Changes in tags are saved to the data store.
Also, when a task is created, its arbit tags are stored. Issue 696 fixed.
/** @namespace */Opt = { /** * Get commandline option values. * @param {Array} args Commandline arguments. Like ["-a=xml", "-b", "--class=new", "--debug"] * @param {object} optNames Map short names to long names. Like {a:"accept", b:"backtrace", c:"class", d:"debug"}. * @return {object} Short names and values. Like {a:"xml", b:true, c:"new", d:true} */ get: function(args, optNames) { var opt = {"_": []}; // the unnamed option allows multiple values for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { var arg = new String(args[i]); var name; var value; if (arg.charAt(0) == "-") { if (arg.charAt(1) == "-") { // it's a longname like --foo arg = arg.substring(2); var m = arg.split("="); name = m.shift(); value = m.shift(); if (typeof value == "undefined") value = true; for (var n in optNames) { // convert it to a shortname if (name == optNames[n]) { name = n; } } } else { // it's a shortname like -f arg = arg.substring(1); var m = arg.split("="); name = m.shift(); value = m.shift(); if (typeof value == "undefined") value = true; for (var n in optNames) { // find the matching key if (name == n || name+'[]' == n) { name = n; break; } } } if (name.match(/(.+)\[\]$/)) { // it's an array type like n[] name = RegExp.$1; if (!opt[name]) opt[name] = []; } if (opt[name] && opt[name].push) { opt[name].push(value); } else { opt[name] = value; } } else { // not associated with any optname opt._.push(args[i]); } } return opt; }}/*t: plan(11, "Testing Opt."); is( typeof Opt, "object", "Opt is an object." ); is( typeof Opt.get, "function", "Opt.get is a function." ); var optNames = {a:"accept", b:"backtrace", c:"class", d:"debug", "e[]":"exceptions"}; var t_options = Opt.get(["-a=xml", "-b", "--class=new", "--debug", "-e=one", "-e=two", "foo", "bar"], optNames); is( t_options.a, "xml", "an option defined with a short name can be accessed by its short name." ); is( t_options.b, true, "an option defined with a short name and no value are true." ); is( t_options.c, "new", "an option defined with a long name can be accessed by its short name." ); is( t_options.d, true, "an option defined with a long name and no value are true." ); is( typeof t_options.e, "object", "an option that can accept multiple values is defined." ); is( t_options.e.length, 2, "an option that can accept multiple values can have more than one value." ); is( t_options.e[1], "two", "an option that can accept multiple values can be accessed as an array." ); is( typeof t_options._, "object", "the property '_' is defined for unnamed options." ); is( t_options._[0], "foo", "the property '_' can be accessed as an array." ); */