Added GradingSurveyGroup update to the Module Conversion.
#!/usr/bin/env python## Copyright 2007 Google Inc.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License.#"""Sends email on behalf of application.Provides functions for application developers to provide email servicesfor their applications. Also provides a few utility methods."""import emailfrom email import MIMEBasefrom email import MIMEMultipartfrom email import MIMETextimport loggingfrom google.appengine.api import api_base_pbfrom google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_mapfrom google.appengine.api import mail_service_pbfrom google.appengine.api import usersfrom google.appengine.api.mail_errors import *from google.appengine.runtime import apiproxy_errorsERROR_MAP = { mail_service_pb.MailServiceError.BAD_REQUEST: BadRequestError, mail_service_pb.MailServiceError.UNAUTHORIZED_SENDER: InvalidSenderError, mail_service_pb.MailServiceError.INVALID_ATTACHMENT_TYPE: InvalidAttachmentTypeError,}EXTENSION_MIME_MAP = { 'asc': 'text/plain', 'bmp': 'image/x-ms-bmp', 'css': 'text/css', 'csv': 'text/csv', 'diff': 'text/plain', 'gif': 'image/gif', 'htm': 'text/html', 'html': 'text/html', 'ics': 'text/calendar', 'jpe': 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg': 'image/jpeg', 'jpg': 'image/jpeg', 'pdf': 'application/pdf', 'png': 'image/png', 'pot': 'text/plain', 'rss': 'text/rss+xml', 'text': 'text/plain', 'tif': 'image/tiff', 'tiff': 'image/tiff', 'txt': 'text/plain', 'vcf': 'text/directory', 'wbmp': 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp', }EXTENSION_WHITELIST = frozenset(EXTENSION_MIME_MAP.iterkeys())def invalid_email_reason(email_address, field): """Determine reason why email is invalid. Args: email_address: Email to check. field: Field that is invalid. Returns: String indicating invalid email reason if there is one, else None. """ if email_address is None: return 'None email address for %s.' % field if isinstance(email_address, users.User): email_address = if not isinstance(email_address, basestring): return 'Invalid email address type for %s.' % field stripped_address = email_address.strip() if not stripped_address: return 'Empty email address for %s.' % field return NoneInvalidEmailReason = invalid_email_reasondef is_email_valid(email_address): """Determine if email is invalid. Args: email_address: Email to check. Returns: True if email is valid, else False. """ return invalid_email_reason(email_address, '') is NoneIsEmailValid = is_email_validdef check_email_valid(email_address, field): """Check that email is valid. Args: email_address: Email to check. field: Field to check. Raises: InvalidEmailError if email_address is invalid. """ reason = invalid_email_reason(email_address, field) if reason is not None: raise InvalidEmailError(reason)CheckEmailValid = check_email_validdef _email_check_and_list(emails, field): """Generate a list of emails. Args: emails: Single email or list of emails. Returns: Sequence of email addresses. Raises: InvalidEmailError if any email addresses are invalid. """ if isinstance(emails, types.StringTypes): check_email_valid(value) else: for address in iter(emails): check_email_valid(address, field)def _email_sequence(emails): """Forces email to be sequenceable type. Iterable values are returned as is. This function really just wraps the case where there is a single email string. Args: emails: Emails (or email) to coerce to sequence. Returns: Single tuple with email in it if only one email string provided, else returns emails as is. """ if isinstance(emails, basestring): return emails, return emailsdef _attachment_sequence(attachments): """Forces attachments to be sequenceable type. Iterable values are returned as is. This function really just wraps the case where there is a single attachment. Args: attachments: Attachments (or attachment) to coerce to sequence. Returns: Single tuple with attachment tuple in it if only one attachment provided, else returns attachments as is. """ if len(attachments) == 2 and isinstance(attachments[0], basestring): return attachments, return attachmentsdef _parse_mime_message(mime_message): """Helper function converts a mime_message in to email.Message.Message. Args: mime_message: MIME Message, string or file containing mime message. Returns: Instance of email.Message.Message. Will return mime_message if already an instance. """ if isinstance(mime_message, email.Message.Message): return mime_message elif isinstance(mime_message, basestring): return email.message_from_string(mime_message) else: return email.message_from_file(mime_message)def send_mail(sender, to, subject, body, make_sync_call=apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall, **kw): """Sends mail on behalf of application. Args: sender: Sender email