author Pawel Solyga <>
Fri, 19 Sep 2008 12:45:13 +0000
changeset 171 b62f1cf5e878
parent 54 03e267d67478
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug fixes to revision r596. User Account field in Developer User Profile view needs to be an email not a login name. Header title of User Profile Developer view, when form validation failes is now showing correct value ("Modify existing ..." instead of "Create new user ...").

Helper functions for creating Form classes from Django models
and database field objects.

from warnings import warn

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode
from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured

from util import ValidationError, ErrorList
from forms import BaseForm, get_declared_fields
from fields import Field, ChoiceField, EMPTY_VALUES
from widgets import Select, SelectMultiple, MultipleHiddenInput

__all__ = (
    'ModelForm', 'BaseModelForm', 'model_to_dict', 'fields_for_model',
    'save_instance', 'form_for_model', 'form_for_instance', 'form_for_fields',
    'ModelChoiceField', 'ModelMultipleChoiceField'

def save_instance(form, instance, fields=None, fail_message='saved',
    Saves bound Form ``form``'s cleaned_data into model instance ``instance``.

    If commit=True, then the changes to ``instance`` will be saved to the
    database. Returns ``instance``.
    from django.db import models
    opts = instance.__class__._meta
    if form.errors:
        raise ValueError("The %s could not be %s because the data didn't"
                         " validate." % (opts.object_name, fail_message))
    cleaned_data = form.cleaned_data
    for f in opts.fields:
        if not f.editable or isinstance(f, models.AutoField) \
                or not in cleaned_data:
        if fields and not in fields:
        f.save_form_data(instance, cleaned_data[])
    # Wrap up the saving of m2m data as a function.
    def save_m2m():
        opts = instance.__class__._meta
        cleaned_data = form.cleaned_data
        for f in opts.many_to_many:
            if fields and not in fields:
            if in cleaned_data:
                f.save_form_data(instance, cleaned_data[])
    if commit:
        # If we are committing, save the instance and the m2m data immediately.
        # We're not committing. Add a method to the form to allow deferred
        # saving of m2m data.
        form.save_m2m = save_m2m
    return instance

def make_model_save(model, fields, fail_message):
    """Returns the save() method for a Form."""
    def save(self, commit=True):
        return save_instance(self, model(), fields, fail_message, commit)
    return save

def make_instance_save(instance, fields, fail_message):
    """Returns the save() method for a Form."""
    def save(self, commit=True):
        return save_instance(self, instance, fields, fail_message, commit)
    return save

def form_for_model(model, form=BaseForm, fields=None,
                   formfield_callback=lambda f: f.formfield()):
    Returns a Form class for the given Django model class.

    Provide ``form`` if you want to use a custom BaseForm subclass.

    Provide ``formfield_callback`` if you want to define different logic for
    determining the formfield for a given database field. It's a callable that
    takes a database Field instance and returns a form Field instance.
    warn("form_for_model is deprecated. Use ModelForm instead.",
        PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
    opts = model._meta
    field_list = []
    for f in opts.fields + opts.many_to_many:
        if not f.editable:
        if fields and not in fields:
        formfield = formfield_callback(f)
        if formfield:
            field_list.append((, formfield))
    base_fields = SortedDict(field_list)
    return type(opts.object_name + 'Form', (form,),
        {'base_fields': base_fields, '_model': model,
         'save': make_model_save(model, fields, 'created')})

def form_for_instance(instance, form=BaseForm, fields=None,
                      formfield_callback=lambda f, **kwargs: f.formfield(**kwargs)):
    Returns a Form class for the given Django model instance.

    Provide ``form`` if you want to use a custom BaseForm subclass.

