No override needed in
The only downside is that the ?s=0 parameter will still be appended
but is not handled in list(). The right solution would be to update
list() so that it does say "Message Sent" or such, to give the user
an indication that their message was sent succesfully.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
import os
import sys
from optparse import make_option
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
except NameError:
from sets import Set as set # For Python 2.3
def compile_messages(locale=None):
basedirs = [os.path.join('conf', 'locale'), 'locale']
if os.environ.get('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'):
from django.conf import settings
# Gather existing directories.
basedirs = set(map(os.path.abspath, filter(os.path.isdir, basedirs)))
if not basedirs:
raise CommandError("This script should be run from the Django SVN tree or your project or app tree, or with the settings module specified.")
for basedir in basedirs:
if locale:
basedir = os.path.join(basedir, locale, 'LC_MESSAGES')
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(basedir):
for f in filenames:
if f.endswith('.po'):
sys.stderr.write('processing file %s in %s\n' % (f, dirpath))
pf = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(dirpath, f))[0]
# Store the names of the .mo and .po files in an environment
# variable, rather than doing a string replacement into the
# command, so that we can take advantage of shell quoting, to
# quote any malicious characters/escaping.
# See
os.environ['djangocompilemo'] = pf + '.mo'
os.environ['djangocompilepo'] = pf + '.po'
if sys.platform == 'win32': # Different shell-variable syntax
cmd = 'msgfmt --check-format -o "%djangocompilemo%" "%djangocompilepo%"'
cmd = 'msgfmt --check-format -o "$djangocompilemo" "$djangocompilepo"'
class Command(BaseCommand):
option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
make_option('--locale', '-l', dest='locale',
help='The locale to process. Default is to process all.'),
help = 'Compiles .po files to .mo files for use with builtin gettext support.'
requires_model_validation = False
can_import_settings = False
def handle(self, **options):
locale = options.get('locale')