address as appears in the 'from' email line. to: List of 'to' addresses or a single address. subject: Message subject string. body: Body of type text/plain. make_sync_call: Function used to make sync call to API proxy. kw: Keyword arguments compatible with EmailMessage keyword based constructor. Raises: InvalidEmailError when invalid email address provided. """ kw['sender'] = sender kw['to'] = to kw['subject'] = subject kw['body'] = body message = EmailMessage(**kw) message.send(make_sync_call)SendMail = send_maildef send_mail_to_admins(sender, subject, body, make_sync_call=apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall, **kw): """Sends mail to admins on behalf of application. Args: sender: Sender email address as appears in the 'from' email line. subject: Message subject string. body: Body of type text/plain. make_sync_call: Function used to make sync call to API proxy. kw: Keyword arguments compatible with EmailMessage keyword based constructor. Raises: InvalidEmailError when invalid email address provided. """ kw['sender'] = sender kw['subject'] = subject kw['body'] = body message = AdminEmailMessage(**kw) message.send(make_sync_call)SendMailToAdmins = send_mail_to_adminsdef _GetMimeType(file_name): """Determine mime-type from file name. Parses file name and determines mime-type based on extension map. This method is not part of the public API and should not be used by applications. Args: file_name: File to determine extension for. Returns: Mime-type associated with file extension. Raises: InvalidAttachmentTypeError when the file name of an attachment. """ extension_index = file_name.rfind('.') if extension_index == -1: raise InvalidAttachmentTypeError( "File '%s' does not have an extension" % file_name) extension = file_name[extension_index + 1:] mime_type = EXTENSION_MIME_MAP.get(extension, None) if mime_type is None: raise InvalidAttachmentTypeError( "Extension '%s' is not supported." % extension) return mime_typedef mail_message_to_mime_message(protocol_message): """Generate a MIMEMultitype message from protocol buffer. Generates a complete MIME multi-part email object from a MailMessage protocol buffer. The body fields are sent as individual alternatives if they are both present, otherwise, only one body part is sent. Multiple entry email fields such as 'To', 'Cc' and 'Bcc' are converted to a list of comma separated email addresses. Args: protocol_message: Message PB to convert to MIMEMultitype. Returns: MIMEMultitype representing the provided MailMessage. Raises: InvalidAttachmentTypeError when the file name of an attachment """ parts = [] if protocol_message.has_textbody(): parts.append(MIMEText.MIMEText(protocol_message.textbody())) if protocol_message.has_htmlbody(): parts.append(MIMEText.MIMEText(protocol_message.htmlbody(), _subtype='html')) if len(parts) == 1: payload = parts else: payload = [MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart('alternative', _subparts=parts)] result = MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart(_subparts=payload) for attachment in protocol_message.attachment_list(): file_name = attachment.filename() mime_type = _GetMimeType(file_name) maintype, subtype = mime_type.split('/') mime_attachment = MIMEBase.MIMEBase(maintype, subtype) mime_attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=attachment.filename()) mime_attachment.set_payload( result.attach(mime_attachment) if protocol_message.to_size(): result['To'] = ', '.join(protocol_message.to_list()) if protocol_message.cc_size(): result['Cc'] = ', '.join(protocol_message.cc_list()) if protocol_message.bcc_size(): result['Bcc'] = ', '.join(protocol_message.bcc_list()) result['From'] = protocol_message.sender() result['Reply-To'] = protocol_message.replyto() result['Subject'] = protocol_message.subject() return resultMailMessageToMIMEMessage = mail_message_to_mime_messagedef _to_str(value): """Helper function to make sure unicode values converted to utf-8. Args: value: str or unicode to convert to utf-8. Returns: UTF-8 encoded str of value, otherwise value unchanged. """ if isinstance(value, unicode): return value.encode('utf-8') return valueclass EncodedPayload(object): """Wrapper for a payload that contains encoding information. When an email is recieved, it is usually encoded using a certain character set, and then possibly further encoded using a transfer encoding in that character set. Most of the times, it is possible to decode the encoded payload as is, however, in the case where it is not, the encoded payload and the original encoding information must be preserved. Attributes: payload: The original encoded payload. charset: The character set of the encoded payload. None means use default character set. encoding: The transfer encoding of the encoded