    Provide ``formfield_callback`` if you want to define different logic for
    determining the formfield for a given database field. It's a callable that
    takes a database Field instance, plus **kwargs, and returns a form Field
    instance with the given kwargs (i.e. 'initial').
    warn("form_for_instance is deprecated. Use ModelForm instead.",
        PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
    model = instance.__class__
    opts = model._meta
    field_list = []
    for f in opts.fields + opts.many_to_many:
        if not f.editable:
        if fields and not in fields:
        current_value = f.value_from_object(instance)
        formfield = formfield_callback(f, initial=current_value)
        if formfield:
            field_list.append((, formfield))
    base_fields = SortedDict(field_list)
    return type(opts.object_name + 'InstanceForm', (form,),
        {'base_fields': base_fields, '_model': model,
         'save': make_instance_save(instance, fields, 'changed')})

def form_for_fields(field_list):
    Returns a Form class for the given list of Django database field instances.
    fields = SortedDict([(, f.formfield())
                         for f in field_list if f.editable])
    return type('FormForFields', (BaseForm,), {'base_fields': fields})

# ModelForms #################################################################

def model_to_dict(instance, fields=None, exclude=None):
    Returns a dict containing the data in ``instance`` suitable for passing as
    a Form's ``initial`` keyword argument.

    ``fields`` is an optional list of field names. If provided, only the named
    fields will be included in the returned dict.

    ``exclude`` is an optional list of field names. If provided, the named
    fields will be excluded from the returned dict, even if they are listed in
    the ``fields`` argument.
    # avoid a circular import
    from django.db.models.fields.related import ManyToManyField
    opts = instance._meta
    data = {}
    for f in opts.fields + opts.many_to_many:
        if not f.editable:
        if fields and not in fields:
        if exclude and in exclude:
        if isinstance(f, ManyToManyField):
            # If the object doesn't have a primry key yet, just use an empty
            # list for its m2m fields. Calling f.value_from_object will raise
            # an exception.
            if is None:
                data[] = []
                # MultipleChoiceWidget needs a list of pks, not object instances.
                data[] = [ for obj in f.value_from_object(instance)]
            data[] = f.value_from_object(instance)
    return data

def fields_for_model(model, fields=None, exclude=None, formfield_callback=lambda f: f.formfield()):
    Returns a ``SortedDict`` containing form fields for the given model.

    ``fields`` is an optional list of field names. If provided, only the named
    fields will be included in the returned fields.

    ``exclude`` is an optional list of field names. If provided, the named
    fields will be excluded from the returned fields, even if they are listed
    in the ``fields`` argument.
    # TODO: if fields is provided, it would be nice to return fields in that order
    field_list = []
    opts = model._meta
    for f in opts.fields + opts.many_to_many:
        if not f.editable:
        if fields and not in fields:
        if exclude and in exclude:
        formfield = formfield_callback(f)
        if formfield:
            field_list.append((, formfield))
    return SortedDict(field_list)

class ModelFormOptions(object):
    def __init__(self, options=None):
        self.model = getattr(options, 'model', None)
        self.fields = getattr(options, 'fields', None)
        self.exclude = getattr(options, 'exclude', None)

class ModelFormMetaclass(type):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs,
                formfield_callback=lambda f: f.formfield()):
            parents = [b for b in bases if issubclass(b, ModelForm)]
        except NameError:
            # We are defining ModelForm itself.
            parents = None
        if not parents:
            return super(ModelFormMetaclass, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases,

        new_class = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
        declared_fields = get_declared_fields(bases, attrs, False)
        opts = new_class._meta = ModelFormOptions(getattr(new_class, 'Meta', None))
        if opts.model:
            # If a model is defined, extract form fields from it.
            fields = fields_for_model(opts.model, opts.fields,
                                      opts.exclude, formfield_callback)
            # Override default model fields with any custom declared ones
            # (plus, include all the other declared fields).
            fields = declared_fields
        new_class.declared_fields = declared_fields
        new_class.base_fields = fields
        return new_class

class BaseModelForm(BaseForm):
    def __init__(self, data=None, files=None, auto_id='id_%s', prefix=None,
                 initial=None, error_class=ErrorList, label_suffix=':',
        opts = self._meta
        if instance is None:
            # if we didn't get an instance, instantiate a new one
            self.instance = opts.model()
            object_data = {}
            self.instance = instance
            object_data = model_to_dict(instance, opts.fields, opts.exclude)
        # if initial was provided, it should override the values from instance
        if initial is not None:
        BaseForm.__init__(self, data, files, auto_id, prefix, object_data, error_class, label_suffix)

    def save(self, commit=True):
        Saves this ``form``'s cleaned_data into model instance

