Eliminate the Work.abstract property and move the Document.content property
to Work.content instead. Update affected views, and re-base some classes
that were deriving from Document just to get Document.content to now be
derived from Work instead.
The Document class now has a "pass" body with no additional properties. It
is debatable whether Work should become Document, since I am not sure that
we plan to be able to generically display, say, a Quiz or a Question (which
are Works) on the home page (which can only specifically display a Document,
or now, the basic Work entity...).
Patch by: Todd Larsen
Review by: to-be-reviewed
import django
import os.path
import re
def get_svn_revision(path=None):
Returns the SVN revision in the form SVN-XXXX,
where XXXX is the revision number.
Returns SVN-unknown if anything goes wrong, such as an unexpected
format of internal SVN files.
If path is provided, it should be a directory whose SVN info you want to
inspect. If it's not provided, this will use the root django/ package
rev = None
if path is None:
path = django.__path__[0]
entries_path = '%s/.svn/entries' % path
if os.path.exists(entries_path):
entries = open(entries_path, 'r').read()
# Versions >= 7 of the entries file are flat text. The first line is
# the version number. The next set of digits after 'dir' is the revision.
if re.match('(\d+)', entries):
rev_match = re.search('\d+\s+dir\s+(\d+)', entries)
if rev_match:
rev = rev_match.groups()[0]
# Older XML versions of the file specify revision as an attribute of
# the first entries node.
from xml.dom import minidom
dom = minidom.parse(entries_path)
rev = dom.getElementsByTagName('entry')[0].getAttribute('revision')
if rev:
return u'SVN-%s' % rev
return u'SVN-unknown'