Tasks may be deleted by pressing 'Delete' button on the edit view.
An organization admin may delete a task entity, if the task is not claimed by anyone. Issue 695 fixed.
/** * @fileOverview * A bootstrap script that creates some basic required objects * for loading other scripts. * @author Michael Mathews, micmath@gmail.com * @version $Id: run.js 756 2009-01-07 21:32:58Z micmath $ *//** * @namespace Keep track of any messages from the running script. */LOG = { warn: function(msg, e) { if (JSDOC.opt.q) return; if (e) msg = e.fileName+", line "+e.lineNumber+": "+msg; msg = ">> WARNING: "+msg; LOG.warnings.push(msg); if (LOG.out) LOG.out.write(msg+"\n"); else print(msg); }, inform: function(msg) { if (JSDOC.opt.q) return; msg = " > "+msg; if (LOG.out) LOG.out.write(msg+"\n"); else if (typeof LOG.verbose != "undefined" && LOG.verbose) print(msg); }};LOG.warnings = [];LOG.verbose = falseLOG.out = undefined;/** * @class Manipulate a filepath. */function FilePath(absPath, separator) { this.slash = separator || "/"; this.root = this.slash; this.path = []; this.file = ""; var parts = absPath.split(/[\\\/]/); if (parts) { if (parts.length) this.root = parts.shift() + this.slash; if (parts.length) this.file = parts.pop() if (parts.length) this.path = parts; } this.path = this.resolvePath();}/** Collapse any dot-dot or dot items in a filepath. */FilePath.prototype.resolvePath = function() { var resolvedPath = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) { if (this.path[i] == "..") resolvedPath.pop(); else if (this.path[i] != ".") resolvedPath.push(this.path[i]); } return resolvedPath;}/** Trim off the filename. */FilePath.prototype.toDir = function() { if (this.file) this.file = ""; return this;}/** Go up a directory. */FilePath.prototype.upDir = function() { this.toDir(); if (this.path.length) this.path.pop(); return this;}FilePath.prototype.toString = function() { return this.root + this.path.join(this.slash) + ((this.path.length > 0)? this.slash : "") + this.file;}/** * Turn a path into just the name of the file. */FilePath.fileName = function(path) { var nameStart = Math.max(path.lastIndexOf("/")+1, path.lastIndexOf("\\")+1, 0); return path.substring(nameStart);}/** * Get the extension of a filename */FilePath.fileExtension = function(filename) { return filename.split(".").pop().toLowerCase();};/** * Turn a path into just the directory part. */FilePath.dir = function(path) { var nameStart = Math.max(path.lastIndexOf("/")+1, path.lastIndexOf("\\")+1, 0); return path.substring(0, nameStart-1);}importClass(java.lang.System);/** * @namespace A collection of information about your system. */SYS = { /** * Information about your operating system: arch, name, version. * @type string */ os: [ new String(System.getProperty("os.arch")), new String(System.getProperty("os.name")), new String(System.getProperty("os.version")) ].join(", "), /** * Which way does your slash lean. * @type string */ slash: System.getProperty("file.separator")||"/", /** * The path to the working directory where you ran java. * @type string */ userDir: new String(System.getProperty("user.dir")), /** * Where is Java's home folder. * @type string */ javaHome: new String(System.getProperty("java.home")), /** * The absolute path to the directory containing this script. * @type string */ pwd: undefined};// jsrun appends an argument, with the path to here.if (arguments[arguments.length-1].match(/^-j=(.+)/)) { if (RegExp.$1.charAt(0) == SYS.slash || RegExp.$1.charAt(1) == ":") { // absolute path to here SYS.pwd = new FilePath(RegExp.$1).toDir().toString(); } else { // relative path to here SYS.pwd = new FilePath(SYS.userDir + SYS.slash + RegExp.