author Daniel Bentley <>
Sun, 12 Apr 2009 09:06:45 +0000
changeset 2313 c39a81bce1bd
parent 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
Use offset_linkid instead of offset to scan >1000 entities. this is a first-cut. It works in all the ways I could make earlier versions fail. It passes link_id as URL parameters. It also has a new class LinkCreator which makes the main body of getListContents even easier to write. I wasn't sure if link_id's could have non alphanumeric characters; if so, they need to be URL encoded/decoded. I also need to go and remove any mention of raw offsets now, because we don't use them. I believe I've talked about this approach with a few of you and it sounded reasonable. Feel free to roll-back/fix/amend/comment-for-me-to-fix. This is my first big-logic-change to Melange. Patch by: Dan Bentley

from django.template import loader, RequestContext
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponsePermanentRedirect, HttpResponseGone

def direct_to_template(request, template, extra_context=None, mimetype=None, **kwargs):
    Render a given template with any extra URL parameters in the context as
    ``{{ params }}``.
    if extra_context is None: extra_context = {}
    dictionary = {'params': kwargs}
    for key, value in extra_context.items():
        if callable(value):
            dictionary[key] = value()
            dictionary[key] = value
    c = RequestContext(request, dictionary)
    t = loader.get_template(template)
    return HttpResponse(t.render(c), mimetype=mimetype)

def redirect_to(request, url, **kwargs):
    Redirect to a given URL.

    The given url may contain dict-style string formatting, which will be
    interpolated against the params in the URL.  For example, to redirect from
    ``/foo/<id>/`` to ``/bar/<id>/``, you could use the following URLconf::

        urlpatterns = patterns('',
            ('^foo/(?P<id>\d+)/$', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', {'url' : '/bar/%(id)s/'}),

    If the given url is ``None``, a HttpResponseGone (410) will be issued.
    if url is not None:
        return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(url % kwargs)
        return HttpResponseGone()