Fix 500 when saving /site/edit without email
When saving /site/edit with no no_reply_email set, a 500 error page
would be returned due to an empty value being passed as value to
the datastore (which is not allowed for email fields).
import unittest
from xml.dom import minidom
from django.test import Client
from models import City
class GeoFeedTest(unittest.TestCase):
client = Client()
def assertChildNodes(self, elem, expected):
"Taken from regressiontests/syndication/"
actual = set([n.nodeName for n in elem.childNodes])
expected = set(expected)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_geofeed_rss(self):
"Tests geographic feeds using GeoRSS over RSSv2."
# Uses `GEOSGeometry` in `item_geometry`
doc1 = minidom.parseString(self.client.get('/geoapp/feeds/rss1/').content)
# Uses a 2-tuple in `item_geometry`
doc2 = minidom.parseString(self.client.get('/geoapp/feeds/rss2/').content)
feed1, feed2 = doc1.firstChild, doc2.firstChild
# Making sure the box got added to the second GeoRSS feed.
['title', 'link', 'description', 'language', 'lastBuildDate', 'item', 'georss:box']
# Incrementing through the feeds.
for feed in [feed1, feed2]:
# Ensuring the georss namespace was added to the <rss> element.
self.assertEqual(feed.getAttribute(u'xmlns:georss'), u'')
chan = feed.getElementsByTagName('channel')[0]
items = chan.getElementsByTagName('item')
self.assertEqual(len(items), City.objects.count())
# Ensuring the georss element was added to each item in the feed.
for item in items:
self.assertChildNodes(item, ['title', 'link', 'description', 'guid', 'georss:point'])
def test_geofeed_atom(self):
"Testing geographic feeds using GeoRSS over Atom."
doc1 = minidom.parseString(self.client.get('/geoapp/feeds/atom1/').content)
doc2 = minidom.parseString(self.client.get('/geoapp/feeds/atom2/').content)
feed1, feed2 = doc1.firstChild, doc2.firstChild
# Making sure the box got added to the second GeoRSS feed.
self.assertChildNodes(feed2, ['title', 'link', 'id', 'updated', 'entry', 'georss:box'])
for feed in [feed1, feed2]:
# Ensuring the georsss namespace was added to the <feed> element.
self.assertEqual(feed.getAttribute(u'xmlns:georss'), u'')
entries = feed.getElementsByTagName('entry')
self.assertEqual(len(entries), City.objects.count())
# Ensuring the georss element was added to each entry in the feed.
for entry in entries:
self.assertChildNodes(entry, ['title', 'link', 'id', 'summary', 'georss:point'])
def test_geofeed_w3c(self):
"Testing geographic feeds using W3C Geo."
doc = minidom.parseString(self.client.get('/geoapp/feeds/w3cgeo1/').content)
feed = doc.firstChild
# Ensuring the geo namespace was added to the <feed> element.
self.assertEqual(feed.getAttribute(u'xmlns:geo'), u'')
chan = feed.getElementsByTagName('channel')[0]
items = chan.getElementsByTagName('item')
self.assertEqual(len(items), City.objects.count())
# Ensuring the geo:lat and geo:lon element was added to each item in the feed.
for item in items:
self.assertChildNodes(item, ['title', 'link', 'description', 'guid', 'geo:lat', 'geo:lon'])
# Boxes and Polygons aren't allowed in W3C Geo feeds.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.client.get, '/geoapp/feeds/w3cgeo2/') # Box in <channel>
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.client.get, '/geoapp/feeds/w3cgeo3/') # Polygons in <entry>