payload. None means content not encoded. """ def __init__(self, payload, charset=None, encoding=None): """Constructor. Args: payload: Maps to attribute of the same name. charset: Maps to attribute of the same name. encoding: Maps to attribute of the same name. """ self.payload = payload self.charset = charset self.encoding = encoding def decode(self): """Attempt to decode the encoded data. Attempt to use pythons codec library to decode the payload. All exceptions are passed back to the caller. Returns: Binary or unicode version of payload content. """ payload = self.payload if self.encoding and self.encoding.lower() != '7bit': try: payload = payload.decode(self.encoding).lower() except LookupError: raise UnknownEncodingError('Unknown decoding %s.' % self.encoding) except (Exception, Error), e: raise PayloadEncodingError('Could not decode payload: %s' % e) if self.charset and str(self.charset).lower() != '7bit': try: payload = payload.decode(str(self.charset)).lower() except LookupError: raise UnknownCharsetError('Unknown charset %s.' % self.charset) except (Exception, Error), e: raise PayloadEncodingError('Could read characters: %s' % e) return payload def __eq__(self, other): """Equality operator. Args: other: The other EncodedPayload object to compare with. Comparison with other object types are not implemented. Returns: True of payload and encodings are equal, else false. """ if isinstance(other, EncodedPayload): return (self.payload == other.payload and self.charset == other.charset and self.encoding == other.encoding) else: return NotImplemented def copy_to(self, mime_message): """Copy contents to MIME message payload. If no content transfer encoding is specified, and the character set does not equal the over-all message encoding, the payload will be base64 encoded. Args: mime_message: Message instance to receive new payload. """ if self.encoding: mime_message['content-transfer-encoding'] = self.encoding mime_message.set_payload(self.payload, self.charset) def to_mime_message(self): """Convert to MIME message. Returns: MIME message instance of payload. """ mime_message = email.Message.Message() self.copy_to(mime_message) return mime_message def __str__(self): """String representation of encoded message. Returns: MIME encoded representation of encoded payload as an independent message. """ return str(self.to_mime_message()) def __repr__(self): """Basic representation of encoded payload. Returns: Payload itself is represented by its hash value. """ result = '<EncodedPayload payload=#%d' % hash(self.payload) if self.charset: result += ' charset=%s' % self.charset if self.encoding: result += ' encoding=%s' % self.encoding return result + '>'class _EmailMessageBase(object): """Base class for email API service objects. Subclasses must define a class variable called _API_CALL with the name of its underlying mail sending API call. """ PROPERTIES = set([ 'sender', 'reply_to', 'subject', 'body', 'html', 'attachments', ]) PROPERTIES.update(('to', 'cc', 'bcc')) def __init__(self, mime_message=None, **kw): """Initialize Email message. Creates new MailMessage protocol buffer and initializes it with any keyword arguments. Args: mime_message: MIME message to initialize from. If instance of email.Message.Message will take ownership as original message. kw: List of keyword properties as defined by PROPERTIES. """ if mime_message: mime_message = _parse_mime_message(mime_message) self.update_from_mime_message(mime_message) self.__original = mime_message self.initialize(**kw) @property def original(self): """Get original MIME message from which values were set.""" return self.__original def initialize(self, **kw): """Keyword initialization. Used to set all fields of the email message using keyword arguments. Args: kw: List of keyword properties as defined by PROPERTIES. """ for name, value in kw.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value) def Initialize(self, **kw): self.initialize(**kw) def check_initialized(self): """Check if EmailMessage is properly initialized. Test used to determine if EmailMessage meets basic requirements for being used with the mail API. This means that the following fields must be set or have at least one value in the case of multi value fields: - Subject must be set. - A recipient must be specified. - Must contain a body. - All bodies and attachments must decode properly. This check does not include determining if the sender is actually authorized to send email for the application. Raises: Appropriate exception for initialization failure. InvalidAttachmentTypeError: Use of incorrect attachment type. MissingRecipientsError: No recipients specified in to, cc or bcc. MissingSenderError: No sender specified. MissingSubjectError: Subject is not specified. MissingBodyError: