Step 2 of moving to new seeding model.
Create Seeder class, which abstracts some seeding.
Move user to Seeder class, and make new OrganizationSeeder class.
If people like this, I'll finish the rest soon.
Patch by: Dan Bentley
This overrides the traditional `inspectdb` command so that geographic databases
may be introspected.
from import Command as InspectCommand
from django.contrib.gis.db.backend import SpatialBackend
class Command(InspectCommand):
# Mapping from lower-case OGC type to the corresponding GeoDjango field.
geofield_mapping = {'point' : 'PointField',
'linestring' : 'LineStringField',
'polygon' : 'PolygonField',
'multipoint' : 'MultiPointField',
'multilinestring' : 'MultiLineStringField',
'multipolygon' : 'MultiPolygonField',
'geometrycollection' : 'GeometryCollectionField',
'geometry' : 'GeometryField',
def geometry_columns(self):
Returns a datastructure of metadata information associated with the
`geometry_columns` (or equivalent) table.
# The `geo_cols` is a dictionary data structure that holds information
# about any geographic columns in the database.
geo_cols = {}
def add_col(table, column, coldata):
if table in geo_cols:
# If table already has a geometry column.
geo_cols[table][column] = coldata
# Otherwise, create a dictionary indexed by column.
geo_cols[table] = { column : coldata }
if == 'postgis':
# PostGIS holds all geographic column information in the `geometry_columns` table.
from django.contrib.gis.models import GeometryColumns
for geo_col in GeometryColumns.objects.all():
table = geo_col.f_table_name
column = geo_col.f_geometry_column
coldata = {'type' : geo_col.type, 'srid' : geo_col.srid, 'dim' : geo_col.coord_dimension}
add_col(table, column, coldata)
return geo_cols
elif == 'mysql':
# On MySQL have to get all table metadata before hand; this means walking through
# each table and seeing if any column types are spatial. Can't detect this with
# `cursor.description` (what the introspection module does) because all spatial types
# have the same integer type (255 for GEOMETRY).
from django.db import connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('SHOW TABLES')
tables = cursor.fetchall();
for table_tup in tables:
table = table_tup[0]
table_desc = cursor.execute('DESCRIBE `%s`' % table)
col_info = cursor.fetchall()
for column, typ, null, key, default, extra in col_info:
if typ in self.geofield_mapping: add_col(table, column, {'type' : typ})
return geo_cols
# TODO: Oracle (has incomplete `geometry_columns` -- have to parse
# SDO SQL to get specific type, SRID, and other information).
raise NotImplementedError('Geographic database inspection not available.')
def handle_inspection(self):
"Overloaded from Django's version to handle geographic database tables."
from django.db import connection
import keyword
geo_cols = self.geometry_columns()
table2model = lambda table_name: table_name.title().replace('_', '')
cursor = connection.cursor()
yield "# This is an auto-generated Django model module."
yield "# You'll have to do the following manually to clean this up:"
yield "# * Rearrange models' order"
yield "# * Make sure each model has one field with primary_key=True"
yield "# Feel free to rename the models, but don't rename db_table values or field names."
yield "#"
yield "# Also note: You'll have to insert the output of ' sqlcustom [appname]'"
yield "# into your database."
yield ''
yield 'from django.contrib.gis.db import models'
yield ''
for table_name in connection.introspection.get_table_list(cursor):
# Getting the geographic table dictionary.
geo_table = geo_cols.get(table_name, {})
yield 'class %s(models.Model):' % table2model(table_name)
relations = connection.introspection.get_relations(cursor, table_name)
except NotImplementedError:
relations = {}
indexes = connection.introspection.get_indexes(cursor, table_name)
except NotImplementedError:
indexes = {}
for i, row in enumerate(connection.introspection.get_table_description(cursor, table_name)):
att_name, iatt_name = row[0].lower(), row[0]
comment_notes = [] # Holds Field notes, to be displayed in a Python comment.
extra_params = {} # Holds Field parameters such as 'db_column'.
if ' ' in att_name:
extra_params['db_column'] = att_name
att_name = att_name.replace(' ', '')
comment_notes.append('Field renamed to remove spaces.')
if keyword.iskeyword(att_name):
extra_params['db_column'] = att_name
att_name += '_field'
comment_notes.append('Field renamed because it was a Python reserved word.')
if i in relations:
rel_to = relations[i][1] == table_name and "'self'" or table2model(relations[i][1])
field_type = 'ForeignKey(%s' % rel_to
if att_name.endswith('_id'):
att_name = att_name[:-3]
extra_params['db_column'] = att_name
if iatt_name in geo_table:
## Customization for Geographic Columns ##
geo_col = geo_table[iatt_name]
field_type = self.geofield_mapping[geo_col['type'].lower()]
# Adding extra keyword arguments for the SRID and dimension (if not defaults).
dim, srid = geo_col.get('dim', 2), geo_col.get('srid', 4326)
if dim != 2: extra_params['dim'] = dim
if srid != 4326: extra_params['srid'] = srid
field_type = connection.introspection.data_types_reverse[row[1]]
except KeyError:
field_type = 'TextField'
comment_notes.append('This field type is a guess.')
# This is a hook for data_types_reverse to return a tuple of
# (field_type, extra_params_dict).
if type(field_type) is tuple:
field_type, new_params = field_type
# Add max_length for all CharFields.
if field_type == 'CharField' and row[3]:
extra_params['max_length'] = row[3]
if field_type == 'DecimalField':
extra_params['max_digits'] = row[4]
extra_params['decimal_places'] = row[5]
# Add primary_key and unique, if necessary.
column_name = extra_params.get('db_column', att_name)
if column_name in indexes:
if indexes[column_name]['primary_key']:
extra_params['primary_key'] = True
elif indexes[column_name]['unique']:
extra_params['unique'] = True
field_type += '('
# Don't output 'id = meta.AutoField(primary_key=True)', because
# that's assumed if it doesn't exist.
if att_name == 'id' and field_type == 'AutoField(' and extra_params == {'primary_key': True}:
# Add 'null' and 'blank', if the 'null_ok' flag was present in the
# table description.
if row[6]: # If it's NULL...
extra_params['blank'] = True
if not field_type in ('TextField(', 'CharField('):
extra_params['null'] = True
field_desc = '%s = models.%s' % (att_name, field_type)
if extra_params:
if not field_desc.endswith('('):
field_desc += ', '
field_desc += ', '.join(['%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in extra_params.items()])
field_desc += ')'
if comment_notes:
field_desc += ' # ' + ' '.join(comment_notes)
yield ' %s' % field_desc
if table_name in geo_cols:
yield ' objects = models.GeoManager()'
yield ' class Meta:'
yield ' db_table = %r' % table_name
yield ''