Style fix in Job model.
Patch by: Lennard de Rijk
Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed
#!/usr/bin/python2.5## Copyright 2009 the Melange authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""Views for Student Proposal."""__authors__ = [ '"Lennard de Rijk" <>', ]import datetimeimport timefrom django import formsfrom django import httpfrom django.utils.translation import ugettextfrom soc.logic import cleaningfrom soc.logic import dictsfrom soc.logic.models import mentor as mentor_logicfrom soc.logic.models import organization as org_logicfrom soc.logic.models import org_admin as org_admin_logicfrom soc.logic.models import student as student_logicfrom soc.logic.models import user as user_logicfrom soc.views import helperfrom soc.views import out_of_bandfrom soc.views.helper import accessfrom soc.views.helper import decoratorsfrom soc.views.helper import dynaformfrom soc.views.helper import listsfrom soc.views.helper import params as params_helperfrom soc.views.helper import redirectsfrom soc.views.helper import responsesfrom soc.views.helper import widgetsfrom soc.views.models import basefrom soc.views.models import student as student_viewimport soc.logic.models.student_proposalclass View(base.View): """View methods for the Student Proposal model. """ def __init__(self, params=None): """Defines the fields and methods required for the base View class to provide the user with list, public, create, edit and delete views. Params: params: a dict with params for this View """ rights = access.Checker(params) rights['create'] = ['checkIsDeveloper'] rights['edit'] = [('checkCanStudentPropose', ['scope_path', False]), ('checkRoleAndStatusForStudentProposal', [['proposer'], ['active'], ['new', 'pending', 'invalid']])] rights['delete'] = ['checkIsDeveloper'] rights['show'] = [ ('checkRoleAndStatusForStudentProposal', [['proposer', 'org_admin', 'mentor', 'host'], ['active', 'inactive'], ['new', 'pending', 'accepted', 'rejected', 'invalid']])] rights['list'] = ['checkIsDeveloper'] rights['list_orgs'] = [ ('checkIsStudent', ['scope_path', ['active']]), ('checkCanStudentPropose', ['scope_path', False])] rights['list_self'] = [ ('checkIsStudent', ['scope_path', ['active', 'inactive']])] rights['apply'] = [ ('checkIsStudent', ['scope_path', ['active']]), ('checkCanStudentPropose', ['scope_path', True])] rights['review'] = [('checkRoleAndStatusForStudentProposal', [['org_admin', 'mentor', 'host'], ['active'], ['new', 'pending', 'invalid']])] new_params = {} new_params['logic'] = soc.logic.models.student_proposal.logic new_params['rights'] = rights new_params['name'] = "Student Proposal" new_params['url_name'] = "student_proposal" new_params['sidebar_grouping'] = 'Students' new_params['scope_view'] = student_view new_params['scope_redirect'] = redirects.getCreateRedirect new_params['no_create_with_key_fields'] = True new_params['list_key_order'] = ['title', 'abstract', 'content', 'additional_info', 'created_on', 'last_modified_on'] patterns = [ (r'^%(url_name)s/(?P<access_type>apply)/%(scope)s$', 'soc.views.models.%(module_name)s.apply', 'Create a new %(name)s'), (r'^%(url_name)s/(?P<access_type>list_self)/%(scope)s$', 'soc.views.models.%(module_name)s.list_self', 'List my %(name_plural)s'), (r'^%(url_name)s/(?P<access_type>list_orgs)/%(scope)s$', 'soc.views.models.%(module_name)s.list_orgs', 'List my %(name_plural)s'), (r'^%(url_name)s/(?P<access_type>review)/%(key_fields)s$', 'soc.views.models.%(module_name)', 'Review %(name)s'), ] new_params['extra_django_patterns'] = patterns new_params['extra_dynaexclude'] = ['org', 'program', 'score', 'status', 'mentor', 'link_id', 'possible_mentors'] new_params['create_extra_dynaproperties'] = { 'content': forms.fields.CharField(required=True, widget=widgets.FullTinyMCE(attrs={'rows': 25, 'cols': 100})), 'scope_path': forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput, required=True), 'organization': forms.CharField(label='Organization Link ID', required=True), 'clean_abstract': cleaning.clean_content_length('abstract'), 'clean_content': cleaning.clean_html_content('content'), 'clean_organization': cleaning.clean_link_id('organization'), 'clean_additional_info': cleaning.clean_url('additional_info'), 'clean': cleaning.validate_student_proposal('organization', 'scope_path', student_logic, org_logic), } new_params['edit_extra_dynaproperties'] = { 'organization': forms.CharField(label='Organization Link ID', widget=widgets.ReadOnlyInput), 'link_id': forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput) } new_params['edit_template'] = 'soc/student_proposal/edit.html' new_params['review_template'] = 'soc/student_proposal/review.html' params = dicts.merge(params, new_params) super(View, self).