author Lennard de Rijk <>
Sun, 01 Feb 2009 23:36:50 +0000
changeset 1169 c0294f3c28db
parent 109 620f9b141567
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Set the right field type in user_self to overcome confusion. Also reverted a template change. Patch by: Lennard de Rijk Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed

>>> floatformat(7.7)
>>> floatformat(7.0)
>>> floatformat(0.7)
>>> floatformat(0.07)
>>> floatformat(0.007)
>>> floatformat(0.0)
>>> floatformat(7.7,3)
>>> floatformat(6.000000,3)
>>> floatformat(13.1031,-3)
>>> floatformat(11.1197, -2)
>>> floatformat(11.0000, -2)
>>> floatformat(11.000001, -2)
>>> floatformat(8.2798, 3)
>>> floatformat('foo')
>>> floatformat(13.1031, 'bar')
>>> floatformat('foo', 'bar')

>>> addslashes('"double quotes" and \'single quotes\'')
'\\"double quotes\\" and \\\'single quotes\\\''

>>> addslashes(r'\ : backslashes, too')
'\\\\ : backslashes, too'

>>> capfirst('hello world')
'Hello world'

>>> fix_ampersands('Jack & Jill & Jeroboam')
'Jack &amp; Jill &amp; Jeroboam'

>>> linenumbers('line 1\nline 2')
'1. line 1\n2. line 2'

>>> linenumbers('\n'.join(['x'] * 10))
'01. x\n02. x\n03. x\n04. x\n05. x\n06. x\n07. x\n08. x\n09. x\n10. x'

>>> lower('TEST')

>>> lower(u'\xcb') # uppercase E umlaut

>>> make_list('abc')
['a', 'b', 'c']

>>> make_list(1234)
['1', '2', '3', '4']

>>> slugify(' Jack & Jill like numbers 1,2,3 and 4 and silly characters ?%.$!/')

>>> stringformat(1, '03d')

>>> stringformat(1, 'z')

>>> title('a nice title, isn\'t it?')
"A Nice Title, Isn't It?"

>>> truncatewords('A sentence with a few words in it', 1)
'A ...'

>>> truncatewords('A sentence with a few words in it', 5)
'A sentence with a few ...'

>>> truncatewords('A sentence with a few words in it', 100)
'A sentence with a few words in it'

>>> truncatewords('A sentence with a few words in it', 'not a number')
'A sentence with a few words in it'

>>> truncatewords_html('<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>', 0) 
>>> truncatewords_html('<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>', 2) 
'<p>one <a href="#">two ...</a></p>'
>>> truncatewords_html('<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>', 4) 
'<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four ...</a></p>'

>>> truncatewords_html('<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>', 5) 
'<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>'

>>> truncatewords_html('<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>', 100) 
'<p>one <a href="#">two - three <br>four</a> five</p>'

>>> upper('Mixed case input')

>>> upper(u'\xeb') # lowercase e umlaut

>>> urlencode('jack & jill')
>>> urlencode(1)

>>> urlizetrunc('', 20)
'<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'

>>> urlizetrunc('', 20)
'<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'

>>> wordcount('')

>>> wordcount('oneword')

>>> wordcount('lots of words')

>>> wordwrap('this is a long paragraph of text that really needs to be wrapped I\'m afraid', 14)
"this is a long\nparagraph of\ntext that\nreally needs\nto be wrapped\nI'm afraid"

>>> wordwrap('this is a short paragraph of text.\n  But this line should be indented',14)
'this is a\nshort\nparagraph of\ntext.\n  But this\nline should be\nindented'

>>> wordwrap('this is a short paragraph of text.\n  But this line should be indented',15)
'this is a short\nparagraph of\ntext.\n  But this line\nshould be\nindented'

>>> ljust('test', 10)
'test      '

>>> ljust('test', 3)

>>> rjust('test', 10)
'      test'

>>> rjust('test', 3)

>>> center('test', 6)
' test '

>>> cut('a string to be mangled', 'a')
' string to be mngled'

>>> cut('a string to be mangled', 'ng')
'a stri to be maled'

>>> cut('a string to be mangled', 'strings')
'a string to be mangled'

>>> escape('<some html & special characters > here')
'&lt;some html &amp; special characters &gt; here'

>>> linebreaks('line 1')
'<p>line 1</p>'

>>> linebreaks('line 1\nline 2')
'<p>line 1<br />line 2</p>'

>>> removetags('some <b>html</b> with <script>alert("You smell")</script> disallowed <img /> tags', 'script img')
'some <b>html</b> with alert("You smell") disallowed  tags'

>>> striptags('some <b>html</b> with <script>alert("You smell")</script> disallowed <img /> tags')
'some html with alert("You smell") disallowed  tags'

