StudentProposal content is now a TextProperty.
This is necessary to allow more then 500 bytes of content.
Patch by: Lennard de Rijk
Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed
#!/usr/bin/python2.5## Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""Generic cleaning methods."""__authors__ = [ '"Todd Larsen" <>', '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>', '"Lennard de Rijk" <>', ]import feedparserfrom google.appengine.api import usersfrom django import formsfrom django.forms.util import ErrorListfrom django.utils.translation import ugettextfrom soc.logic import rights as rights_logicfrom soc.logic import validatefrom soc.logic.models import site as site_logicfrom soc.logic.models import user as user_logicfrom soc.models import document as document_modelDEF_LINK_ID_IN_USE_MSG = ugettext( 'This link ID is already in use, please specify another one')DEF_NO_RIGHTS_FOR_ACL_MSG = ugettext( 'You do not have the required rights for that ACL.')DEF_ORGANZIATION_NOT_ACTIVE_MSG = ugettext( "This organization is not active or doesn't exist.")def check_field_is_empty(field_name): """Returns decorator that bypasses cleaning for empty fields. """ def decorator(fun): """Decorator that checks if a field is empty if so doesn't do the cleaning. Note Django will capture errors concerning required fields that are empty. """ from functools import wraps @wraps(fun) def wrapper(self): field_content = self.cleaned_data.get(field_name) if not field_content: # field has no content so bail out return None else: # field has contents return fun(self) return wrapper return decoratordef clean_empty_field(field_name): """Incorperates the check_field_is_empty as regular cleaner. """ @check_field_is_empty(field_name) def wrapper(self): return self.cleaned_data.get(field_name) return wrapperdef clean_link_id(field_name): """Checks if the field_name value is in a valid link ID format. """ @check_field_is_empty(field_name) def wrapper(self): # convert to lowercase for user comfort link_id = self.cleaned_data.get(field_name).lower() if not validate.isLinkIdFormatValid(link_id): raise forms.ValidationError("This link ID is in wrong format.") return link_id return wrapperdef clean_scope_path(field_name): """Checks if the field_name value is in a valid scope path format. """ @check_field_is_empty(field_name) def wrapper(self): # convert to lowercase for user comfort scope_path = self.cleaned_data.get(field_name).lower() if not validate.isScopePathFormatValid(scope_path): raise forms.ValidationError("This scope path is in wrong format.") return scope_path return wrapperdef clean_agrees_to_tos(field_name): """Checks if there is a ToS to see if it is allowed to leave the field_name field false. """ @check_field_is_empty(field_name) def wrapper(self): agrees_to_tos = self.cleaned_data.get(field_name) if not site_logic.logic.getToS(site_logic.logic.getSingleton()): return agrees_to_tos # Site settings specify a site-wide ToS, so agreement is *required* if agrees_to_tos: return True # there was no agreement made so raise an error raise forms.ValidationError( 'The site-wide Terms of Service must be accepted to participate' ' on this site.') return wrapperdef clean_existing_user(field_name): """Check if the field_name field is a valid user. """ @check_field_is_empty(field_name) def wrapped(self): link_id = clean_link_id(field_name)(self) user_entity = user_logic.logic.getForFields({'link_id': link_id}, unique=True) if not user_entity: # user does not exist raise forms.ValidationError("This user does not exist.") return user_entity return wrappeddef clean_user_is_current(field_name): """Check if the field_name value is a valid link_id and resembles the current user. """ @check_field_is_empty(field_name) def wrapped(self): link_id = clean_link_id(field_name)(self) user_entity = user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount() if not user_entity or user_entity.link_id != link_id: # this user is not the current user raise forms.ValidationError("This user is not you.") return user_entity return wrappeddef clean_user_not_exist(field_name): """Check if the field_name value is a valid link_id and a user with the link id does not exist. """ @check_field_is_empty(field_name) def wrapped(self): link_id = clean_link_id(field_name)(self) user_entity = user_logic.logic.getForFields({'link_id': link_id}, unique=True) if user_entity: # user exists already raise forms.ValidationError("There is already a user with this link id.") return link_id return wrappeddef clean_users_not_same(field_name): """Check if the field_name field is a valid user and is not equal to the current user. """ @check_field_is_empty(field_name) def wrapped(self): clean_user_field = clean_existing_user(field_name) user_entity = clean_user_field(self) current_user_entity = user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount() if user_entity.key() == current_user_entity.key(): # users are equal raise forms.ValidationError("You cannot enter yourself here.") return user_entity return wrappeddef clean_user_account(field_name): """Returns the User with the given field_name value. """ @check_field_is_empty(field_name) def wrapped(self): email_adress = self.cleaned_data[field_name] return users.User(email_adress) return wrappeddef clean_user_account_not_in_use(field_name): """Check if the field_name value contains an email address that hasn't been used for an existing account. """ @check_field_is_empty(field_name) def wrapped(self): email_adress = self.cleaned_data.get(field_name).lower() # get the user account for this email and check if it's in use user_account = users.User(email_adress) fields = {'account': user_account} user_entity = user_logic.logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True) if user_entity or user_logic.logic.isFormerAccount(user_account): raise forms.ValidationError("There is already a user with this email adress.") return user_account return wrappeddef clean_feed_url(self): feed_url = self.cleaned_data.get('feed_url') if feed_url == '': # feed url not supplied (which is OK), so do not try to