No body specified. PayloadEncodingError: Payload is not properly encoded. UnknownEncodingError: Payload has unknown encoding. UnknownCharsetError: Payload has unknown character set. """ if not hasattr(self, 'sender'): raise MissingSenderError() if not hasattr(self, 'subject'): raise MissingSubjectError() found_body = False try: body = self.body except AttributeError: pass else: if isinstance(body, EncodedPayload): body.decode() found_body = True try: html = self.html except AttributeError: pass else: if isinstance(html, EncodedPayload): html.decode() found_body = True if not found_body: raise MissingBodyError() if hasattr(self, 'attachments'): for file_name, data in _attachment_sequence(self.attachments): _GetMimeType(file_name) if isinstance(data, EncodedPayload): data.decode() def CheckInitialized(self): self.check_initialized() def is_initialized(self): """Determine if EmailMessage is properly initialized. Returns: True if message is properly initializes, otherwise False. """ try: self.check_initialized() return True except Error: return False def IsInitialized(self): return self.is_initialized() def ToProto(self): """Convert mail message to protocol message. Unicode strings are converted to UTF-8 for all fields. This method is overriden by EmailMessage to support the sender fields. Returns: MailMessage protocol version of mail message. Raises: Passes through decoding errors that occur when using when decoding EncodedPayload objects. """ self.check_initialized() message = mail_service_pb.MailMessage() message.set_sender(_to_str(self.sender)) if hasattr(self, 'reply_to'): message.set_replyto(_to_str(self.reply_to)) message.set_subject(_to_str(self.subject)) if hasattr(self, 'body'): body = self.body if isinstance(body, EncodedPayload): body = body.decode() message.set_textbody(_to_str(body)) if hasattr(self, 'html'): html = self.html if isinstance(html, EncodedPayload): html = html.decode() message.set_htmlbody(_to_str(html)) if hasattr(self, 'attachments'): for file_name, data in _attachment_sequence(self.attachments): if isinstance(data, EncodedPayload): data = data.decode() attachment = message.add_attachment() attachment.set_filename(_to_str(file_name)) attachment.set_data(_to_str(data)) return message def to_mime_message(self): """Generate a MIMEMultitype message from EmailMessage. Calls MailMessageToMessage after converting self to protocol buffer. Protocol buffer is better at handing corner cases than EmailMessage class. Returns: MIMEMultitype representing the provided MailMessage. Raises: Appropriate exception for initialization failure. InvalidAttachmentTypeError: Use of incorrect attachment type. MissingSenderError: No sender specified. MissingSubjectError: Subject is not specified. MissingBodyError: No body specified. """ return mail_message_to_mime_message(self.ToProto()) def ToMIMEMessage(self): return self.to_mime_message() def send(self, make_sync_call=apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall): """Send email message. Send properly initialized email message via email API. Args: make_sync_call: Method which will make synchronous call to api proxy. Raises: Errors defined in this file above. """ message = self.ToProto() response = api_base_pb.VoidProto() try: make_sync_call('mail', self._API_CALL, message, response) except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e: if e.application_error in ERROR_MAP: raise ERROR_MAP[e.application_error](e.error_detail) raise e def Send(self, *args, **kwds): self.send(*args, **kwds) def _check_attachment(self, attachment): file_name, data = attachment if not (isinstance(file_name, basestring) or isinstance(data, basestring)): raise TypeError() def _check_attachments(self, attachments): """Checks values going to attachment field. Mainly used to check type safety of the values. Each value of the list must be a pair of the form (file_name, data), and both values a string type. Args: attachments: Collection of attachment tuples. Raises: TypeError if values are not string type. """ if len(attachments) == 2 and isinstance(attachments[0], basestring): self._check_attachment(attachments) else: for attachment in attachments: self._check_attachment(attachment) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): """Property setting access control. Controls write access to email fields. Args: attr: Attribute to access. value: New value for field. Raises: ValueError: If provided with an empty field. AttributeError: If not an allowed assignment field. """ if not attr.startswith('_EmailMessageBase'): if attr in ['sender', 'reply_to']: check_email_valid(value, attr) if not value: raise ValueError('May not set empty value for \'%s\'' % attr) if attr not in self.PROPERTIES: raise AttributeError('\'EmailMessage\' has no attribute \'%s\'' % attr) if attr == 'attachments': self._check_attachments(value) super(_EmailMessageBase, self).