>>> dictsort([{'age': 23, 'name': 'Barbara-Ann'},
...           {'age': 63, 'name': 'Ra Ra Rasputin'},
...           {'name': 'Jonny B Goode', 'age': 18}], 'age')
[{'age': 18, 'name': 'Jonny B Goode'}, {'age': 23, 'name': 'Barbara-Ann'}, {'age': 63, 'name': 'Ra Ra Rasputin'}]

>>> dictsortreversed([{'age': 23, 'name': 'Barbara-Ann'},
...           {'age': 63, 'name': 'Ra Ra Rasputin'},
...           {'name': 'Jonny B Goode', 'age': 18}], 'age')
[{'age': 63, 'name': 'Ra Ra Rasputin'}, {'age': 23, 'name': 'Barbara-Ann'}, {'age': 18, 'name': 'Jonny B Goode'}]

>>> first([0,1,2])

>>> first('')

>>> first('test')

>>> join([0,1,2], 'glue')

>>> length('1234')

>>> length([1,2,3,4])

>>> length_is([], 0)

>>> length_is([], 1)

>>> length_is('a', 1)

>>> length_is('a', 10)

>>> slice_('abcdefg', '0')

>>> slice_('abcdefg', '1')

>>> slice_('abcdefg', '-1')

>>> slice_('abcdefg', '1:2')

>>> slice_('abcdefg', '1:3')

>>> slice_('abcdefg', '0::2')

>>> unordered_list(['item 1', []])
'\t<li>item 1</li>'

>>> unordered_list(['item 1', [['item 1.1', []]]])
'\t<li>item 1\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>item 1.1</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>'

>>> unordered_list(['item 1', [['item 1.1', []], ['item 1.2', []]]])
'\t<li>item 1\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>item 1.1</li>\n\t\t<li>item 1.2</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>'

>>> add('1', '2')

>>> get_digit(123, 1)

>>> get_digit(123, 2)

>>> get_digit(123, 3)

>>> get_digit(123, 4)

>>> get_digit(123, 0)

>>> get_digit('xyz', 0)

# real testing of date() is in
>>> date(datetime.datetime(2005, 12, 29), "d F Y")
'29 December 2005'
>>> date(datetime.datetime(2005, 12, 29), r'jS o\f F')
'29th of December'

# real testing of time() is done in
>>> time(datetime.time(13), "h")

>>> time(datetime.time(0), "h")

# real testing is done in, where we can provide our own 'now'
>>> timesince( - datetime.timedelta(1))
'1 day'

>>> default("val", "default")

>>> default(None, "default")

>>> default('', "default")

>>> default_if_none("val", "default")

>>> default_if_none(None, "default")

>>> default_if_none('', "default")

>>> divisibleby(4, 2)

>>> divisibleby(4, 3)

>>> yesno(True)

>>> yesno(False)

>>> yesno(None)

>>> yesno(True, 'certainly,get out of town,perhaps')

>>> yesno(False, 'certainly,get out of town,perhaps')
'get out of town'

>>> yesno(None, 'certainly,get out of town,perhaps')

>>> yesno(None, 'certainly,get out of town')
'get out of town'

>>> filesizeformat(1023)
'1023 bytes'

>>> filesizeformat(1024)
'1.0 KB'

>>> filesizeformat(10*1024)
'10.0 KB'

>>> filesizeformat(1024*1024-1)
'1024.0 KB'

>>> filesizeformat(1024*1024)
'1.0 MB'

>>> filesizeformat(1024*1024*50)
'50.0 MB'

>>> filesizeformat(1024*1024*1024-1)
'1024.0 MB'

>>> filesizeformat(1024*1024*1024)
'1.0 GB'

>>> pluralize(1)

>>> pluralize(0)

>>> pluralize(2)

>>> pluralize([1])

>>> pluralize([])

>>> pluralize([1,2,3])

>>> pluralize(1,'es')

>>> pluralize(0,'es')

>>> pluralize(2,'es')

>>> pluralize(1,'y,ies')

>>> pluralize(0,'y,ies')

>>> pluralize(2,'y,ies')

>>> pluralize(0,'y,ies,error')

>>> phone2numeric('0800 flowers')
'0800 3569377'

# Filters shouldn't break if passed non-strings
>>> addslashes(123)
>>> linenumbers(123)
'1. 123'
>>> lower(123)
>>> make_list(123)
['1', '2', '3']
>>> slugify(123)
>>> title(123)
>>> truncatewords(123, 2)
>>> upper(123)
>>> urlencode(123)
>>> urlize(123)
>>> urlizetrunc(123, 1)
>>> wordcount(123)
>>> wordwrap(123, 2)
>>> ljust('123', 4)
'123 '
>>> rjust('123', 4)
' 123'
>>> center('123', 5)
' 123 '
>>> center('123', 6)
' 123  '
>>> cut(123, '2')
>>> escape(123)
>>> linebreaks(123)
>>> linebreaksbr(123)
>>> removetags(123, 'a')
>>> striptags(123)


from django.template.defaultfilters import *
import datetime

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest