author Lennard de Rijk <>
Mon, 16 Feb 2009 20:38:35 +0000
changeset 1364 b2709805fafe
parent 1356 32d8d83678cd
child 1367 9899e92121b7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Update org bulk accept script. The script now: 1) leaves correctly control to the browser to update the GUI of the progress bar during ajax communication. 2) Displays an error if something went wrong (I've tried in my box stopping the server while doing the requests), and show a retry button to fetch again the list of the applications that are still not accepted and iterate over them again (seems to recover correctly restarting the server after the error in my box) 3) doesn't display any text at the beginning, and the button has the correct CSS class assigned 4) Check if there are applications to accept, if not displays a message stating that there are no orgs to accept. Patch by: Mario Ferraro Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk

$(document).ready(function() {
	$("#applications_progress_bar").progressBar({showText: false});

function acceptOrgInit(bulk_accept_link) {
	// get the JSON object with details of every application for bulk acceptance
			// If there are applications to accept...
			if (data.nr_applications!=0) {
				//...then fade out the button, show the progress bar and call the function for acceptance
					function() {
						$("#button_accept").val("Bulk accept");
						$("#applications_progress_bar").fadeIn("slow", acceptOrgs(data));
			}else {
				$("#description_done").html("<strong>No organizations to accept</strong>");

function acceptOrgs(data) {
	// some global constants
	var TOTAL_APPLICATIONS = data.nr_applications;

	// some global variables set needed for internal iteration
	var application_index = 0;
	// number of iteration is not taken from data.nr_applications
	// to ensure avoidance of array out of bounds errors
	var total_index = data.applications.length;

	// call immediately the function for acceptance
	// real iteration is inside
		var error_happened = false;

		var application = data.applications[application_index];
		var current_application = application_index+1;
		// regular expression to find a valid scope path inside matching parenthesis
		var re = /\((\w*)\)/;
		var scope_path = GLOBAL_LINK.match(re)[1];
		// the URL is obtained by using the scope path found in the matching parenthesis
		var url_to_call = GLOBAL_LINK.replace(re,eval("application."+scope_path));
		// now we can call the URL found
			async: false,
			cache: false,
			url: url_to_call,
			timeout: 10000,
			success: function(data) {
				if (data) {
					// update progress bar percentage and description
					var percentage = Math.floor(100 * (current_application) / (TOTAL_APPLICATIONS));
					$("#description_progressbar").html(" Processed application "" ("+(current_application)+"/"+TOTAL_APPLICATIONS+")");
			error: function(XMLHttpRequest,textStatus,errorThrown) {
				// if there is an error rename the button to Retry and show an error message
				error_happened = true;
				$("#button_accept").fadeIn("slow", function() {
					$("#description_done").html("<strong class='error'> Error encountered, try again</strong>");
		// if there were no errors, continue the iteration
		if (!error_happened) {
			// prepare for new iteration and then recall this function
			if (application_index<total_index) {
			else {
				// all ok, tell the user we are done
					function() {