author Lennard de Rijk <>
Sat, 28 Feb 2009 21:25:23 +0000
changeset 1568 cdbe6e86506c
parent 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
StudentProposal content is now a TextProperty. This is necessary to allow more then 500 bytes of content. Patch by: Lennard de Rijk Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed

from django.db.backends import BaseDatabaseClient
from django.conf import settings
import os

class DatabaseClient(BaseDatabaseClient):
    executable_name = 'sqlplus'

    def runshell(self):
        dsn = settings.DATABASE_USER
        if settings.DATABASE_PASSWORD:
            dsn += "/%s" % settings.DATABASE_PASSWORD
        if settings.DATABASE_NAME:
            dsn += "@%s" % settings.DATABASE_NAME
        args = [self.executable_name, "-L", dsn]
        os.execvp(self.executable_name, args)