author Lennard de Rijk <>
Thu, 26 Feb 2009 20:25:56 +0000
changeset 1535 a5277d506a21
parent 1478 2cf71cd69521
child 1579 a06d60fcb23d
permissions -rw-r--r--
Renamed org-accept.js to bulk-review.js Patch by: Lennard de Rijk Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed

{% comment %}
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	Developer |
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	<form id="flush_form" action="/_ah/admin/memcache" method="post" style="display: inline;">
      <input type="submit" class="button" name="action:flush" value="Flush Cache"/>
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   <span title=" TODO: logo updated in site sponsor interface " class="popup">
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   <div id="title">
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{% comment %}
TODO(tlarsen): replace this with breadcrumbs
{% endcomment %}
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&lt;Missing Page Name&gt;
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{% block sidebar_menu %}	
<a class="selected" href="/">
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{% endif %}
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<a href=""
><img src="/soc/content/images/melange-logo.jpg" alt="Powered by Melange"/></a>
{% if soc_release %}
<a href="{{ soc_release }}"
target="_blank">Release {{ soc_release }}</a>
{% else %}
<a href=""
{% endif %}
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  <div id="body">
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