        If commit=True, then the changes to ``instance`` will be saved to the
        database. Returns ``instance``.
        if is None:
            fail_message = 'created'
            fail_message = 'changed'
        return save_instance(self, self.instance, self._meta.fields, fail_message, commit)

class ModelForm(BaseModelForm):
    __metaclass__ = ModelFormMetaclass

# Fields #####################################################################

class ModelChoiceIterator(object):
    def __init__(self, field):
        self.field = field
        self.queryset = field.queryset

    def __iter__(self):
        if self.field.empty_label is not None:
            yield (u"", self.field.empty_label)
        for obj in self.queryset:
            yield (, self.field.label_from_instance(obj))
        # Clear the QuerySet cache if required.
        if not self.field.cache_choices:
            self.queryset._result_cache = None

class ModelChoiceField(ChoiceField):
    """A ChoiceField whose choices are a model QuerySet."""
    # This class is a subclass of ChoiceField for purity, but it doesn't
    # actually use any of ChoiceField's implementation.
    default_error_messages = {
        'invalid_choice': _(u'Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of'
                            u' the available choices.'),

    def __init__(self, queryset, empty_label=u"---------", cache_choices=False,
                 required=True, widget=Select, label=None, initial=None,
                 help_text=None, *args, **kwargs):
        self.empty_label = empty_label
        self.cache_choices = cache_choices
        # Call Field instead of ChoiceField __init__() because we don't need
        # ChoiceField.__init__().
        Field.__init__(self, required, widget, label, initial, help_text,
                       *args, **kwargs)
        self.queryset = queryset

    def _get_queryset(self):
        return self._queryset

    def _set_queryset(self, queryset):
        self._queryset = queryset
        self.widget.choices = self.choices

    queryset = property(_get_queryset, _set_queryset)

    # this method will be used to create object labels by the QuerySetIterator. 
    # Override it to customize the label. 
    def label_from_instance(self, obj):
        This method is used to convert objects into strings; it's used to
        generate the labels for the choices presented by this object. Subclasses
        can override this method to customize the display of the choices.
        return smart_unicode(obj)
    def _get_choices(self):
        # If self._choices is set, then somebody must have manually set
        # the property self.choices. In this case, just return self._choices.
        if hasattr(self, '_choices'):
            return self._choices

        # Otherwise, execute the QuerySet in self.queryset to determine the
        # choices dynamically. Return a fresh QuerySetIterator that has not been
        # consumed. Note that we're instantiating a new QuerySetIterator *each*
        # time _get_choices() is called (and, thus, each time self.choices is
        # accessed) so that we can ensure the QuerySet has not been consumed. This
        # construct might look complicated but it allows for lazy evaluation of
        # the queryset.
        return ModelChoiceIterator(self)

    def _set_choices(self, value):
        # This method is copied from ChoiceField._set_choices(). It's necessary
        # because property() doesn't allow a subclass to overwrite only
        # _get_choices without implementing _set_choices.
        self._choices = self.widget.choices = list(value)

    choices = property(_get_choices, _set_choices)

    def clean(self, value):
        Field.clean(self, value)
        if value in EMPTY_VALUES:
            return None
            value = self.queryset.get(pk=value)
        except self.queryset.model.DoesNotExist:
            raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid_choice'])
        return value

class ModelMultipleChoiceField(ModelChoiceField):
    """A MultipleChoiceField whose choices are a model QuerySet."""
    hidden_widget = MultipleHiddenInput
    default_error_messages = {
        'list': _(u'Enter a list of values.'),
        'invalid_choice': _(u'Select a valid choice. %s is not one of the'
                            u' available choices.'),

    def __init__(self, queryset, cache_choices=False, required=True,
                 widget=SelectMultiple, label=None, initial=None,
                 help_text=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ModelMultipleChoiceField, self).__init__(queryset, None,
            cache_choices, required, widget, label, initial, help_text,
            *args, **kwargs)

    def clean(self, value):
        if self.required and not value:
            raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['required'])
        elif not self.required and not value:
            return []
        if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
            raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['list'])
        final_values = []
        for val in value:
                obj = self.queryset.get(pk=val)
            except self.queryset.model.DoesNotExist:
                raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid_choice'] % val)
        return final_values