Changes in tags are saved to the data store.
Also, when a task is created, its arbit tags are stored. Issue 696 fixed.
JSDOC.TextStream = function(text) {
if (typeof(text) == "undefined") text = "";
text = ""+text;
this.text = text;
this.cursor = 0;
JSDOC.TextStream.prototype.look = function(n) {
if (typeof n == "undefined") n = 0;
if (this.cursor+n < 0 || this.cursor+n >= this.text.length) {
var result = new String("");
result.eof = true;
return result;
return this.text.charAt(this.cursor+n);
} = function(n) {
if (typeof n == "undefined") n = 1;
if (n < 1) return null;
var pulled = "";
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (this.cursor+i < this.text.length) {
pulled += this.text.charAt(this.cursor+i);
else {
var result = new String("");
result.eof = true;
return result;
this.cursor += n;
return pulled;