author Sverre Rabbelier <>
Sat, 12 Sep 2009 00:36:49 +0200
changeset 2898 ac5f77cd6046
parent 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix 500 when saving /site/edit without email When saving /site/edit with no no_reply_email set, a 500 error page would be returned due to an empty value being passed as value to the datastore (which is not allowed for email fields).

import unittest, zipfile, cStringIO
from xml.dom import minidom

from django.test import Client
from models import City, Country

class GeoSitemapTest(unittest.TestCase):
    client = Client()

    def assertChildNodes(self, elem, expected):
        "Taken from regressiontests/syndication/"
        actual = set([n.nodeName for n in elem.childNodes])
        expected = set(expected)
        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

    def test_geositemap_index(self):
        "Tests geographic sitemap index."
        # Getting the geo index.
        doc = minidom.parseString(self.client.get('/geoapp/sitemap.xml').content)
        index = doc.firstChild
        self.assertEqual(index.getAttribute(u'xmlns'), u'')
        self.assertEqual(3, len(index.getElementsByTagName('sitemap')))

    def test_geositemap_kml(self):
        "Tests KML/KMZ geographic sitemaps."
        for kml_type in ('kml', 'kmz'):
            doc = minidom.parseString(self.client.get('/geoapp/sitemaps/%s.xml' % kml_type).content)

            # Ensuring the right sitemaps namespaces are present.
            urlset = doc.firstChild
            self.assertEqual(urlset.getAttribute(u'xmlns'), u'')
            self.assertEqual(urlset.getAttribute(u'xmlns:geo'), u'')
            urls = urlset.getElementsByTagName('url')
            self.assertEqual(2, len(urls)) # Should only be 2 sitemaps.
            for url in urls:
                self.assertChildNodes(url, ['loc', 'geo:geo'])
                # Making sure the 'geo:format' element was properly set.
                geo_elem = url.getElementsByTagName('geo:geo')[0]
                geo_format = geo_elem.getElementsByTagName('geo:format')[0]
                self.assertEqual(kml_type, geo_format.childNodes[0].data)

                # Getting the relative URL since we don't have a real site.
                kml_url = url.getElementsByTagName('loc')[0].childNodes[0].data.split('')[1]
                if kml_type == 'kml':
                    kml_doc = minidom.parseString(self.client.get(kml_url).content)
                elif kml_type == 'kmz':
                    # Have to decompress KMZ before parsing.
                    buf = cStringIO.StringIO(self.client.get(kml_url).content)
                    zf = zipfile.ZipFile(buf)
                    self.assertEqual(1, len(zf.filelist))
                    self.assertEqual('doc.kml', zf.filelist[0].filename)
                    kml_doc = minidom.parseString('doc.kml'))
                # Ensuring the correct number of placemarks are in the KML doc.
                if 'city' in kml_url:
                    model = City
                elif 'country' in kml_url:
                    model = Country
                self.assertEqual(model.objects.count(), len(kml_doc.getElementsByTagName('Placemark')))

    def test_geositemap_georss(self):
        "Tests GeoRSS geographic sitemaps."
        from feeds import feed_dict

        doc = minidom.parseString(self.client.get('/geoapp/sitemaps/georss.xml').content)
        # Ensuring the right sitemaps namespaces are present.
        urlset = doc.firstChild
        self.assertEqual(urlset.getAttribute(u'xmlns'), u'')
        self.assertEqual(urlset.getAttribute(u'xmlns:geo'), u'')

        # Making sure the correct number of feed URLs were included.
        urls = urlset.getElementsByTagName('url')
        self.assertEqual(len(feed_dict), len(urls))

        for url in urls:
            self.assertChildNodes(url, ['loc', 'geo:geo'])
            # Making sure the 'geo:format' element was properly set to 'georss'.
            geo_elem = url.getElementsByTagName('geo:geo')[0]
            geo_format = geo_elem.getElementsByTagName('geo:format')[0]
            self.assertEqual('georss', geo_format.childNodes[0].data)