Changes in tags are saved to the data store.
Also, when a task is created, its arbit tags are stored. Issue 696 fixed.
/** @constructor */
function Zop() {
Foo = function(id) {
// this is a bit twisted, but if you call Foo() you will then
// modify Foo(). This is kinda, sorta non-insane, because you
// would have to call Foo() 100% of the time to use Foo's methods
Foo.prototype.methodOne = function(bar) {
// same again
Foo.prototype.methodTwo = function(bar2) {
// and these are only executed if the enclosing function is actually called
// and who knows if that will ever happen?
Bar = function(pez) {
Zop.prototype.zap = function(p){
// but this is only visible inside Foo
function inner() {