__setattr__(attr, value) def _add_body(self, content_type, payload): """Add body to email from payload. Will overwrite any existing default plain or html body. Args: content_type: Content-type of body. payload: Payload to store body as. """ if content_type == 'text/plain': self.body = payload elif content_type == 'text/html': self.html = payload def _update_payload(self, mime_message): """Update payload of mail message from mime_message. This function works recusively when it receives a multipart body. If it receives a non-multi mime object, it will determine whether or not it is an attachment by whether it has a filename or not. Attachments and bodies are then wrapped in EncodedPayload with the correct charsets and encodings. Args: mime_message: A Message MIME email object. """ payload = mime_message.get_payload() if payload: if mime_message.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart': for alternative in payload: self._update_payload(alternative) else: filename = mime_message.get_param('filename', header='content-disposition') if not filename: filename = mime_message.get_param('name') payload = EncodedPayload(payload, mime_message.get_charset(), mime_message['content-transfer-encoding']) if filename: try: attachments = self.attachments except AttributeError: self.attachments = (filename, payload) else: if isinstance(attachments[0], basestring): self.attachments = [attachments] attachments = self.attachments attachments.append((filename, payload)) else: self._add_body(mime_message.get_content_type(), payload) def update_from_mime_message(self, mime_message): """Copy information from a mime message. Set information of instance to values of mime message. This method will only copy values that it finds. Any missing values will not be copied, nor will they overwrite old values with blank values. This object is not guaranteed to be initialized after this call. Args: mime_message: email.Message instance to copy information from. Returns: MIME Message instance of mime_message argument. """ mime_message = _parse_mime_message(mime_message) sender = mime_message['from'] if sender: self.sender = sender reply_to = mime_message['reply-to'] if reply_to: self.reply_to = reply_to subject = mime_message['subject'] if subject: self.subject = subject self._update_payload(mime_message) def bodies(self, content_type=None): """Iterate over all bodies. Yields: Tuple (content_type, payload) for html and body in that order. """ if (not content_type or content_type == 'text' or content_type == 'text/html'): try: yield 'text/html', self.html except AttributeError: pass if (not content_type or content_type == 'text' or content_type == 'text/plain'): try: yield 'text/plain', self.body except AttributeError: passclass EmailMessage(_EmailMessageBase): """Main interface to email API service. This class is used to programmatically build an email message to send via the Mail API. The usage is to construct an instance, populate its fields and call Send(). Example Usage: An EmailMessage can be built completely by the constructor. EmailMessage(sender='', to='', subject='a subject', body='This is an email to you').Send() It might be desirable for an application to build an email in different places throughout the code. For this, EmailMessage is mutable. message = EmailMessage() message.sender = '' = ['', ''] message.subject = 'a subject' message.body = 'This is an email to you') message.check_initialized() message.send() """ _API_CALL = 'Send' PROPERTIES = set(_EmailMessageBase.PROPERTIES) def check_initialized(self): """Provide additional checks to ensure recipients have been specified. Raises: MissingRecipientError when no recipients specified in to, cc or bcc. """ if (not hasattr(self, 'to') and not hasattr(self, 'cc') and not hasattr(self, 'bcc')): raise MissingRecipientsError() super(EmailMessage, self).check_initialized() def CheckInitialized(self): self.check_initialized() def ToProto(self): """Does addition conversion of recipient fields to protocol buffer. Returns: MailMessage protocol version of mail message including sender fields. """ message = super(EmailMessage, self).ToProto() for attribute, adder in (('to', message.add_to), ('cc', message.add_cc), ('bcc', message.add_bcc)): if hasattr(self, attribute): for address in _email_sequence(getattr(self, attribute)): adder(_to_str(address)) return message def __setattr__(self, attr, value): """Provides additional checks on recipient fields.""" if attr in ['to', 'cc', 'bcc']: if isinstance(value, basestring): check_email_valid(value, attr) else: for address in value: check_email_valid(address, attr) super(EmailMessage, self).