author Daniel Bentley <>
Sun, 12 Apr 2009 09:06:45 +0000
changeset 2313 c39a81bce1bd
parent 54 03e267d67478
permissions -rw-r--r--
Use offset_linkid instead of offset to scan >1000 entities. this is a first-cut. It works in all the ways I could make earlier versions fail. It passes link_id as URL parameters. It also has a new class LinkCreator which makes the main body of getListContents even easier to write. I wasn't sure if link_id's could have non alphanumeric characters; if so, they need to be URL encoded/decoded. I also need to go and remove any mention of raw offsets now, because we don't use them. I believe I've talked about this approach with a few of you and it sounded reasonable. Feel free to roll-back/fix/amend/comment-for-me-to-fix. This is my first big-logic-change to Melange. Patch by: Dan Bentley


color_names = ('black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white')
foreground = dict([(color_names[x], '3%s' % x) for x in range(8)])
background = dict([(color_names[x], '4%s' % x) for x in range(8)])
del color_names

RESET = '0'
opt_dict = {'bold': '1', 'underscore': '4', 'blink': '5', 'reverse': '7', 'conceal': '8'}

def colorize(text='', opts=(), **kwargs):
    Returns your text, enclosed in ANSI graphics codes.

    Depends on the keyword arguments 'fg' and 'bg', and the contents of
    the opts tuple/list.

    Returns the RESET code if no parameters are given.

    Valid colors:
        'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white'

    Valid options:
        'noreset' - string will not be auto-terminated with the RESET code

        colorize('hello', fg='red', bg='blue', opts=('blink',))
        colorize('goodbye', opts=('underscore',))
        print colorize('first line', fg='red', opts=('noreset',))
        print 'this should be red too'
        print colorize('and so should this')
        print 'this should not be red'
    text = str(text)
    code_list = []
    if text == '' and len(opts) == 1 and opts[0] == 'reset':
        return '\x1b[%sm' % RESET
    for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
        if k == 'fg':
        elif k == 'bg':
    for o in opts:
        if o in opt_dict:
    if 'noreset' not in opts:
        text = text + '\x1b[%sm' % RESET
    return ('\x1b[%sm' % ';'.join(code_list)) + text

def make_style(opts=(), **kwargs):
    Returns a function with default parameters for colorize()

        bold_red = make_style(opts=('bold',), fg='red')
        print bold_red('hello')
        KEYWORD = make_style(fg='yellow')
        COMMENT = make_style(fg='blue', opts=('bold',))
    return lambda text: colorize(text, opts, **kwargs)