Fix 500 when saving /site/edit without email
When saving /site/edit with no no_reply_email set, a 500 error page
would be returned due to an empty value being passed as value to
the datastore (which is not allowed for email fields).
""" DataSource is a wrapper for the OGR Data Source object, which provides an interface for reading vector geometry data from many different file formats (including ESRI shapefiles). When instantiating a DataSource object, use the filename of a GDAL-supported data source. For example, a SHP file or a TIGER/Line file from the government. The ds_driver keyword is used internally when a ctypes pointer is passed in directly. Example: ds = DataSource('/home/foo/bar.shp') for layer in ds: for feature in layer: # Getting the geometry for the feature. g = feature.geom # Getting the 'description' field for the feature. desc = feature['description'] # We can also increment through all of the fields # attached to this feature. for field in feature: # Get the name of the field (e.g. 'description') nm = # Get the type (integer) of the field, e.g. 0 => OFTInteger t = field.type # Returns the value the field; OFTIntegers return ints, # OFTReal returns floats, all else returns string. val = field.value"""# ctypes prerequisites.from ctypes import byref, c_void_p# The GDAL C library, OGR exceptions, and the Layer object.from django.contrib.gis.gdal.driver import Driverfrom django.contrib.gis.gdal.error import OGRException, OGRIndexErrorfrom django.contrib.gis.gdal.layer import Layer# Getting the ctypes prototypes for the DataSource.from django.contrib.gis.gdal.prototypes.ds import \ destroy_ds, get_driver_count, register_all, open_ds, release_ds, \ get_ds_name, get_layer, get_layer_count, get_layer_by_name# For more information, see the OGR C API source code:# The OGR_DS_* routines are relevant here.class DataSource(object): "Wraps an OGR Data Source object." #### Python 'magic' routines #### def __init__(self, ds_input, ds_driver=False, write=False): # DataSource pointer is initially NULL. self._ptr = None # The write flag. if write: self._write = 1 else: self._write = 0 # Registering all the drivers, this needs to be done # _before_ we try to open up a data source. if not get_driver_count(): register_all() if isinstance(ds_input, basestring): # The data source driver is a void pointer. ds_driver = c_void_p() try: # OGROpen will auto-detect the data source type. ds = open_ds(ds_input, self._write, byref(ds_driver)) except OGRException: # Making the error message more clear rather than something # like "Invalid pointer returned from OGROpen". raise OGRException('Could not open the datasource at "%s"' % ds_input) elif isinstance(ds_input, c_void_p) and isinstance(ds_driver, c_void_p): ds = ds_input else: raise OGRException('Invalid data source input type: %s' % type(ds_input)) if bool(ds): self._ptr = ds self._driver = Driver(ds_driver) else: # Raise an exception if the returned pointer is NULL raise OGRException('Invalid data source file "%s"' % ds_input) def __del__(self): "Destroys this DataStructure object." if self._ptr: destroy_ds(self._ptr) def __iter__(self): "Allows for iteration over the layers in a data source." for i in xrange(self.layer_count): yield self[i] def __getitem__(self, index): "Allows use of the index [] operator to get a layer at the index." if isinstance(index, basestring): l = get_layer_by_name(self._ptr, index) if not l: raise OGRIndexError('invalid OGR Layer name given: "%s"' % index) elif isinstance(index, int): if index < 0 or index >= self.layer_count: raise OGRIndexError('index out of range') l = get_layer(self._ptr, index) else: raise TypeError('Invalid index type: %s' % type(index)) return Layer(l) def __len__(self): "Returns the number of layers within the data source." return self.layer_count def __str__(self): "Returns OGR GetName and Driver for the Data Source." return '%s (%s)' % (, str(self.driver)) #### DataSource Properties #### @property def driver(self): "Returns the Driver object for this Data Source." return self._driver @property def layer_count(self): "Returns the number of layers in the data source." return get_layer_count(self._ptr) @property def name(self): "Returns the name of the data source." return get_ds_name(self._ptr)