Last step of refactoring before adding support for > 1000 entities.
Make helper functions. One extracts list parameters.
One creates links more simply. This is cleaning up the large
function body so I can move stuff around more radically.
Patch by: Dan Bentley
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A list of Argentinean provinces and autonomous cities as `choices` in a
formfield. From
This exists in this standalone file so that it's only imported into memory
when explicitly needed.
('B', u'Buenos Aires'),
('K', u'Catamarca'),
('H', u'Chaco'),
('U', u'Chubut'),
('C', u'Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires'),
('X', u'Córdoba'),
('W', u'Corrientes'),
('E', u'Entre Ríos'),
('P', u'Formosa'),
('Y', u'Jujuy'),
('L', u'La Pampa'),
('F', u'La Rioja'),
('M', u'Mendoza'),
('N', u'Misiones'),
('Q', u'Neuquén'),
('R', u'Río Negro'),
('A', u'Salta'),
('J', u'San Juan'),
('D', u'San Luis'),
('Z', u'Santa Cruz'),
('S', u'Santa Fe'),
('G', u'Santiago del Estero'),
('V', u'Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur'),
('T', u'Tucumán'),