Fixed a typo in the example for network info
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
#!/usr/bin/env python## Copyright 2007 Google Inc.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License.#"""URL downloading API.Methods defined in this module: Fetch(): fetchs a given URL using an HTTP GET or POST"""import osimport UserDictimport urllib2import urlparsefrom google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_mapfrom google.appengine.api import urlfetch_service_pbfrom google.appengine.api.urlfetch_errors import *from google.appengine.runtime import apiproxy_errorsMAX_REDIRECTS = 5GET = 1POST = 2HEAD = 3PUT = 4DELETE = 5_URL_STRING_MAP = { 'GET': GET, 'POST': POST, 'HEAD': HEAD, 'PUT': PUT, 'DELETE': DELETE,}_VALID_METHODS = frozenset(_URL_STRING_MAP.values())class _CaselessDict(UserDict.IterableUserDict): """Case insensitive dictionary. This class was lifted from and slightly modified. """ def __init__(self): UserDict.IterableUserDict.__init__(self) self.caseless_keys = {} def __setitem__(self, key, item): """Set dictionary item. Args: key: Key of new item. Key is case insensitive, so "d['Key'] = value " will replace previous values set by "d['key'] = old_value". item: Item to store. """ caseless_key = key.lower() if caseless_key in self.caseless_keys: del[self.caseless_keys[caseless_key]] self.caseless_keys[caseless_key] = key[key] = item def __getitem__(self, key): """Get dictionary item. Args: key: Key of item to get. Key is case insensitive, so "d['Key']" is the same as "d['key']". Returns: Item associated with key. """ return[self.caseless_keys[key.lower()]] def __delitem__(self, key): """Remove item from dictionary. Args: key: Key of item to remove. Key is case insensitive, so "del d['Key']" is the same as "del d['key']" """ caseless_key = key.lower() del[self.caseless_keys[caseless_key]] del self.caseless_keys[caseless_key] def has_key(self, key): """Determine if dictionary has item with specific key. Args: key: Key to check for presence. Key is case insensitive, so "d.has_key('Key')" evaluates to the same value as "d.has_key('key')". Returns: True if dictionary contains key, else False. """ return key.lower() in self.caseless_keys def __contains__(self, key): """Same as 'has_key', but used for 'in' operator.'""" return self.has_key(key) def get(self, key, failobj=None): """Get dictionary item, defaulting to another value if it does not exist. Args: key: Key of item to get. Key is case insensitive, so "d['Key']" is the same as "d['key']". failobj: Value to return if key not in dictionary. """ try: cased_key = self.caseless_keys[key.lower()] except KeyError: return failobj return[cased_key] def update(self, dict=None, **kwargs): """Update dictionary using values from another dictionary and keywords. Args: dict: Dictionary to update from. kwargs: Keyword arguments to update from. """ if dict: try: keys = dict.keys() except AttributeError: for k, v in dict: self[k] = v else: for k in keys: self[k] = dict[k] if kwargs: self.update(kwargs) def copy(self): """Make a shallow, case sensitive copy of self.""" return dict(self)def _is_fetching_self(url, method): """Checks if the fetch is for the same URL from which it originated. Args: url: str, The URL being fetched. method: value from _VALID_METHODS. Returns: boolean indicating whether or not it seems that the app is trying to fetch itself. """ if (method != GET or "HTTP_HOST" not in os.environ or "PATH_INFO" not in os.environ): return False scheme, host_port, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url) if host_port == os.environ['HTTP_HOST']: current_path = urllib2.unquote(os.environ['PATH_INFO']) desired_path = urllib2.unquote(path) if (current_path == desired_path or (current_path in ('', '/') and desired_path in ('', '/'))): return True return Falsedef fetch(url, payload=None, method=GET, headers={}, allow_truncated=False, follow_redirects=True): """Fetches the given HTTP URL, blocking until the result is returned. Other optional parameters are: method: GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, or DELETE payload: POST or PUT payload (implies method is not GET, HEAD, or DELETE) headers: dictionary of HTTP headers to send with the request allow_truncated: if true, truncate large responses and return them without error. otherwise, ResponseTooLargeError will be thrown when a response is truncated. follow_redirects: if true (the default), redirects are transparently followed and the response (if less than 5 redirects) contains the final destination's payload and the response status is 200. You lose, however, the redirect chain information. If false, you see the HTTP response yourself, including the 'Location' header, and redirects are not followed. We use a HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy to fetch the result. The returned data structure has the following fields: content: string containing the response from the server status_code: HTTP status code returned by the server headers: dictionary of headers returned by the server If the URL is an empty string or obviously invalid, we throw an urlfetch.InvalidURLError. If the server cannot be contacted, we throw a urlfetch.DownloadError. Note that HTTP errors are returned as a part of the returned structure, so HTTP errors like 404 do not result in an exception. """ if isinstance(method, basestring): method = method.upper() method = _URL_STRING_MAP.get(method, method) if method not in _VALID_METHODS: raise InvalidMethodError('Invalid method %s.' % str(method)) if _is_fetching_self(url, method): raise InvalidURLError("App cannot fetch the same URL as the one used for " "the request.") request = urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchRequest() response = urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchResponse() request.set_url(url) if method == GET: request.set_method(urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchRequest.GET) elif method == POST: request.set_method(urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchRequest.POST) elif method == HEAD: request.set_method(urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchRequest.HEAD) elif method == PUT: request.set_method(urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchRequest.PUT) elif method == DELETE: request.set_method(urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchRequest.DELETE) if payload and (method == POST or method == PUT): request.set_payload(payload) for key, value in headers.iteritems(): header_proto = request.add_header() header_proto.set_key(key) header_proto.set_value(str(value)) request.set_followredirects(follow_redirects) try: apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall('urlfetch', 'Fetch', request, response) except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e: if (e.application_error == urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchServiceError.INVALID_URL): raise InvalidURLError(str(e)) if (e.application_error == urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchServiceError.UNSPECIFIED_ERROR): raise DownloadError(str(e)) if (e.application_error == urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchServiceError.FETCH_ERROR): raise DownloadError(str(e)) if (e.application_error == urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchServiceError.RESPONSE_TOO_LARGE): raise ResponseTooLargeError(None) if (e.application_error == urlfetch_service_pb.URLFetchServiceError.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED): raise DownloadError(str(e)) raise e result = _URLFetchResult(response) if not allow_truncated and response.contentwastruncated(): raise ResponseTooLargeError(result) return resultFetch = fetchclass _URLFetchResult(object): """A Pythonic representation of our fetch response protocol buffer.""" def __init__(self, response_proto): self.__pb = response_proto self.content = response_proto.content() self.status_code = response_proto.statuscode() self.content_was_truncated = response_proto.contentwastruncated() self.headers = _CaselessDict() for header_proto in response_proto.header_list(): self.headers[header_proto.key()] = header_proto.value()