__setattr__(attr, value) def update_from_mime_message(self, mime_message): """Copy information from a mime message. Update fields for recipients. Args: mime_message: email.Message instance to copy information from. """ mime_message = _parse_mime_message(mime_message) super(EmailMessage, self).update_from_mime_message(mime_message) to = mime_message.get_all('to') if to: if len(to) == 1: = to[0] else: = to cc = mime_message.get_all('cc') if cc: if len(cc) == 1: = cc[0] else: = cc bcc = mime_message.get_all('bcc') if bcc: if len(bcc) == 1: self.bcc = bcc[0] else: self.bcc = bccclass AdminEmailMessage(_EmailMessageBase): """Interface to sending email messages to all admins via the amil API. This class is used to programmatically build an admin email message to send via the Mail API. The usage is to construct an instance, populate its fields and call Send(). Unlike the normal email message, addresses in the recipient fields are ignored and not used for sending. Example Usage: An AdminEmailMessage can be built completely by the constructor. AdminEmailMessage(sender='', subject='a subject', body='This is an email to you').Send() It might be desirable for an application to build an admin email in different places throughout the code. For this, AdminEmailMessage is mutable. message = AdminEmailMessage() message.sender = '' message.subject = 'a subject' message.body = 'This is an email to you') message.check_initialized() message.send() """ _API_CALL = 'SendToAdmins' __UNUSED_PROPERTIES = set(('to', 'cc', 'bcc')) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if attr in self.__UNUSED_PROPERTIES: logging.warning('\'%s\' is not a valid property to set ' 'for AdminEmailMessage. It is unused.', attr) super(AdminEmailMessage, self).__setattr__(attr, value)class InboundEmailMessage(EmailMessage): """Parsed email object as recevied from external source. Has a date field and can store any number of additional bodies. These additional attributes make the email more flexible as required for incoming mail, where the developer has less control over the content. Example Usage: # Read mail message from CGI input. message = InboundEmailMessage('Received email message from %s at %s', message.sender, enriched_body = list(message.bodies('text/enriched'))[0] ... Do something with body ... """ __HEADER_PROPERTIES = {'date': 'date', 'message_id': 'message-id', } PROPERTIES = frozenset(_EmailMessageBase.PROPERTIES | set(('alternate_bodies',)) | set(__HEADER_PROPERTIES.iterkeys())) def update_from_mime_message(self, mime_message): """Update values from MIME message. Copies over date values. Args: mime_message: email.Message instance to copy information from. """ mime_message = _parse_mime_message(mime_message) super(InboundEmailMessage, self).update_from_mime_message(mime_message) for property, header in InboundEmailMessage.__HEADER_PROPERTIES.iteritems(): value = mime_message[header] if value: setattr(self, property, value) def _add_body(self, content_type, payload): """Add body to inbound message. Method is overidden to handle incoming messages that have more than one plain or html bodies or has any unidentified bodies. This method will not overwrite existing html and body values. This means that when updating, the text and html bodies that are first in the MIME document order are assigned to the body and html properties. Args: content_type: Content-type of additional body. payload: Content of additional body. """ if (content_type == 'text/plain' and not hasattr(self, 'body') or content_type == 'text/html' and not hasattr(self, 'html')): super(InboundEmailMessage, self)._add_body(content_type, payload) else: try: alternate_bodies = self.alternate_bodies except AttributeError: alternate_bodies = self.alternate_bodies = [(content_type, payload)] else: alternate_bodies.append((content_type, payload)) def bodies(self, content_type=None): """Iterate over all bodies. Args: content_type: Content type to filter on. Allows selection of only specific types of content. Can be just the base type of the content type. For example: content_type = 'text/html' # Matches only HTML content. content_type = 'text' # Matches text of any kind. Yields: Tuple (content_type, payload) for all bodies of message, including body, html and all alternate_bodies in that order. """ main_bodies = super(InboundEmailMessage, self).bodies(content_type) for payload_type, payload in main_bodies: yield payload_type, payload partial_type = bool(content_type and content_type.find('/') < 0) try: for payload_type, payload in self.alternate_bodies: if content_type: if partial_type: match_type = payload_type.split('/')[0] else: match_type = payload_type match = match_type == content_type else: match = True if match: yield payload_type, payload except AttributeError: pass