Split edit and create into different methods
This makes removes unneeded responsibility from the edit view and
makes it possible to more tightly restrict the usage of the edit and
create views to only creating/editing.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
* jquery.purr.js
* Copyright (c) 2008 Net Perspective (net-perspective.com)
* Licensed under the MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
* @author R.A. Ray
* @projectDescription jQuery plugin for dynamically displaying unobtrusive messages in the browser. Mimics the behavior of the MacOS program "Growl."
* @version 0.1.0
* @requires jquery.js (tested with 1.2.6)
* @param fadeInSpeed int - Duration of fade in animation in miliseconds
* default: 500
* @param fadeOutSpeed int - Duration of fade out animationin miliseconds
default: 500
* @param removeTimer int - Timeout, in miliseconds, before notice is removed once it is the top non-sticky notice in the list
default: 4000
* @param isSticky bool - Whether the notice should fade out on its own or wait to be manually closed
default: false
* @param usingTransparentPNG bool - Whether or not the notice is using transparent .png images in its styling
default: false
( function( $ ) {
$.purr = function ( notice, options )
// Convert notice to a jQuery object
notice = $( notice );
// Add a class to denote the notice as not sticky
if ( !options.isSticky )
notice.addClass( 'not-sticky' );
// Get the container element from the page
var cont = document.getElementById( 'purr-container' );
// If the container doesn't yet exist, we need to create it
if ( !cont )
cont = '<div id="purr-container"></div>';
// Convert cont to a jQuery object
cont = $( cont );
// Add the container to the page
$( 'body' ).append( cont );
function notify ()
// Set up the close button
var close = document.createElement( 'a' );
$( close ).attr(
className: 'close',
href: '#close',
innerHTML: 'Close'
.appendTo( notice )
.click( function ()
return false;
// Add the notice to the page and keep it hidden initially
notice.appendTo( cont )
if ( jQuery.browser.msie && options.usingTransparentPNG )
// IE7 and earlier can't handle the combination of opacity and transparent pngs, so if we're using transparent pngs in our
// notice style, we'll just skip the fading in.
//Fade in the notice we just added
notice.fadeIn( options.fadeInSpeed );
// Set up the removal interval for the added notice if that notice is not a sticky
if ( !options.isSticky )
var topSpotInt = setInterval( function ()
// Check to see if our notice is the first non-sticky notice in the list
if ( notice.prevAll( '.not-sticky' ).length == 0 )
// Stop checking once the condition is met
clearInterval( topSpotInt );
// Call the close action after the timeout set in options
setTimeout( function ()
}, options.removeTimer
}, 200 );
function removeNotice ()
// IE7 and earlier can't handle the combination of opacity and transparent pngs, so if we're using transparent pngs in our
// notice style, we'll just skip the fading out.
if ( jQuery.browser.msie && options.usingTransparentPNG )
notice.css( { opacity: 0 } )
height: '0px'
duration: options.fadeOutSpeed,
complete: function ()
// Fade the object out before reducing its height to produce the sliding effect
opacity: '0'
duration: options.fadeOutSpeed,
complete: function ()
height: '0px'
duration: options.fadeOutSpeed,
complete: function ()
$.fn.purr = function ( options )
options = options || {};
options.fadeInSpeed = options.fadeInSpeed || 500;
options.fadeOutSpeed = options.fadeOutSpeed || 500;
options.removeTimer = options.removeTimer || 4000;
options.isSticky = options.isSticky || false;
options.usingTransparentPNG = options.usingTransparentPNG || false;
this.each( function()
new $.purr( this, options );
return this;
})( jQuery );