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#!/usr/bin/python2.5## Copyright 2009 the Melange authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""Slot allocation logic."""__authors__ = [ '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>', ]import mathclass Error(Exception): """Error class for the Allocation module. """ passclass Allocator(object): """A simple student slots allocator. The buildSets method is used to validate the allocation data as well as construct the sets that the algorithm then uses to distribute the slots. By separating these steps it is possible to write a different allocation algorithm but re-use the sets and validation logic. """ # I tried to write explicit code that does not require any # additional comments (with the exception of the set notation for # the convenience of any mathematicians that happen to read this # piece of code ;). def __init__(self, orgs, popularity, max, slots, max_slots_per_org, min_slots_per_org, algorithm): """Initializes the allocator. Args: orgs: a list of all the orgs that need to be allocated popularity: the amount of applications per org max: the amount of assigned mentors per org slots: the total amount of available slots max_slots_per_org: how many slots an org should get at most min_slots_per_org: how many slots an org should at least get algorithm: the algorithm to use """ self.locked_slots = {} self.adjusted_slots = {} self.adjusted_orgs = [] self.locked_orgs = [] self.unlocked_orgs = [] self.unlocked_applications = [] self.slots = slots self.max_slots_per_org = max_slots_per_org self.min_slots_per_org = min_slots_per_org self.orgs = set(orgs) self.popularity = None self.total_popularity = None self.initial_popularity = popularity self.max = max self.algorithm = algorithm def allocate(self, locked_slots): """Allocates the slots and returns the result. Args: locked_slots: a dict with orgs and the number of slots they get """ self.locked_slots = locked_slots self.buildSets() if not sum(self.popularity.values()) or not sum(self.max.values()): return dict([(i, 0) for i in self.orgs]) if self.algorithm == 1: return self.preprocessingAllocation() if self.algorithm == 2: return self.reliableAlgorithm() return self.iterativeAllocation() def buildSets(self): """Allocates slots with the specified constraints. """ popularity = self.initial_popularity.copy() # set s locked_slots = self.locked_slots # set a and b locked_orgs = set(locked_slots.keys()) # set a' and b' unlocked_orgs = self.orgs.difference(locked_orgs) # a+o and b+o should be o locked_orgs_or_orgs = self.orgs.union(locked_orgs) total_popularity = sum(popularity.values()) # a+o should be o, testing length is enough though if len(locked_orgs_or_orgs) != len(self.orgs): raise Error("Unknown org as locked slot") self.unlocked_orgs = unlocked_orgs self.locked_orgs = locked_orgs self.popularity = popularity self.total_popularity = total_popularity def rangeSlots(self, slots, org): """Returns the amount of slots for the org within the required bounds. """ slots = int(math.floor(float(slots))) slots = min(slots, self.max_slots_per_org) slots = max(slots, self.min_slots_per_org) slots = min(slots, self.max[org]) return slots def iterativeAllocation(self): """A simple iterative algorithm. """ adjusted_orgs = self.adjusted_orgs adjusted_slots = self.adjusted_slots locked_orgs = self.locked_orgs locked_slots = self.locked_slots unallocated_popularity = self.total_popularity - len(locked_slots) available_slots = self.slots allocations = {} for org in self.orgs: popularity = self.popularity[org] mentors = self.mentors[org] if org in locked_orgs: slots = locked_slots[org] elif unallocated_popularity: weight = float(popularity) / float(unallocated_popularity) slots = int(math.floor(weight*available_slots)) if org in adjusted_orgs: slots += adjusted_slots[org] slots = min(slots, self.max_slots_per_org) slots = min(slots, mentors) slots = min(slots, available_slots) allocations[org] = slots available_slots -= slots unallocated_popularity -= popularity return allocations def preprocessingAllocation(self): """An algorithm that pre-processes the input before running as normal. """ adjusted_orgs = self.adjusted_orgs adjusted_slots = self.adjusted_slots locked_orgs = self.locked_orgs locked_slots = self.locked_slots unlocked_orgs = self.unlocked_orgs total_popularity = self.total_popularity available_slots = self.slots allocations = {} slack = {} for org in locked_orgs: popularity = self.popularity[org] slots = locked_slots[org] slots = self.rangeSlots(slots, org) total_popularity -= popularity available_slots -= slots allocations[org] = slots del self.popularity[org] # adjust the orgs in need of adjusting for org in adjusted_orgs: slots = float(adjusted_slots[org]) adjustment = (float(total_popularity)/float(available_slots))*slots adjustment = int(math.ceil(adjustment)) self.popularity[org] += adjustment total_popularity += adjustment # adjust the popularity so that the invariants are always met for org in unlocked_orgs: popularity = self.popularity[org] # mentors = self.mentors[org] slots = (float(popularity)/float(total_popularity))*available_slots slots = self.rangeSlots(slots, org) popularity = (float(total_popularity)/float(available_slots))*slots self.popularity[org] = popularity total_popularity = sum(self.popularity.values()) # do the actual calculation for org in unlocked_orgs: popularity = self.popularity[org] raw_slots = (float(popularity)/float(total_popularity))*available_slots slots = int(math.floor(raw_slots)) slack[org] = raw_slots - slots allocations[org] = slots slots_left = available_slots - sum(allocations.values()) # add leftover slots, sorted by slack, decending for org, slack in sorted(slack.iteritems(), key=lambda (k, v): v, reverse=True): if slots_left < 1: break current = allocations[org] slots = self.rangeSlots(current + 1, org) slots_left += slots - current allocations[org] = slots return allocations def reliableAlgorithm(self): """An algorithm that reliable calculates the slots assignments. """ # adjusted_orgs = self.adjusted_orgs # adjusted_slots = self.adjusted_slots locked_orgs = self.locked_orgs locked_slots = self.locked_slots unlocked_orgs = self.unlocked_orgs total_popularity = self.total_popularity available_slots = self.slots allocations = {} # slack = {} # take out the easy ones for org in locked_orgs: popularity = self.popularity[org] slots = locked_slots[org] slots = float(slots) slots = self.rangeSlots(slots, org) total_popularity -= popularity available_slots -= slots allocations[org] = slots del self.popularity[org] total_popularity = sum(self.popularity.values()) # all orgs have been locked, nothing to do if total_popularity <= 0: return allocations pop_per_slot = float(available_slots)/float(total_popularity) # slack = 0 wanted = {} # filter out all those that deserve more than their maximum for org in unlocked_orgs: popularity = self.popularity[org] raw_slots = float(popularity)*pop_per_slot slots = int(math.floor(raw_slots)) slots = self.rangeSlots(slots, org) max = self.max[org] if max > slots: wanted[org] = max - slots allocations[org] = slots available_slots = self.slots - sum(allocations.values()) # distribute the slack while available_slots > 0 and (sum(wanted.values()) > 0): for org, _ in wanted.iteritems(): available_slots = self.slots - sum(allocations.values()) if available_slots <= 0: break if wanted[org] <= 0: continue current = allocations[org] slots = self.rangeSlots(current + 1, org) extra = current - slots wanted[org] += extra allocations[org] = slots return allocations