Support HTML tags in form field example_text column.
Improve the Program Model example_text as an example.
Patch by: Todd Larsen
Review by: to-be-reviewed
#!/usr/bin/python2.5## Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""This module defines classes and functions for Dynamic Forms."""__authors__ = [ '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>', ]from google.appengine.ext.db import djangoformsfrom soc.logic import dictsclass DynaFormMetaclass(djangoforms.ModelFormMetaclass): """The DynaForm Meta class, adding support for dynamically defined fields. The new DynaForm class that is created by class function is very similar to one created by the regular djangoforms.ModelFormMetaclass. The only difference is that is the form class has a Meta property, it's 'dynaconf' field will be used to define additional properties in the form class. The 'dynaconf' field (if present), is expected to be iterable as a dictionary (with iteritems). The keys are used as the property names, and the values are used as the property value. """ def __new__(cls, class_name, bases, attrs): """See djangoforms.ModelFormMetaclass on how the __new__ method is used, for an explanation on how this class modifies the default behavior, see the DynaFormMetaclass's docstring. """ # Retrieve the Meta class, if present meta = attrs.get('Meta', None) conf = None # Try to retrieve the dynaconf property if meta: conf = getattr(meta, 'dynaconf', None) # When found, extend the form's attribute's with the specified ones if conf: for key, value in conf.iteritems(): attrs[key] = value # Leave the rest to djangoforms.ModelFormMetaclass. return super(DynaFormMetaclass, cls).__new__(cls, class_name, bases, attrs)def newDynaForm(dynamodel=None, dynabase=None, dynainclude=None, dynaexclude=None, dynafields=None): """Creates a new form DynaForm class. The returned class extends dynabase, but with the following additions: * It has a Meta class with the 'model', 'include', and 'exclude' fields set as specified by newDynaForm's keyword arguments. * It's __metaclass__ is set to DynaFormMetaclass (which inherits from the default djangoforms.ModelFormMetaclass). * The Meta class has an additional dynaconf field which is set to the dyanfields keyword argument passed to newDynaForm. See DynaFormMetaclass for an explanation on how the dynafields property is used to construct the DynaForm class. """ class DynaForm(dynabase): """The dynamically created Form class """ __metaclass__ = DynaFormMetaclass class Meta: """Inner Meta class that defines some behavior for the form. """ model = dynamodel include = dynainclude exclude = dynaexclude dynaconf = dynafields return DynaFormdef extendDynaForm(dynaform, dynainclude=None, dynaexclude=None, dynafields=None): """Extends an existing dynaform. If any of dynainclude, dynaexclude or dynafields are not present, they are retrieved from dynaform (if present in it's Meta class). While it is rather useles to extend from a dynaform that does not have a Meta class, it is allowed, the resulting DynaForm is the same as if newDynaForm was called with all extendDynForm's keyword arguments. """ # Try to retrieve the Meta class from the existing dynaform meta = getattr(dynaform, 'Meta', None) # If we find one, we can use it to 'extend' from if meta: dynamodel = getattr(meta, 'model', None) if not dynainclude: dynainclude = getattr(meta, 'include', None) if not dynaexclude: dynaexclude = getattr(meta, 'exclude', None) # The most intersting parameter, the 'extra fields' dictionary dynaconf = getattr(meta, 'dynaconf', {}) if not dynafields: dynafields = dynaconf else: dicts.merge(dynafields, dynaconf) # Create a new DynaForm, using the properties we extracted return newDynaForm( dynamodel=dynamodel, dynabase=dynaform, dynainclude=dynainclude, dynaexclude=dynaexclude, dynafields=dynafields)