Remove from project root as well
This is in line with the earlier patch to remove the file
from the app/ directory.
0 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644
from paste.fixture import *
from webob import Request
from py.test import raises
def simpleapp(environ, start_response):
status = '200 OK'
response_headers = [('Content-type','text/plain')]
start_response(status, response_headers)
request = Request(environ)
request.remote_user = 'bob'
return [
'Hello world!\n',
'The get is %r' % request.GET,
' and Val is %s\n' % request.GET.get('name'),
'The languages are: %s\n' % request.accept_language.best_matches('en-US'),
'The accepttypes is: %s\n' % request.accept.best_match(['text/html', 'application/xml']),
'post is %r\n' % request.POST,
'params is %r\n' % request.params,
'cookies is %r\n' % request.cookies,
'body: %r\n' % request.body,
'method: %s\n' % request.method,
'remote_user: %r\n' % request.environ['REMOTE_USER'],
'host_url: %r; application_url: %r; path_url: %r; url: %r\n' % (request.host_url, request.application_url, request.path_url, request.url),
'urlvars: %r\n' % request.urlvars,
'urlargs: %r\n' % (request.urlargs, ),
'is_xhr: %r\n' % request.is_xhr,
'if_modified_since: %r\n' % request.if_modified_since,
'user_agent: %r\n' % request.user_agent,
'if_none_match: %r\n' % request.if_none_match,
def test_gets():
app = TestApp(simpleapp)
res = app.get('/')
print res
assert 'Hello' in res
assert "get is MultiDict([])" in res
assert "post is <NoVars: Not a POST request>" in res
res = app.get('/?name=george')
res.mustcontain("get is MultiDict([('name', 'george')])")
res.mustcontain("Val is george")
def test_language_parsing():
app = TestApp(simpleapp)
res = app.get('/')
assert "The languages are: ['en-US']" in res
res = app.get('/', headers={'Accept-Language':'da, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7'})
assert "languages are: ['da', 'en-gb', 'en', 'en-US']" in res
res = app.get('/', headers={'Accept-Language':'en-gb;q=0.8, da, en;q=0.7'})
assert "languages are: ['da', 'en-gb', 'en', 'en-US']" in res
def test_mime_parsing():
app = TestApp(simpleapp)
res = app.get('/', headers={'Accept':'text/html'})
assert "accepttypes is: text/html" in res
res = app.get('/', headers={'Accept':'application/xml'})
assert "accepttypes is: application/xml" in res
res = app.get('/', headers={'Accept':'application/xml,*/*'})
assert "accepttypes is: application/xml" in res
def test_headers():
app = TestApp(simpleapp)
headers = {
'If-Modified-Since': 'Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT',
'Cookie': 'var1=value1',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla 4.0 (compatible; MSIE)',
'If-None-Match': '"etag001", "etag002"',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
res = app.get('/?foo=bar&baz', headers=headers)
'if_modified_since: datetime.datetime(1994, 10, 29, 19, 43, 31, tzinfo=UTC)',
"user_agent: 'Mozilla",
'is_xhr: True',
"cookies is {'var1': 'value1'}",
"params is NestedMultiDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('baz', '')])",
"if_none_match: <ETag etag001 or etag002>",
def test_bad_cookie():
req = Request.blank('/')
req.headers['Cookie'] = '070-it-:><?0'
assert req.cookies == {}
req.headers['Cookie'] = 'foo=bar'
assert req.cookies == {'foo': 'bar'}
req.headers['Cookie'] = '...'
assert req.cookies == {}
req.headers['Cookie'] = '=foo'
assert req.cookies == {}