author Daniel Hans <>
Tue, 03 Nov 2009 17:07:10 +0100
changeset 3078 bd001e9ab9d4
parent 3076 11d5fa052ad1
child 3079 c491d96dce2c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Lists of student tasks view does not use pagination. Also some minor stylish issues fixed.

# Copyright 2009 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""GHOP specific views for Student.

__authors__ = [
    '"Madhusudan.C.S" <>',
    '"Daniel Hans" <>',
    '"Lennard de Rijk" <>',

from django.utils.translation import ugettext

from soc.logic import dicts
from soc.logic.models import user as user_logic

from soc.views.helper import decorators
from soc.views.helper import dynaform
from soc.views.helper import lists
from soc.views.helper import redirects
from soc.views.models import student

from soc.modules.ghop.logic.models import mentor as ghop_mentor_logic
from soc.modules.ghop.logic.models import organization as ghop_org_logic
from soc.modules.ghop.logic.models import org_admin as ghop_org_admin_logic
from soc.modules.ghop.logic.models import program as ghop_program_logic
from soc.modules.ghop.logic.models import student as ghop_student_logic
from soc.modules.ghop.logic.models import task as ghop_task_logic
from soc.modules.ghop.views.helper import access as ghop_access
from soc.modules.ghop.views.models import program as ghop_program_view
from soc.modules.ghop.views.models import task as ghop_task_view

import soc.modules.ghop.logic.models.student

class View(student.View):
  """View methods for the GHOP Student model.

  DEF_STUDENT_TASKS_MSG_FMT = ugettext('Your tasks for %s.')

  def __init__(self, params=None):
    """Defines the fields and methods required for the student View class
    to provide the user with list, public, create, edit and delete views.

      params: a dict with params for this View

    patterns = []
    patterns += [
        'List Student tasks')]

    rights = ghop_access.GHOPChecker(params)
    rights['edit'] = [('checkIsMyActiveRole', ghop_student_logic.logic)]
    rights['apply'] = [
        ('checkIsActivePeriod', ['student_signup', 'scope_path']),
        [ghop_student_logic.logic, ghop_org_admin_logic.logic,
    rights['manage'] = [('checkIsMyActiveRole', ghop_student_logic.logic)]
    rights['list_student_tasks'] = [('checkHasActiveRoleForScope',

    new_params = {}
    new_params['logic'] = soc.modules.ghop.logic.models.student.logic
    new_params['rights'] = rights

    new_params['group_logic'] = ghop_program_logic.logic
    new_params['group_view'] = ghop_program_view.view

    new_params['scope_view'] = ghop_program_view

    new_params['name'] = "GHOP Student"
    new_params['module_name'] = "student"
    new_params['sidebar_grouping'] = 'Students'

    new_params['module_package'] = 'soc.modules.ghop.views.models'
    new_params['url_name'] = 'ghop/student'

    new_params['extra_django_patterns'] = patterns

    params = dicts.merge(params, new_params, sub_merge=True)

    super(View, self).__init__(params=params)

  def listStudentTasks(self, request, access_type, page_name=None,
                       params=None, **kwargs):
    """Displays a list of all tasks for a given student.

    See base.View.list() for more details.

    # obtain program entity based on request params
    program = ghop_program_logic.logic.getFromKeyNameOr404(

    user_account = user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount()

    filter = {
        'user': user_account,
        'program': program

    tasks = ghop_task_logic.logic.getForFields(filter=filter)

    tasks_by_orgs = {}
    for task in tasks:
      key = task.scope.key().id_or_name()
      if key in tasks_by_orgs:
        tasks_by_orgs[key] = (, [task])

    contents = []
    context = {}

    st_params = ghop_task_view.view.getParams().copy()
    st_params['list_template'] = 'soc/models/list.html'
    st_params['list_heading'] = 'modules/ghop/task/list/heading.html'
    st_params['list_row'] = 'modules/ghop/task/list/row.html'
    st_params['list_action'] = (redirects.getPublicRedirect, st_params)

    st_org_params = st_params.copy()
    for k, v in tasks_by_orgs.iteritems():
      st_org_params['list_description'] = self.DEF_STUDENT_TASKS_MSG_FMT % v[0]

      st_org_list = self._listStudentTasks(tasks_by_orgs[k][1], st_org_params)


    return self._list(request, st_params, contents, page_name, context)

  def _listStudentTasks(self, data, params):
    """Returns a list with all entities specified in data.

    result = dicts.rename(params, params['list_params'])
    result['action'] = (redirects.getPublicRedirect, params)
    result['data'] = data
    result['pagination'] = 'soc/list/no_pagination.html'

    return result

view = View()

apply = decorators.view(view.apply)
create = decorators.view(view.create)
delete = decorators.view(view.delete)
edit = decorators.view(view.edit)
list = decorators.view(view.list)
list_student_tasks = decorators.view(view.listStudentTasks)
manage = decorators.view(view.manage)
public = decorators.view(view.public)
export = decorators.view(view.export)