author Sverre Rabbelier <>
Sun, 12 Oct 2008 16:47:39 +0000
changeset 306 ba39e8992709
parent 305 972d28056d9d
child 310 0386d634ad9f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Removed obsolete logic directories and added one for model The model/ directory will contain the Base logic classes. Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed

# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Helpers functions for updating different kinds of models in datastore.

__authors__ = [
  '"Todd Larsen" <>',
  '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>',
  '"Pawel Solyga" <>',

from google.appengine.ext import db

from soc.logic import key_name
from soc.logic import out_of_band

def getFullClassName(cls):
  """Returns fully-qualified module.class name string.""" 

  return '%s.%s' % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__) 

def buildTypedQueryString(base_class, derived_class=None):
  """Returns a GQL query string compatible with PolyModel.
    base_class: Model class that inherits directly from
      polymodel.PolyModel, such as
    derived_class: optional more-specific Model class that
      derives from base_class, such as soc.models.document.Document;
      default is None, in which case the inheritance_line
      property is *not* tested by the returned query string

  query_str_parts = ['SELECT * FROM ', base_class.__name__]

  if derived_class:
      [" WHERE inheritance_line = '", getFullClassName(derived_class), "'"])

  return ''.join(query_str_parts)

def buildOrderedQueryString(base_class, derived_class=None, order_by=None):
  """Returns a an ordered GQL query string compatible with PolyModel.
    base_class, derived_class: see buildTypedQueryString()
    order_by: optional field name by which to order the query results;
      default is None, in which case no ORDER BY clause is placed in
      the query string

  query_str_parts = [
    buildTypedQueryString(base_class, derived_class=derived_class)]

  if order_by:
    query_str_parts.extend([' ORDER BY ', order_by])

  return ''.join(query_str_parts)

def getEntitiesForLimitAndOffset(base_class, limit, offset=0,
                                 derived_class=None, order_by=None):
  """Returns entities for given offset and limit or None if not found.
    limit: max amount of entities to return
    offset: optional offset in entities list which defines first entity to
      return; default is zero (first entity)

  query_string = buildOrderedQueryString(
      base_class, derived_class=derived_class, order_by=order_by)

  query = db.GqlQuery(query_string)

  return query.fetch(limit, offset)

def getNearestEntities(base_class, fields_to_try, derived_class=None):
  """Get entities just before and just after the described entity.
    fields_to_try: ordered list of key/value pairs that "describe"
      the desired entity (which may not necessarily exist), where key is
      the name of the field, and value is an instance of that field
      used in the comparison; if value is None, that field is skipped

    a two-tuple: ([nearest_entities], 'field_name')
    nearest_entities: list of entities being those just before and just
      after the (possibly non-existent) entity identified by the first
      of the supplied (non-None) fields
      possibly None if query had no results for the supplied field
      that was used.

  # SELECT * FROM base_class WHERE inheritance_line = 'derived_class'
  typed_query_str = buildTypedQueryString(
    base_class, derived_class=derived_class)
  if derived_class:
    typed_query_str = typed_query_str + ' AND '
    typed_query_str = typed_query_str + ' WHERE '
  for field, value in fields_to_try:
    if value is None:
      # skip this not-supplied field

    query = db.GqlQuery('%s%s > :1' % (typed_query_str, field), value)
    return query.fetch(1), field

  # all fields exhausted, and all had None values
  return (None, None)

def findNearestEntitiesOffset(width, base_class, fields_to_try,
  """Finds offset of beginning of a range of entities around the nearest.
    width: the width of the "found" window around the nearest User found
    base_class, fields_to_try, derived_class:  see getNearestEntities()
    an offset into the list of entities that is width/2 less than the
    offset of the first entity returned by getNearestEntities(), or zero
    if that offset would be less than zero
    None if there are no nearest entities or the offset of the beginning of
    the range cannot be found for some reason 

  # find entity "nearest" to supplied fields
  nearest_entities, field = getNearestEntities(
      base_class, fields_to_try, derived_class=derived_class)
  if not nearest_entities:
    # no "nearest" entity, so indicate that with None
    return None

  nearest_entity = nearest_entities[0]

  # start search for beginning of nearest Users range at offset zero
  offset = 0
  entities = getEntitiesForLimitAndOffset(
      base_class, width, offset=offset, derived_class=derived_class)
  while True:
    for entity in entities:
      if getattr(nearest_entity, field) == getattr(entity, field):
        # nearest User found in current search range, so return a range start
        return max(0, (offset - (width/2)))

      offset = offset + 1

    # nearest User was not in the current search range, so fetch the next set
    entities = getEntitiesForLimitAndOffset(
        base_class, width, offset=offset, derived_class=derived_class)

    if not entities:
      # nearest User never found, so indicate that with None

  return None

class BaseLogic():
  """Base logic for entity classes.

