Make longitude and latitude hidden fields not required in soc.views.models.role module.
Patch by: Pawel Solyga
Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed
#!/usr/bin/python2.5## Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""Helpers used to display various views that are forms."""__authors__ = [ '"Chen Lunpeng" <>', '"Todd Larsen" <>', '"Pawel Solyga" <>', ]from google.appengine.ext.db import djangoformsfrom django import formsfrom django.utils import safestringfrom django.utils.safestring import mark_safeclass BaseForm(djangoforms.ModelForm): """Subclass of Django ModelForm that fixes some label and help_text issues. The default behavior of ModelForm is to use the verbose_name in all lowercase, capitalizing only the first character, as the displayed field label. This class uses verbose_name unaltered as the visible field label instead. The Property classes used by the App Engine Datastore do not have a help_text parameter to their constructor. In a Model class, a help_text attribute *can* be added to the property after it is created, but the help text will not be automatically passed along to the Django ModelForm. This class detects the presence of a help_text attribute and adds it to the corresponding form field object. ugettext() proxies used for internationalization in the Model will still work correctly with this new behavior, as long as the original strings are used as the translation keys. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Fixes label and help_text issues after parent initialization. Args: *args, **kwargs: passed through to parent __init__() constructor """ super(djangoforms.ModelForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) for field_name in self.fields.iterkeys(): # Since fields can be added only to the ModelForm subclass, check to # see if the Model has a corresponding field first. if hasattr(self.Meta.model, field_name): model_prop = getattr(self.Meta.model, field_name) # Check if the Model property defined verbose_name, and copy that # verbatim to the corresponding field label. if hasattr(model_prop, 'verbose_name'): self.fields[field_name].label = model_prop.verbose_name # Check if the Model property added help_text, and copy that verbatim # to the corresponding field help_text. if hasattr(model_prop, 'help_text'): self.fields[field_name].help_text = model_prop.help_text # Check if the Model property added example_text, and copy that verbatim # to the corresponding field help_text. if hasattr(model_prop, 'example_text'): self.fields[field_name].example_text = model_prop.example_textclass SelectQueryArgForm(forms.Form): """URL query argument change control implemented as a Django form. """ ONCHANGE_JAVASCRIPT_FMT = '''<script type="text/javascript"> function changeArg_%(arg_name)s(item) { var idx=item.selectedIndex; item.selected=true; var value=item.value; var url = location.href; var ourreg = /%(arg_name)s=\d+/; var anyreg = /\w+=\d+/; if(url.match(ourreg)) url = url.replace(ourreg, "%(arg_name)s="+value); else if(url.match(anyreg)) url = url + "&%(arg_name)s=" + value; else url = "%(page_path)s?%(arg_name)s="+value; document.location.href = url; }</script>''' def __init__(self, page_path, arg_name, choices, field_name, *form_args, **form_kwargs): """ Args: page_path: (usually request.path) arg_name: the URL query parameter that determines which choice is selected in the selection control choices: list (or tuple) of value/label string two-tuples, for example: (('10', '10 items per page'), ('25', '25 items per page')) field_name: name of the selection field in the form *form_args: positional arguments passed on to the Form base class __init__() *form_kwargs: keyword arguments passed on to the Form base class __init__() """ super(SelectQueryArgForm, self).__init__(*form_args, **form_kwargs) self._script = safestring.mark_safe(self.ONCHANGE_JAVASCRIPT_FMT % { 'arg_name': arg_name, 'page_path': page_path,}) onchange_js_call = 'changeArg_%s(this)' % arg_name self.fields[field_name] = forms.ChoiceField( label='', choices=choices, widget=forms.widgets.Select(attrs={'onchange': onchange_js_call})) def as_table(self): """Returns form rendered as HTML <tr> rows -- with no <table></table>. Prepends <script> section with onchange function included. """ return self._script + super(SelectQueryArgForm, self).as_table() def as_ul(self): """Returns form rendered as HTML <li> list items -- with no <ul></ul>. Prepends <script> section with onchange function included. """ return self._script + super(SelectQueryArgForm, self).as_ul() def as_p(self): """Returns form rendered as HTML <p> paragraphs. Prepends <script> section with onchange function included. """ return self._script + super(SelectQueryArgForm, self).as_p()DEF_SELECT_QUERY_ARG_FIELD_NAME_FMT = 'select_query_arg_%(arg_name)s'def makeSelectQueryArgForm( request, arg_name, initial_value, choices, field_name_fmt=DEF_SELECT_QUERY_ARG_FIELD_NAME_FMT): """Wrapper that creates a customized SelectQueryArgForm. Args: request: the standard Django HTTP request object arg_name: the URL query parameter that determines which choice is selected in the selection control initial_value: the initial value of the selection control choices: list (or tuple) of value/label string two-tuples, for example: (('10', '10 items per page'), ('25', '25 items per page')) field_name_fmt: optional form field name format string; default is DEF_SELECT_QUERY_ARG_FIELD_NAME_FMT; contains these named format specifiers: arg_name: replaced with the arg_name argument Returns: a Django form implementing a query argument selection control, for insertion into a template """ field_name = field_name_fmt % {'arg_name': arg_name} return SelectQueryArgForm(request.path, arg_name, choices, field_name, initial={field_name: initial_value})def collectCleanedFields(form): """Collects all cleaned fields and returns them with the key_name. Args: form: The form from which the cleaned fields should be collected Returns: All the fields that are in the form's cleaned_data property are returned. If there is a key_name field, it is not included in the returned fields, instead, it is returned as the first element in the returned tuple. If no key_name field is present, None is returned as first value instead. """ fields = {} key_name = None if 'key_name' in form.cleaned_data: key_name = form.cleaned_data.pop('key_name') for field, value in form.cleaned_data.iteritems(): fields[field] = value return key_name, fields