = new window.GPoint(9, 2);
base_icon.infoShadowAnchor = new window.GPoint(18, 25);
var student_icon = new window.GIcon(base_icon);
student_icon.image = "";
var mentor_icon = new window.GIcon(base_icon);
mentor_icon.image = "/soc/content/images/mentor-marker.png";
// Map load function
org_home_gmap.map_load = function (map_data) {
if (window.GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
// Create the map and add small controls
map = new window.GMap2(document.getElementById(map_div));
map.addControl(new window.GLargeMapControl());
map.addControl(new window.GMapTypeControl());
// Set map center and initial zoom level
map.setCenter(new window.GLatLng(0, 0), 1);
var mentors = {};
var students = {};
var projects = {};
var polylines = [];
jQuery.each(map_data.people, function (key, person) {
if (person.type === "student") {
students[key] = {
"lon": person.lon,
"projects": person.projects
if (person.type === "mentor") {
mentors[key] = {
"lon": person.lon,
"projects": person.projects
// Iterate over projects to draw polylines
jQuery.each(map_data.projects, function (key, project) {
var current_student = students[project.student_key];
var current_mentor = mentors[project.mentor_key];
if (current_student !== undefined &&
current_mentor !== undefined && !== null &&
current_student.lon !== null && !== null &&
current_mentor.lon !== null) {
/*jslint white: false */
[, current_student.lon],
[, current_mentor.lon]
/*jslint white: true */
// Iterate over students
jQuery.each(students, function (key, person) {
var html = "";
var marker = null;
if ( !== null && person.lon !== null) {
var point = new window.GLatLng(, person.lon);
marker = new window.GMarker(point, student_icon);
html = [
"<strong>",, "</strong><br />",
"<span style='font-style:italic;'>Student</span><br />",
"<div style='height:100px;width:300px;",
// iterate through projects
jQuery.each(person.projects, function () {
var current_project = map_data.projects[this];
html += [
"<a href='", current_project.redirect, "'>",
current_project.title, "</a><br />",
"Mentor: ", current_project.mentor_name, "<br />"
html += "</div>";
window.GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function () {
// Iterate over mentors
jQuery.each(mentors, function (key, person) {
var html = "";
var marker = null;
if ( !== null && person.lon !== null) {
var point = new window.GLatLng(, person.lon);
marker = new window.GMarker(point, mentor_icon);
html = [
"<strong>",, "</strong><br />",
"<span style='font-style:italic;'>Mentor</span><br />",
"<div style='height:100px;width:300px;",
// iterate through projects
jQuery.each(person.projects, function () {
var current_project = map_data.projects[this];
html += [
"<a href='", current_project.redirect, "'>",
current_project.title, "</a><br />",
"Student: ", current_project.student_name, "<br />"
html += "</div>";
window.GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function () {
// Draw all polylines
jQuery.each(polylines, function () {
var from = new window.GLatLng(this[0][0], this[0][1]);
var to = new window.GLatLng(this[1][0], this[1][1]);
var polyline = new window.GPolyline([from, to], "#ff0000", 3);