__init__(params=params) # create the special form for students dynafields = [ {'name': 'organization', 'base': forms.CharField, 'label': 'Organization Link ID', 'widget': widgets.ReadOnlyInput(), 'required': False, }, ] dynaproperties = params_helper.getDynaFields(dynafields) student_create_form = dynaform.extendDynaForm( dynaform=self._params['create_form'], dynaproperties=dynaproperties) self._params['student_create_form'] = student_create_form # create the special form for public review dynafields = [ {'name': 'comment', 'base': forms.CharField, 'widget': widgets.FullTinyMCE(attrs={'rows': 10, 'cols': 40}), 'label': 'Comment', 'required': False, 'example_text': 'Caution, you will not be able to edit your comment!', }, ] dynaproperties = params_helper.getDynaFields(dynafields) dynaproperties['clean_comment'] = cleaning.clean_html_content('comment') public_review_form = dynaform.newDynaForm(dynamodel=None, dynabase=helper.forms.BaseForm, dynainclude=None, dynaexclude=None, dynaproperties=dynaproperties) self._params['public_review_form'] = public_review_form # create the special form for mentors dynafields = [ {'name': 'score', 'base': forms.ChoiceField, 'label': 'Score', 'initial': 0, 'required': False, 'passthrough': ['initial', 'required', 'choices'], 'example_text': 'A score will only be assigned if the review is private!', 'choices': [(-4,'-4: Wow. This. Sucks.'), (-3,'-3: Needs a lot of work'), (-2,'-2: This is bad'), (-1,'-1: I dont like this'), (0,'0: No score'), (1,'1: Might have potential'), (2,'2: Good'), (3,'3: Almost there'), (4,'4: Made. Of. Awesome.')] }, {'name': 'comment', 'base': forms.CharField, 'widget': widgets.FullTinyMCE(attrs={'rows': 10, 'cols': 40}), 'label': 'Comment', 'required': False, 'example_text': 'Caution, you will not be able to edit your review!', }, {'name': 'public', 'base': forms.BooleanField, 'label': 'Review visible to Student', 'initial': False, 'required': False, 'help_text': 'By ticking this box the score will not be assigned, ' 'and the review will be visible to the student.', }, ] dynaproperties = params_helper.getDynaFields(dynafields) dynaproperties['clean_comment'] = cleaning.clean_html_content('comment') mentor_review_form = dynaform.newDynaForm(dynamodel=None, dynabase=helper.forms.BaseForm, dynainclude=None, dynaexclude=None, dynaproperties=dynaproperties) self._params['mentor_review_form'] = mentor_review_form dynafields = [ {'name': 'rank', 'base': forms.IntegerField, 'label': 'Set to rank', 'help_text': 'Set this proposal to the given rank (ignores the given score)', 'example_text': 'A rank will only be assigned if the ' 'review is private!', 'min_value': 1, 'required': False, 'passthrough': ['min_value', 'required', 'help_text'], }, {'name': 'mentor', 'base': widgets.ReferenceField, 'passthrough': ['reference_url', 'required', 'label', 'filter'], 'reference_url': 'mentor', 'filter': ['__org__'], 'label': 'Assign Mentor (Link ID)', 'required': False, 'help_text': 'Fill in the Link ID of the Mentor ' 'you would like to assign to this Proposal. ' 'Leave this box empty if you don\'t want any mentor assigned.', }, ] dynaproperties = params_helper.getDynaFields(dynafields) dynaproperties['clean_comment'] = cleaning.clean_html_content('comment') admin_review_form = dynaform.extendDynaForm(dynaform=mentor_review_form, dynaproperties=dynaproperties) self._params['admin_review_form'] = admin_review_form def _editGet(self, request, entity, form): """See base.View._editGet(). """ form.fields['link_id'].initial = entity.link_id form.fields['organization'].initial = return super(View, self)._editGet(request, entity, form) def _editPost(self, request, entity, fields): """See base.View._editPost(). """ if not entity: fields['link_id'] = 't%i' % (int(time.time()*100)) else: fields['link_id'] = entity.link_id # fill in the scope via call to super super(View, self)._editPost(request, entity, fields) if not entity: # creating a new application so set the program and org field fields['program'] = fields['scope'].scope filter = {'scope': fields['program'], 'link_id': fields['organization']} fields['org'] = org_logic.logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True) # explicitly change the last_modified_on since the content has been edited fields['last_modified_on'] = @decorators.merge_params @decorators.check_access def public(self, request, access_type, page_name=None, params=None, **kwargs): """View in which the student can see and reply to the comments on the Student Proposal. For params see base.view.Public(). """ context = helper.responses.getUniversalContext(request) helper.responses.useJavaScript(context, params['js_uses_all']) context['page_name'] = page_name try: entity = self._logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(kwargs) except out_of_band.Error, error: return helper.responses.errorResponse( error, request, template=params['error_public'], context=context) context['entity'] = entity context['entity_type'] = params['name'] context['entity_type_url'] = params['url_name'] if request.method == 'POST': return self.publicPost(request, context, params, entity, **kwargs) else: # request.method == 'GET' return self.publicGet(request, context, params, entity, **kwargs) def publicPost(self, request, context, params, entity, **kwargs): """Handles the POST request for the entity's public page. Args: entity: the student proposal entity rest: see base.View.public() """ # populate the form using the POST data form = params['public_review_form'](request.POST) if not form.is_valid(): # get some entity specific context self.updatePublicContext(context, entity, params) # return the invalid form response return self._constructResponse(request, entity=entity, context=context, form=form, params=params, template=params['public_template']) # get the commentary fields = form.cleaned_data comment = fields['comment'] if comment: # create a new public review containing the comment user_entity = user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount() if user_entity.key() == entity.scope.user.key(): # student is posting reviewer = entity.scope else: # check if the person commenting is an org_admin # or a mentor for the given proposal fields = {'user': user_entity, 'scope':, 'status': 'active', } reviewer = org_admin_logic.logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True) if not reviewer: # no org_admin found, maybe it's a mentor? reviewer = mentor_logic.logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True) # create the review (reviewer might be None # if a Host or Developer is posting) self._createReviewFor(entity, reviewer, comment, is_public=True) # redirect to the same page return http.HttpResponseRedirect('') def publicGet(self, request, context, params, entity, **kwargs): """Handles the GET request for the entity's public page. Args: entity: the student proposal entity rest see base.View.public() """ from soc.logic.models.review_follower import logic as review_follower_logic get_dict = request.GET if get_dict.get('subscription') and ( get_dict['subscription'] in ['on', 'off']): subscription = get_dict['subscription'] # get the current user user_entity = user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount() # create the fields that should be in the ReviewFollower entity fields = {'link_id': user_entity.link_id, 'scope': entity, 'scope_path': entity.key().id_or_name(), 'user': user_entity } # get the keyname for the ReviewFollower entity key_name = review_follower_logic.getKeyNameFromFields(fields) # determine if we should set subscribed_public to True or False if subscription == 'on': fields['subscribed_public'] = True elif subscription == 'off': fields['subscribed_public'] = False # update the ReviewFollower review_follower_logic.updateOrCreateFromKeyName(fields, key_name) # get some entity specific context self.updatePublicContext(context, entity, params) context['form'] = params['public_review_form']() template = params['public_template'] return responses.respond(request, template, context=context) def updatePublicContext(self, context, entity, params): """Updates the context for the public page with information from the entity. Args: context: the context that should be updated entity: a student proposal_entity used to set context params: dict with params for the view using this context """ from import logic as review_logic from soc.logic.models.review_follower import logic as review_follower_logic student_entity = entity.scope context['student'] = student_entity context['student_name'] = user_entity = user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount() # check if the current user is the student if user_entity.key() == student_entity.user.key(): # show the proposal edit link context['edit_link'] = redirects.getEditRedirect(entity, params) # check if the current user is subscribed to this proposal's public reviews fields = {'user': user_entity, 'scope': entity, 'subscribed_public': True} context['is_subscribed'] = review_follower_logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True) context['public_reviews'] = review_logic.getReviewsForEntity(entity, is_public=True, order=['created']) @decorators.merge_params @decorators.check_access def apply(self, request, access_type, page_name=None, params=None, **kwargs): """Special view used to prepopulate the form with the organization contributors template. For params see base.View.public() """ get_dict = request.GET if get_dict.get('organization'): # organization chosen, prepopulate with template # get the organization student_entity = student_logic.logic.getFromKeyName(kwargs['scope_path']) program_entity = student_entity.scope filter = {'link_id': get_dict['organization'], 'scope': program_entity} org_entity = org_logic.logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True) if org_entity: # organization found use special form params['create_form'] = params['student_create_form'] kwargs['content'] = org_entity.contrib_template # Create page is an edit page with no key fields empty_kwargs = {} fields = self._logic.getKeyFieldNames() for field in fields: empty_kwargs[field] = None return super(View, self).edit(request, access_type, page_name=page_name, params=params, seed=kwargs, **empty_kwargs) @decorators.merge_params @decorators.check_access def edit(self, request, access_type, page_name=None, params=None, seed=None, **kwargs): """If the POST contains (action, Withdraw) the proposal in kwargs will be marked as invalid. For params see base.View.edit() """ # check if request.POST contains action post_dict = request.POST if 'action' in post_dict and post_dict['action'] == 'Withdraw': # withdraw this proposal filter = {'scope_path': kwargs['scope_path'], 'link_id': kwargs['link_id']} proposal_logic = params['logic'] student_proposal_entity = proposal_logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True) reviewer = student_proposal_entity.scope # update the entity mark it as invalid proposal_logic.updateEntityProperties(student_proposal_entity, {'status': 'invalid'}) # redirect to the program's homepage redirect_url = redirects.getHomeRedirect(student_proposal_entity.program, {'url_name': 'program'}) comment = "Student withdrew proposal." self._createReviewFor(student_proposal_entity, reviewer, comment) return http.HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url) return super(View, self).edit(request=request, access_type=access_type, page_name=page_name, params=params, seed=seed, **kwargs) @decorators.merge_params @decorators.check_access def listOrgs(self, request, access_type, page_name=None, params=None, **kwargs): """Lists all organization which the given student can propose to. For params see base.View.public(). """ from soc.views.models import organization as org_view student_entity = student_logic.logic.getFromKeyName(kwargs['scope_path']) filter = {'scope': student_entity.scope, 'status': 'active'} list_params = org_view.view.getParams().copy() list_params['list_description'] = ('List of %(name_plural)s you can send ' 'your proposal to.') % list_params list_params['list_action'] = (redirects.getStudentProposalRedirect, {'student_key': student_entity.key().id_or_name(), 'url_name': params['url_name']}) return self.list(request, access_type=access_type, page_name=page_name, params=list_params, filter=filter, **kwargs) @decorators.merge_params @decorators.check_access def listSelf(self, request, access_type, page_name=None, params=None, **kwargs): """Lists all proposals from the current logged-in user for the given student. For params see base.View.public(). """ context = {} student_entity = student_logic.logic.getFromKeyName(kwargs['scope_path']) filter = {'scope' : student_entity, 'status': ['new', 'pending', 'accepted', 'rejected']} list_params = params.copy() list_params['list_description'] = \ 'List of my %(name_plural)s.' % list_params list_params['list_action'] = (redirects.getPublicRedirect, list_params) valid_list = lists.getListContent( request, list_params, filter, idx=0) ip_params = list_params.copy() # ineligible proposals description = ugettext('List of my ineligible/withdrawn %s.') % ( ip_params['name_plural']) ip_params['list_description'] = description ip_params['list_action'] = (redirects.getPublicRedirect, ip_params) filter = {'scope' : student_entity, 'status': 'invalid'} ip_list = lists.getListContent( request, ip_params, filter, idx=1, need_content=True) contents = [] # fill contents with all the needed lists contents.append(valid_list) if ip_list != None: contents.append(ip_list) # call the _list method from base to display the list return self._list(request, list_params, contents, page_name, context) @decorators.merge_params @decorators.check_access def review(self, request, access_type, page_name=None, params=None, **kwargs): """View that allows Organization Admins and Mentors to review the proposal. For Args see base.View.public(). """ try: entity = self._logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(kwargs) except out_of_band.Error, error: return helper.responses.errorResponse( error, request, template=params['error_public']) # get the context for this webpage context = responses.getUniversalContext(request) responses.useJavaScript(context, params['js_uses_all']) context['page_name'] = '%s "%s" from %s' % (page_name, entity.title, context['entity'] = entity context['entity_type'] = params['name'] context['entity_type_url'] = params['url_name'] # get the roles important for reviewing an application filter = {'user': user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount(), 'scope':, 'status': 'active'} org_admin_entity = org_admin_logic.logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True) mentor_entity = mentor_logic.logic.getForFields(filter, unique=True) # decide which form to use if org_admin_entity: form = params['admin_review_form'] else: form = params['mentor_review_form'] if request.method == 'POST': return self.reviewPost(request, context, params, entity, form, org_admin_entity, mentor_entity, **kwargs) else: # request.method == 'GET' return self.reviewGet(request, context, params, entity, form, org_admin_entity, mentor_entity, **kwargs) def reviewPost(self, request, context, params, entity, form, org_admin, mentor, **kwargs): """Handles the POST request for the proposal review view. Args: entity: the student proposal entity form: the form to use in this view org_admin: org admin entity for the current user/proposal (iff available) mentor: mentor entity for the current user/proposal (iff available) rest: see base.View.public() """ # populate the form using the POST data form = form(request.POST) if not form.is_valid(): # return the invalid form response # get all the extra information that should be in the context review_context = self._getDefaultReviewContext(entity, org_admin, mentor) context = dicts.merge(context, review_context) return self._constructResponse(request, entity=entity, context=context, form=form, params=params, template=params['review_template']) fields = form.cleaned_data is_public = fields['public'] comment = fields['comment'] given_score = int(fields['score']) if org_admin: # org admin found, try to adjust the assigned mentor self._adjustMentor(entity, fields['mentor']) reviewer = org_admin # try to see if the rank is given and adjust the given_score if needed rank = fields['rank'] if rank: ranker = self._logic.getRankerFor(entity) # if a very high rank is filled in use the highest # one that returns a score rank = min(ranker.TotalRankedScores(), rank) # ranker uses zero-based ranking score_and_rank = ranker.FindScore(rank-1) # get the score at the requested rank score_at_rank = score_and_rank[0][0] # calculate the score that should be given to end up at the given rank # give +1 to make sure that in the case of a tie they end up top given_score = score_at_rank - entity.score + 1 else: # might be None (if Host or Developer is commenting) reviewer = mentor # store the properties to update the proposal with properties = {} if reviewer and (not is_public) and (given_score is not 0): # if it is not a public comment and it's made by a member of the # organization we update the score of the proposal new_score = given_score + entity.score properties = {'score': new_score} if comment or (given_score is not 0): # if the proposal is new we change it status to pending if entity.status == 'new': properties['status'] = 'pending' # create the review entity self._createReviewFor(entity, reviewer, comment, given_score, is_public) if properties.values(): # there is something to update self._logic.updateEntityProperties(entity, properties) # redirect to the same page return http.HttpResponseRedirect('') def reviewGet(self, request, context, params, entity, form, org_admin, mentor, **kwargs): """Handles the GET request for the proposal review view. Args: entity: the student proposal entity form: the form to use in this view org_admin: org admin entity for the current user/proposal (iff available) mentor: mentor entity for the current user/proposal (iff available) rest: see base.View.public() """ from soc.logic.models.review_follower import logic as review_follower_logic get_dict = request.GET # check if the current user is a mentor and wants # to change his role for this app choice = get_dict.get('mentor') if mentor and choice: self._adjustPossibleMentors(entity, mentor, choice) ineligible = get_dict.get('ineligible') if org_admin: reviewer = org_admin elif mentor: reviewer = mentor if (org_admin or mentor) and ineligible != None: ineligible = int(ineligible) if ineligible == 1: # mark the proposal invalid and return to the list properties = {'status': 'invalid'} self._logic.updateEntityProperties(entity, properties) redirect = redirects.getListProposalsRedirect(, {'url_name': 'org'}) comment = "Marked Student Proposal as Ineligible." self._createReviewFor(entity, reviewer, comment, is_public=False) return http.HttpResponseRedirect(redirect) elif ineligible == 0: # mark the proposal as new and return to the list properties = {'status': 'new'} self._logic.updateEntityProperties(entity, properties) redirect = redirects.getListProposalsRedirect(, {'url_name': 'org'}) comment = "Marked Student Proposal as Eligible." self._createReviewFor(entity, reviewer, comment, is_public=False) return http.HttpResponseRedirect(redirect) # check if we should change the subscription state for the current user public_subscription = None private_subscription = None if get_dict.get('public_subscription') and ( get_dict['public_subscription'] in ['on', 'off']): public_subscription = get_dict['public_subscription'] == 'on' if get_dict.get('private_subscription') and ( get_dict['private_subscription'] in ['on', 'off']): private_subscription = get_dict['private_subscription'] == 'on' if public_subscription != None or private_subscription != None: # get the current user user_entity = user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount() # create the fields that should be in the ReviewFollower entity fields = {'link_id': user_entity.link_id, 'scope': entity, 'scope_path': entity.key().id_or_name(), 'user': user_entity } # get the keyname for the ReviewFollower entity key_name = review_follower_logic.getKeyNameFromFields(fields) # determine which subscription properties we should change if public_subscription != None: fields['subscribed_public'] = public_subscription if private_subscription != None: fields['subscribed_private'] = private_subscription # update the ReviewFollower review_follower_logic.updateOrCreateFromKeyName(fields, key_name) # set the initial score since the default is ignored initial = {'score': 0} if org_admin and entity.mentor: # set the mentor field to the current mentor initial['mentor'] = entity.mentor.link_id context['form'] = form(initial) # create the special form for mentors comment_public = ['public', 'comment'] comment_private = ['score'] comment_admin = ['rank', 'mentor'] class FilterForm(object): """Helper class used for form filtering. """ def __init__(self, form, fields): self.__form = form self.__fields = fields @property def fields(self): """Property that returns all fields as dictionary.""" fields = self.__form.fields.iteritems() return dict([(k, i) for k, i in fields if k in self.__fields]) def __iter__(self): for field in self.__form: if not in self.__fields: continue yield field _marker = [] def __getattr__(self, key, default=_marker): if default is self._marker: return getattr(self.__form, key) else: return getattr(self.__form, key, default) context['form'] = form(initial) context['comment_public'] = FilterForm(context['form'], comment_public) context['comment_private'] = FilterForm(context['form'], comment_private) context['comment_admin'] = FilterForm(context['form'], comment_admin) # get all the extra information that should be in the context review_context = self._getDefaultReviewContext(entity, org_admin, mentor) context = dicts.merge(context, review_context) template = params['review_template'] return responses.respond(request, template, context=context) def _getDefaultReviewContext(self, entity, org_admin, mentor): """Returns the default context for the review page. Args: entity: Student Proposal entity org_admin: org admin entity for the current user/proposal (iff available) mentor: mentor entity for the current user/proposal (iff available) """ from import logic as review_logic from soc.logic.models.review_follower import logic as review_follower_logic context = {} context['student'] = entity.scope context['student_name'] = if entity.mentor: context['mentor_name'] = else: context['mentor_name'] = "No mentor assigned" # set the possible mentors in the context possible_mentors = entity.possible_mentors if not possible_mentors: context['possible_mentors'] = "None" else: mentor_names = [] for mentor_key in possible_mentors: possible_mentor = mentor_logic.logic.getFromKeyName( mentor_key.id_or_name()) mentor_names.append( context['possible_mentors'] = ', '.join(mentor_names) # order the reviews by ascending creation date order = ['created'] # get the public reviews public_reviews = review_logic.getReviewsForEntity(entity, is_public=True, order=order) # get the private reviews private_reviews = review_logic.getReviewsForEntity(entity, is_public=False, order=order) # store the reviews in the context context['public_reviews'] = public_reviews context['private_reviews'] = private_reviews # create a summary of all the private reviews review_summary = {} for private_review in private_reviews: # make sure there is a reviewer reviewer = private_review.reviewer if not reviewer: continue reviewer_key = reviewer.key() reviewer_summary = review_summary.get(reviewer_key) if reviewer_summary: # we already have something on file for this reviewer old_total_score = reviewer_summary['total_score'] reviewer_summary['total_score'] = old_total_score + private_review.score