  The BaseLogic class functions specific to Entity classes by relying
  on the the child-classes to implement _model, _name and _key_name

  def _updateField(self, model, name, value):
    """Hook called when a field is updated.

    Base classes should override if any special actions need to be
    taken when a field is updated. The field is not updated if the
    method does not return a True value.

    return True

  def getFromKeyName(self, key_name):
    """"Returns User entity for key_name or None if not found.
-    Args:
-      key_name: key name of entity

    return self._model.get_by_key_name(key_name)

  def getFromFields(self, **kwargs):
    """Returns the entity for a given link name, or None if not found.

      **kwargs: the fields of the entity that uniquely identifies it

    key_name = self.getKeyNameForFields(**kwargs)

    if key_name:
      entity = self._model.get_by_key_name(key_name)
      entity = None

    return entity

  def getIfFields(self, **kwargs):
    """Returns entity for supplied link name if one exists.

      **kwargs: the fields of the entity that uniquely identifies it

      * None if a field is false.
      * Eentity for supplied fields

      out_of_band.ErrorResponse if link name is not false, but no Sponsor entity
      with the supplied link name exists in the Datastore

    if not all(kwargs.values()):
      # exit without error, to let view know that link_name was not supplied
      return None

    entity = self.getFromFields(**kwargs)

    if entity:
      # a Sponsor exist for this link_name, so return that Sponsor entity
      return entity

    fields = []

    for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
      fields.extend('"%s" is "%s" ' % (key, value))

    # else: fields were supplied, but there is no Entity that has it
    raise out_of_band.ErrorResponse(
        'There is no %s with %s.' % (self._name, ''.join(fields)), status=404)

  def getKeyNameForFields(self, **kwargs):
    """Return a Datastore key_name for a Entity from the specified fields.

      **kwargs: the fields of the entity that uniquely identifies it

    if not all(kwargs.values()):
      return None

    return self._keyName(**kwargs)

  def getForLimitAndOffset(self, limit, offset=0):
    """Returns entities for given offset and limit or None if not found.

      limit: max amount of entities to return
      offset: optional offset in entities list which defines first entity to
        return; default is zero (first entity)

    query = self._model.all()
    return query.fetch(limit, offset)

  def updateModelProperties(self, model, **model_properties):
    """Update existing model entity using supplied model properties.

      model: a model entity
      **model_properties: keyword arguments that correspond to model entity
        properties and their values

      the original model entity with any supplied properties changed

    def update():
      return self._unsafeUpdateModelProperties(model, **model_properties)

    return db.run_in_transaction(update)

  def _unsafeUpdateModelProperties(self, model, **model_properties):
    """(see updateModelProperties)

    Like updateModelProperties(), but not run within a transaction.

    properties =

    for prop in properties.values():
      name =

      if not name in self._skip_properties and name in model_properties:
        value = model_properties[]

        if self._updateField(model, name, value):
          prop.__set__(model, value)

    return model

  def updateOrCreateFromKeyName(self, properties, key_name):
    """Update existing entity, or create new one with supplied properties.

      properties: dictionairy with entity properties and their values
      key_name: the key_name of the entity that uniquely identifies it

      the entity corresponding to the key_name, with any supplied
      properties changed, or a new entity now associated with the
      supplied key_name and properties.

    entity = self.getFromKeyName(key_name)

    if not entity:
      # entity did not exist, so create one in a transaction
      entity = self._model.get_or_insert(key_name, **properties)

    # there is no way to be sure if get_or_insert() returned a new entity or
    # got an existing one due to a race, so update with sponsor_properties anyway,
    # in a transaction
    return self.updateModelProperties(entity, **properties)

  def updateOrCreateFromFields(self, properties, **kwargs):
    """Like updateOrCreateFromKeyName, but resolves **kwargs to a key_name first

    # attempt to retrieve the existing entity
    key_name  = self.getKeyNameForFields(**kwargs)

    return self.updateOrCreateFromKeyName(properties, key_name)
  def delete(self, entity):
    """Delete existing entity from datastore.
      entity: an existing entity in datastore