$1).toDir().toString(); } arguments.pop();}else { print("The run.js script requires you use jsrun.jar."); quit();}// shortcutvar File = Packages.java.io.File;/** * @namespace A collection of functions that deal with reading a writing to disk. */IO = { /** * Create a new file in the given directory, with the given name and contents. */ saveFile: function(/**string*/ outDir, /**string*/ fileName, /**string*/ content) { var out = new Packages.java.io.PrintWriter( new Packages.java.io.OutputStreamWriter( new Packages.java.io.FileOutputStream(outDir+SYS.slash+fileName), IO.encoding ) ); out.write(content); out.flush(); out.close(); }, /** * @type string */ readFile: function(/**string*/ path) { if (!IO.exists(path)) { throw "File doesn't exist there: "+path; } return readFile(path, IO.encoding); }, /** * @param inFile * @param outDir * @param [fileName=The original filename] */ copyFile: function(/**string*/ inFile, /**string*/ outDir, /**string*/ fileName) { if (fileName == null) fileName = FilePath.fileName(inFile); var inFile = new File(inFile); var outFile = new File(outDir+SYS.slash+fileName); var bis = new Packages.java.io.BufferedInputStream(new Packages.java.io.FileInputStream(inFile), 4096); var bos = new Packages.java.io.BufferedOutputStream(new Packages.java.io.FileOutputStream(outFile), 4096); var theChar; while ((theChar = bis.read()) != -1) { bos.write(theChar); } bos.close(); bis.close(); }, /** * Creates a series of nested directories. */ mkPath: function(/**Array*/ path) { if (path.constructor != Array) path = path.split(/[\\\/]/); var make = ""; for (var i = 0, l = path.length; i < l; i++) { make += path[i] + SYS.slash; if (! IO.exists(make)) { IO.makeDir(make); } } }, /** * Creates a directory at the given path. */ makeDir: function(/**string*/ path) { (new File(path)).mkdir(); }, /** * @type string[] * @param dir The starting directory to look in. * @param [recurse=1] How many levels deep to scan. * @returns An array of all the paths to files in the given dir. */ ls: function(/**string*/ dir, /**number*/ recurse, _allFiles, _path) { if (_path === undefined) { // initially var _allFiles = []; var _path = [dir]; } if (_path.length == 0) return _allFiles; if (recurse === undefined) recurse = 1; dir = new File(dir); if (!dir.directory) return [String(dir)]; var files = dir.list(); for (var f = 0; f < files.length; f++) { var file = String(files[f]); if (file.match(/^\.[^\.\/\\]/)) continue; // skip dot files if ((new File(_path.join(SYS.slash)+SYS.slash+file)).list()) { // it's a directory _path.push(file); if (_path.length-1 < recurse) IO.ls(_path.join(SYS.slash), recurse, _allFiles, _path); _path.pop(); } else { _allFiles.push((_path.join(SYS.slash)+SYS.slash+file).replace(SYS.slash+SYS.slash, SYS.slash)); } } return _allFiles; }, /** * @type boolean */ exists: function(/**string*/ path) { file = new File(path); if (file.isDirectory()){ return true; } if (!file.exists()){ return false; } if (!file.canRead()){ return false; } return true; }, /** * */ open: function(/**string*/ path, /**string*/ append) { var append = true; var outFile = new File(path); var out = new Packages.java.io.PrintWriter( new Packages.java.io.OutputStreamWriter( new Packages.java.io.FileOutputStream(outFile, append), IO.encoding ) ); return out; }, /** * Sets {@link IO.encoding}. * Encoding is used when reading and writing text to files, * and in the meta tags of HTML output. */ setEncoding: function(/**string*/ encoding) { if (/ISO-8859-([0-9]+)/i.test(encoding)) { IO.encoding = "ISO8859_"+RegExp.$1; } else { IO.encoding = encoding; } }, /** * @default "utf-8" * @private */ encoding: "utf-8", /** * Load the given script. */ include: function(relativePath) { load(SYS.pwd+relativePath); }, /** * Loads all scripts from the given directory path. */ includeDir: function(path) { if (!path) return; for (var lib = IO.ls(SYS.pwd+path), i = 0; i < lib.length; i++) if (/\.js$/i.test(lib[i])) load(lib[i]); }}// now run the applicationIO.include("frame.js");IO.include("main.js");main();