old_total_comments = reviewer_summary['total_comments'] reviewer_summary['total_comments'] = old_total_comments + 1 else: review_summary[reviewer_key] = { 'name':, 'total_comments': 1, 'total_score': private_review.score} context['review_summary'] = review_summary # which button should we show to the mentor? if mentor: context['is_mentor'] = True if mentor.key() in possible_mentors: # show "No longer willing to mentor" context['remove_me_as_mentor'] = True else: # show "I am willing to mentor" context['add_me_as_mentor'] = True if org_admin: context['is_org_admin'] = True user_entity = user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount() # check if the current user is subscribed to public or private reviews fields = {'scope': entity, 'user': user_entity,} follower_entity = review_follower_logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True) if follower_entity: context['is_subscribed_public'] = follower_entity.subscribed_public context['is_subscribed_private'] = follower_entity.subscribed_private return context def _adjustPossibleMentors(self, entity, mentor, choice): """Adjusts the possible mentors list for a proposal. Args: entity: Student Proposal entity mentor: Mentor entity choice: 1 means want to mentor, 0 do not want to mentor """ possible_mentors = entity.possible_mentors if choice == '1': # add the mentor to possible mentors list if not already in if mentor.key() not in possible_mentors: possible_mentors.append(mentor.key()) fields = {'possible_mentors': possible_mentors} self._logic.updateEntityProperties(entity, fields) elif choice == '0': # remove the mentor from the possible mentors list if mentor.key() in possible_mentors: possible_mentors.remove(mentor.key()) fields = {'possible_mentors': possible_mentors} self._logic.updateEntityProperties(entity, fields) def _adjustMentor(self, entity, mentor_id): """Changes the mentor to the given link_id. Args: entity: Student Proposal entity mentor_id: Link ID of the mentor that needs to be assigned Iff not given then removes the assigned mentor """ if entity.mentor and entity.mentor.link_id == mentor_id: # no need to change return if mentor_id: # try to locate the mentor fields = {'link_id': mentor_id, 'scope':, 'status': 'active'} mentor_entity = mentor_logic.logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True) if not mentor_entity: # no mentor found, do not update return else: # reset to None mentor_entity = None # update the proposal properties = {'mentor': mentor_entity} self._logic.updateEntityProperties(entity, properties) def _createReviewFor(self, entity, reviewer, comment, score=0, is_public=True): """Creates a review for the given proposal and sends out a message to all followers. Args: entity: Student Proposal entity for which the review should be created reviewer: A role entity of the reviewer (if possible, else None) comment: The textual contents of the review score: The score of the review (only used if the review is not public) is_public: Determines if the review is a public review """ from soc.logic.helper import notifications as notifications_helper from import logic as review_logic from soc.logic.models.review_follower import logic as review_follower_logic # create the fields for the review entity fields = {'link_id': 't%i' % (int(time.time()*100)), 'scope': entity, 'scope_path': entity.key().id_or_name(), 'author': user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount(), 'content': comment, 'is_public': is_public, 'reviewer': reviewer } # add the given score if the review is not public if not is_public: fields['score'] = score # create a new Review key_name = review_logic.getKeyNameFromFields(fields) review_entity = review_logic.updateOrCreateFromKeyName(fields, key_name) # get all followers fields = {'scope': entity} if is_public: fields['subscribed_public'] = True else: fields['subscribed_private'] = True followers = review_follower_logic.getForFields(fields) if is_public: # redirect to public page redirect_url = redirects.getPublicRedirect(entity, self._params) else: # redirect to review page redirect_url = redirects.getReviewRedirect(entity, self._params) for follower in followers: # sent to every follower except the reviewer if follower.user.key() != notifications_helper.sendNewReviewNotification(follower.user, review_entity, entity.title, redirect_url)view = View()admin = decorators.view(view.admin)apply = decorators.view(view.apply)create = decorators.view(view.create)delete = decorators.view(view.delete)edit = decorators.view(view.edit)list = decorators.view(view.list)list_orgs = decorators.view(view.listOrgs)list_self = decorators.view(view.listSelf)public = decorators.view(view.public)review = decorators.view( = decorators.view(view.export)pick = decorators.view(view.pick)