validate it return None if not validate.isFeedURLValid(feed_url): raise forms.ValidationError('This URL is not a valid ATOM or RSS feed.') return feed_urldef clean_document_content(self): content = self.cleaned_data.get('content') sanitizer = feedparser._HTMLSanitizer('utf-8') sanitizer.feed(content) content = sanitizer.output() content = content.strip().replace('\r\n', '\n') return contentdef clean_url(field_name): """Clean method for cleaning a field belonging to a LinkProperty. """ @check_field_is_empty(field_name) def wrapped(self): value = self.cleaned_data.get(field_name) # call the Django URLField cleaning method to properly clean/validate this field return forms.URLField.clean(self.fields[field_name], value) return wrappeddef validate_user_edit(link_id_field, account_field): """Clean method for cleaning user edit form. Raises ValidationError if: -Another User has the given email address as account -Another User has the given email address in it's FormerAccounts list """ def wrapper(self): cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data link_id = cleaned_data.get(link_id_field) user_account = cleaned_data.get(account_field) # if both fields were valid do this check if link_id and user_account: # get the user from the link_id in the form fields = {'link_id': link_id} user_entity = user_logic.logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True) # if it's not the user's current account if user_entity.account != user_account: # get the user having the given account fields = {'account': user_account} user_from_account_entity = user_logic.logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True) # if there is a user with the given account or it's a former account if user_from_account_entity or user_logic.logic.isFormerAccount(user_account): # raise an error because this email address can't be used raise forms.ValidationError("There is already a user with this email address.") return cleaned_data return wrapperdef validate_new_group(link_id_field, scope_path_field, group_logic, group_app_logic): """Clean method used to clean the group application or new group form. Raises ValidationError if: -A application with this link id and scope path already exists -A group with this link id and scope path already exists """ def wrapper(self): cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data fields = {} link_id = cleaned_data.get(link_id_field) if link_id: fields['link_id'] = link_id scope_path = cleaned_data.get(scope_path_field) if scope_path: fields['scope_path'] = scope_path # get the application group_app_entity = group_app_logic.logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True) # get the current user user_entity = user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount() # make sure it's not the applicant creating the new group if group_app_entity and ( group_app_entity.applicant.key() != user_entity.key()): # add the error message to the link id field self._errors[link_id_field] = ErrorList([DEF_LINK_ID_IN_USE_MSG]) del cleaned_data[link_id_field] # return the new cleaned_data return cleaned_data # check if there is already a group for the given fields group_entity = group_logic.logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True) if group_entity: # add the error message to the link id field self._errors[link_id_field] = ErrorList([DEF_LINK_ID_IN_USE_MSG]) del cleaned_data[link_id_field] # return the new cleaned_data return cleaned_data return cleaned_data return wrapperdef validate_student_proposal(org_field, scope_field, student_logic, org_logic): """Validates the form of a student proposal. Raises ValidationError if: -The organization link_id does not match an active organization -The hidden scope path is not a valid active student """ def wrapper(self): cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data org_link_id = cleaned_data.get(org_field) scope_path = cleaned_data.get(scope_field) # only if both fields are valid if org_link_id and scope_path: filter = {'scope_path': scope_path, 'status': 'active'} student_entity = student_logic.logic.getFromKeyName(scope_path) if not student_entity or student_entity.status != 'active': # raise validation error, access checks should have prevented this raise forms.ValidationError( ugettext("The given student is not valid.")) filter = {'link_id': org_link_id, 'scope': student_entity.scope, 'status': 'active'} org_entity = org_logic.logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True) if not org_entity: #raise validation error, non valid organization entered self._errors['organization'] = ErrorList( [DEF_ORGANZIATION_NOT_ACTIVE_MSG]) del cleaned_data['organization'] return cleaned_data return wrapperdef validate_document_acl(view): """Validates that the document ACL settings are correct. """ def wrapper(self): cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data read_access = cleaned_data.get('read_access') write_access = cleaned_data.get('write_access') if not (read_access and write_access and ('prefix' in cleaned_data)): return cleaned_data if read_access != 'public': ordening = document_model.Document.DOCUMENT_ACCESS if ordening.index(read_access) < ordening.index(write_access): raise forms.ValidationError( "Read access should be less strict than write access.") validate_access(self, view, 'read_access') validate_access(self, view, 'write_access') return cleaned_data return wrapperdef validate_access(self, view, field): """Validates that the user has access to the ACL for the specified fields. """ access_level = self.cleaned_data[field] prefix = self.cleaned_data['prefix'] scope_path = self.cleaned_data['scope_path'] params = view.getParams() rights = params['rights'] user = user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount() rights.setCurrentUser(user.account, user) checker = rights_logic.Checker(prefix) roles = checker.getMembership(access_level) django_args = { 'scope_path': scope_path, 'prefix': prefix } if not rights.hasMembership(roles, django_args): self._errors[field] = ErrorList([DEF_NO_RIGHTS_FOR_ACL_MSG]) del self.cleaned_data[field]