Change partial path and link name verbose names in Some comments fixes in
Patch by: Pawel Solyga
# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
"""This module contains the Question Model."""
__authors__ = [
'"Todd Larsen" <>',
from google.appengine.ext import db
class Question(
"""Model of a Question, which is a specialized form of Work.
Specific types of Questions are actually implemented in subclasses.
The specific way that the properties and relations inherited from
Work are used with a Question are described below.
work.title: the title of the Question, used for finding the
Question in a list of Questions the author of the Work referred to by this relation
is the original author of the actual Question, regardless of
which Quizzes might incorporate the Question even Questions can be "reviewed" (possibly commented
on during creation or annotated once put into use).
work.partial_path: used to scope (and, when combined with
work.link_name, uniquely identify) a Question in the same way the
property are used with Documents, etc.
work.link_name: used to identify (and, when combined with
work.partial_path, *uniquely* identify) a Question in the same way
these properties are used with Documents, etc.
work.content: the Question text, asked to the respondent
In addition to any explicit ReferenceProperties in the Question Model
and those inherited as described above, a Question entity participates
in these relationships:
answers) a 1:many relationship, where each Question has many different
Answers associated with it as parts of Responses to Quizzes. This is
implemented as the 'answers' back-reference Query of the Answer model
'question' reference. It is currently unclear how useful this
back-reference will be, since the same Question could be used in
multiple different Quizzes. Given this, 'answers' currently only
exists for completeness.
quizzes) a many:many relationship between Questions and the Quizzes
that collect them into a set. This relation is not explicitly
implemented, but can be obtained via a query something like:
quizzes_with_a_question = db.GqlQuery(
"SELECT * FROM Quiz where questions = :1",
Such queries are probably only needed when a Question might be
altered, in order to find which Quizzes will be affected.
The properties in this Model do not have verbose_name or help_text,
because the dynamic nature of the forms required to create, edit, and
use entities of this Model make them pretty useless.
# TODO(tlarsen): the following verbose comments can be removed later,
when these ideas are implemented in the views and controllers; they
are here now so that the concepts will not be lost before that time.
The recommended use for the combination of work.partial_path and
work.link_name is to keep the *same* link_name when copying and
modifying an existing Question for a new Program (or instance of a
Group that is per-Program), while changing the work.partial_path to
represent the Program and Group "ownership" of the Question. For
example, if a Question asking about prior GSoC participation needed
to have an additional choice (see the choice_ids and choices properties
below), it is desirable to keep the same work.link_name (and also
simply append new choice_ids and choices to keep the old answer values
compatible). An existing Question in the above example might be identified
as something like:
To make it possible to query for gsoc_past_participation answers regardless
of the Program, the next year, new values are added to choice_ids and
choices in a new Question copied from the one above, which would then
be named something (still unique) like:
Care just needs to be taken to keep the existing choice_ids and choices
Other interesting possibilities also exist, such as asking about GSoC
participation of the GHOP participants (some GHOP high school students
have actually previously been GSoC mentors, for example). To produce
unique statistics for GHOP that could also be aggregated overall in
combination with GSoC, the gsoc_past_participation Question would be
duplicated (unaltered) to something like:
To get the combined results, query on a link_name of
gsoc_past_participation. For more targeted results, include the
partial_path to make the query more specific.
Question creation to permit use cases like the one above is going to
be a bit of an "advanced" skill, possibly. "Doing it wrong" the first
time a Question is created will make it difficult to implement stuff
like multiple-choice Questions that "grow" new choices year-over-year.
A dynamic form is most definitely going to be needed to implement the
Question creation and editing for multiple-choice questions.
#: db.ListProperty of short, plain-text, "link_name-like" strings
#: representing the "encoded" answer choices (must be strings compatible
#: with being query arguments and being used in HTML controls and POST
#: responses).
#: If empty (None or an empty list), it is assumed that this Question
#: is *not* a multiple choice question. In that case, the UI should
#: display the Question as a textarea in forms and accept any plain-text.
#: If non-empty, max_answers helps determine how the UI should display
#: the Question. Also, controller logic needs to validate if the
#: strings in the 'answers' property of the Answer entity come only
#: from this list.
#: Once Answers to this Question have been stored in the Datastore,
#: choice_ids and choices should *not* be modified. An existing
#: Question can be duplicated and then modified (but, it will be a
#: different question as a result).
choice_ids = db.ListProperty(item_type=str)
#: db.ListProperty of human-readable choice strings, in the same order
#: as, and corresponding to, the "encoded" choices in the choice_ids
#: db.ListProperty.
choices = db.ListProperty(item_type=str)
#: db.IntegerProperty indicating the maximum number of answer values
#: permitted for this question. If 'choices' does not contain a list of
#: choice strings, this value is ignored (but should still only be 1).
#: If there are 'choices' and this value is 1, the UI should render the
#: Question in forms as a single-choice control ("radio buttons").
#: If there are 'choices' and this value is greater than 1, the UI should
#: render the question as a list of check-boxes.
#: max_answers greater than 1 combined with choices enables Questions
#: like, for example, " the three most important...".
max_answers = db.IntegerProperty(default=1)
#: field storing whether the Answer to a Question is optional
is_optional = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)