Fix 500 when saving /site/edit without email
When saving /site/edit with no no_reply_email set, a 500 error page
would be returned due to an empty value being passed as value to
the datastore (which is not allowed for email fields).
import datetime
from django.db.models.fields import Field
from django.db.models.sql.where import WhereNode
from django.contrib.gis.db.backend import get_geo_where_clause, SpatialBackend
class GeoAnnotation(object):
The annotation used for GeometryFields; basically a placeholder
for metadata needed by the `get_geo_where_clause` of the spatial
def __init__(self, field, value, where):
self.geodetic = field.geodetic
self.geom_type = field._geom
self.value = value
self.where = tuple(where)
class GeoWhereNode(WhereNode):
Used to represent the SQL where-clause for spatial databases --
these are tied to the GeoQuery class that created it.
def add(self, data, connector):
This is overridden from the regular WhereNode to handle the
peculiarties of GeometryFields, because they need a special
annotation object that contains the spatial metadata from the
field to generate the spatial SQL.
if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
return super(WhereNode, self).add(data, connector)
alias, col, field, lookup_type, value = data
if not hasattr(field, "_geom"):
# Not a geographic field, so call `WhereNode.add`.
return super(GeoWhereNode, self).add(data, connector)
# `GeometryField.get_db_prep_lookup` returns a where clause
# substitution array in addition to the parameters.
where, params = field.get_db_prep_lookup(lookup_type, value)
# The annotation will be a `GeoAnnotation` object that
# will contain the necessary geometry field metadata for
# the `get_geo_where_clause` to construct the appropriate
# spatial SQL when `make_atom` is called.
annotation = GeoAnnotation(field, value, where)
return super(WhereNode, self).add((alias, col, field.db_type(), lookup_type,
annotation, params), connector)
def make_atom(self, child, qn):
table_alias, name, db_type, lookup_type, value_annot, params = child
if isinstance(value_annot, GeoAnnotation):
if lookup_type in SpatialBackend.gis_terms:
# Getting the geographic where clause; substitution parameters
# will be populated in the GeoFieldSQL object returned by the
# GeometryField.
gwc = get_geo_where_clause(table_alias, name, lookup_type, value_annot)
return gwc % value_annot.where, params
raise TypeError('Invalid lookup type: %r' % lookup_type)
# If not a GeometryField, call the `make_atom` from the
# base class.
return super(GeoWhereNode, self).make_atom(child, qn)