Third-party packages that do not need to be part of trunk/app (because they are
not part of a Google App Engine image upload).
# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Views relevant to the User role.
__authors__ = [
'"Pawel Solyga" <>',
import re
from google.appengine.api import users
from django import http
from django import shortcuts
from django import newforms as forms
from soc.views.helpers import forms_helpers
from soc.views.helpers import response_helpers
import soc.models.user
class UserForm(forms_helpers.DbModelForm):
"""Django form displayed when creating or editing a User.
[0-9a-z] # start with ASCII digit or lowercase
[0-9a-z] # additional ASCII digit or lowercase
| # -OR-
_[0-9a-z] # underscore and ASCII digit or lowercase
)* # zero or more of OR group
class Meta:
"""Inner Meta class that defines some behavior for the form.
#: db.Model subclass for which the form will gather information
model = soc.models.user.User
#: list of model fields which will *not* be gathered by the form
exclude = ['id']
def clean_link_name(self):
linkname = self.cleaned_data.get('link_name')
linkname_user = soc.models.user.User.getUserForLinkname(linkname)
current_id = users.get_current_user()
# if linkname exist in datastore and doesn't belong to current user
if linkname_user and ( != current_id):
raise forms.ValidationError("This link name is already in use.")
elif not self.LINKNAME_REGEX.match(linkname):
raise forms.ValidationError("This link name is in wrong format.")
return linkname
def edit(request, linkname=None, template='soc/user/profile/edit.html'):
"""View for a User to modify the properties of a UserModel.
request: the standard django request object.
linkname: the User's site-unique "linkname" extracted from the URL
template: the template path to use for rendering the template.
A subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which either contains the form to
be filled out, or a redirect to the correct view in the interface.
#TODO(solydzajs): create controller for User and cleanup code in this handler
#TODO(solydzajs): use makeSiblingTemplatePath from templates_helpers and pass
# result to public view
# TODO: use something like the code below, define global public tmpl
# template_choices = [makeSiblingTemplatePath(template, 'public.html'),
# public(request, linkname=linkname, template=template_choices)
#: If user not signed and there is no linkname redirect to sign-in page
#: otherwise show public profile for linkname user
current_id = users.get_current_user()
if not current_id and not linkname:
return http.HttpResponseRedirect(users.create_login_url(request.path))
elif not current_id and linkname:
return public(request, linkname)
user = soc.models.user.User.getUserForId(current_id)
#: Show custom 404 page when linkname doesn't exist in datastore
#: or show public view for linkname user
if linkname:
linkname_user = soc.models.user.User.getUserForLinkname(linkname)
if not linkname_user:
return http.HttpResponseNotFound('No user exists with that link name "%s"' %
elif linkname_user and ( != current_id):
return public(request, linkname)
#: GET method
if (request.method != 'POST') and user:
form = UserForm(initial={'nick_name': user.nick_name,
'link_name': user.link_name})
return response_helpers.respond(request,
template, {'template': template,
'form': form,
'user': user})
#: POST method
form = UserForm()
if request.method == 'POST':
form = UserForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
linkname = form.cleaned_data.get('link_name')
nickname = form.cleaned_data.get("nick_name")
if not user:
user = soc.models.user.User(id = user,link_name = linkname,
nick_name = nickname)
user.nick_name = nickname
user.link_name = linkname
return response_helpers.respond(request,
template, {'template': template,
'form': form,
'user': user,
'submit_message': 'Profile saved.'})
return response_helpers.respond(request,
template, {'template': template, 'form': form})
def public(request, linkname=None,
"""A "general public" view of a User on the site.
request: the standard django request object.
linkname: the User's site-unique "linkname" extracted from the URL
template: the template path to use for rendering the template.
A subclass of django.http.HttpResponse with generated template.
#: If linkname is empty or not a valid linkname on the site, display
#: "user does not exist", otherwise render public view for linkname user
if linkname:
linkname_user = soc.models.user.User.getUserForLinkname(linkname)
if not linkname_user:
return http.HttpResponseNotFound('No user exists with that link name "%s"' %
return response_helpers.respond(request,
template, {'template': template,
'user': linkname_user})
return http.HttpResponseNotFound('No user exists with that link name "%s"' %