author Pawel Solyga <>
Fri, 19 Sep 2008 12:45:13 +0000
changeset 171 b62f1cf5e878
parent 54 03e267d67478
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug fixes to revision r596. User Account field in Developer User Profile view needs to be an email not a login name. Header title of User Profile Developer view, when form validation failes is now showing correct value ("Modify existing ..." instead of "Create new user ...").

Common checksum routines (used in multiple localflavor/ cases, for example).

__all__ = ['luhn',]

LUHN_ODD_LOOKUP = (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9) # sum_of_digits(index * 2)

def luhn(candidate):
    Checks a candidate number for validity according to the Luhn
    algorithm (used in validation of, for example, credit cards).
    Both numeric and string candidates are accepted.
    if not isinstance(candidate, basestring):
        candidate = str(candidate)
        evens = sum([int(c) for c in candidate[-1::-2]])
        odds = sum([LUHN_ODD_LOOKUP[int(c)] for c in candidate[-2::-2]])
        return ((evens + odds) % 10 == 0)
    except ValueError:  # Raised if an int conversion fails
        return False