Added SurveyRecordModel.
Lennard: On top of the orginial patch I've added several comments to the fields and two TODO's for further subclassing.
Patch by: James Levy, Daniel Diniz, Lennard de Rijk
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk
Query subclasses which provide extra functionality beyond simple data retrieval.
from django.core.exceptions import FieldError
from django.db.models.sql.constants import *
from django.db.models.sql.datastructures import Date
from django.db.models.sql.query import Query
from django.db.models.sql.where import AND
__all__ = ['DeleteQuery', 'UpdateQuery', 'InsertQuery', 'DateQuery',
class DeleteQuery(Query):
Delete queries are done through this class, since they are more constrained
than general queries.
def as_sql(self):
Creates the SQL for this query. Returns the SQL string and list of
assert len(self.tables) == 1, \
"Can only delete from one table at a time."
result = ['DELETE FROM %s' % self.quote_name_unless_alias(self.tables[0])]
where, params = self.where.as_sql()
result.append('WHERE %s' % where)
return ' '.join(result), tuple(params)
def do_query(self, table, where):
self.tables = [table]
self.where = where
def delete_batch_related(self, pk_list):
Set up and execute delete queries for all the objects related to the
primary key values in pk_list. To delete the objects themselves, use
the delete_batch() method.
More than one physical query may be executed if there are a
lot of values in pk_list.
from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
cls = self.model
for related in cls._meta.get_all_related_many_to_many_objects():
if not isinstance(related.field, generic.GenericRelation):
for offset in range(0, len(pk_list), GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE):
where = self.where_class()
where.add((None, related.field.m2m_reverse_name(),
related.field, 'in',
pk_list[offset : offset+GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE]),
self.do_query(related.field.m2m_db_table(), where)
for f in cls._meta.many_to_many:
w1 = self.where_class()
if isinstance(f, generic.GenericRelation):
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
field =
w1.add((None, field.column, field, 'exact',
ContentType.objects.get_for_model(cls).id), AND)
for offset in range(0, len(pk_list), GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE):
where = self.where_class()
where.add((None, f.m2m_column_name(), f, 'in',
pk_list[offset : offset + GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE]),
if w1:
where.add(w1, AND)
self.do_query(f.m2m_db_table(), where)
def delete_batch(self, pk_list):
Set up and execute delete queries for all the objects in pk_list. This
should be called after delete_batch_related(), if necessary.
More than one physical query may be executed if there are a
lot of values in pk_list.
for offset in range(0, len(pk_list), GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE):
where = self.where_class()
field =
where.add((None, field.column, field, 'in',
pk_list[offset : offset + GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE]), AND)
self.do_query(self.model._meta.db_table, where)
class UpdateQuery(Query):
Represents an "update" SQL query.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(UpdateQuery, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _setup_query(self):
Runs on initialization and after cloning. Any attributes that would
normally be set in __init__ should go in here, instead, so that they
are also set up after a clone() call.
self.values = []
self.related_ids = None
if not hasattr(self, 'related_updates'):
self.related_updates = {}
def clone(self, klass=None, **kwargs):
return super(UpdateQuery, self).clone(klass,
related_updates=self.related_updates.copy(), **kwargs)
def execute_sql(self, result_type=None):
Execute the specified update. Returns the number of rows affected by
the primary update query (there could be other updates on related
tables, but their rowcounts are not returned).
cursor = super(UpdateQuery, self).execute_sql(result_type)
rows = cursor.rowcount
del cursor
for query in self.get_related_updates():
return rows
def as_sql(self):
Creates the SQL for this query. Returns the SQL string and list of
if not self.values:
return '', ()
table = self.tables[0]
qn = self.quote_name_unless_alias
result = ['UPDATE %s' % qn(table)]
values, update_params = [], []
for name, val, placeholder in self.values:
if val is not None:
values.append('%s = %s' % (qn(name), placeholder))
values.append('%s = NULL' % qn(name))
result.append(', '.join(values))
where, params = self.where.as_sql()
if where:
result.append('WHERE %s' % where)
return ' '.join(result), tuple(update_params + params)
def pre_sql_setup(self):
If the update depends on results from other tables, we need to do some
munging of the "where" conditions to match the format required for
(portable) SQL updates. That is done here.
Further, if we are going to be running multiple updates, we pull out
the id values to update at this point so that they don't change as a
result of the progressive updates.
self.select_related = False
super(UpdateQuery, self).pre_sql_setup()
count = self.count_active_tables()
if not self.related_updates and count == 1:
# We need to use a sub-select in the where clause to filter on things
# from other tables.
query = self.clone(klass=Query)
query.extra_select = {}
first_table = query.tables[0]
if query.alias_refcount[first_table] == 1:
# We can remove one table from the inner query.
for i in xrange(1, len(query.tables)):
table = query.tables[i]
if query.alias_refcount[table]:
join_info = query.alias_map[table] = [(join_info[RHS_ALIAS], join_info[RHS_JOIN_COL])]
must_pre_select = False
else: = []
must_pre_select = not self.connection.features.update_can_self_select
# Now we adjust the current query: reset the where clause and get rid
# of all the tables we don't need (since they're in the sub-select).
self.where = self.where_class()
if self.related_updates or must_pre_select:
# Either we're using the idents in multiple update queries (so
# don't want them to change), or the db backend doesn't support
# selecting from the updating table (e.g. MySQL).
idents = []
for rows in query.execute_sql(MULTI):
idents.extend([r[0] for r in rows])
self.add_filter(('pk__in', idents))
self.related_ids = idents
# The fast path. Filters and updates in one query.
self.add_filter(('pk__in', query))
for alias in self.tables[1:]:
self.alias_refcount[alias] = 0
def clear_related(self, related_field, pk_list):
Set up and execute an update query that clears related entries for the
keys in pk_list.
This is used by the QuerySet.delete_objects() method.
for offset in range(0, len(pk_list), GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE):
self.where = self.where_class()
f =
self.where.add((None, f.column, f, 'in',
pk_list[offset : offset + GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE]),
self.values = [(related_field.column, None, '%s')]
def add_update_values(self, values):
Convert a dictionary of field name to value mappings into an update
query. This is the entry point for the public update() method on
values_seq = []
for name, val in values.iteritems():
field, model, direct, m2m = self.model._meta.get_field_by_name(name)
if not direct or m2m:
raise FieldError('Cannot update model field %r (only non-relations and foreign keys permitted).' % field)
values_seq.append((field, model, val))
return self.add_update_fields(values_seq)
def add_update_fields(self, values_seq):
Turn a sequence of (field, model, value) triples into an update query.
Used by add_update_values() as well as the "fast" update path when
saving models.
from django.db.models.base import Model
for field, model, val in values_seq:
# FIXME: Some sort of db_prep_* is probably more appropriate here.
if field.rel and isinstance(val, Model):
val =
# Getting the placeholder for the field.
if hasattr(field, 'get_placeholder'):
placeholder = field.get_placeholder(val)
placeholder = '%s'
if model:
self.add_related_update(model, field.column, val, placeholder)
self.values.append((field.column, val, placeholder))
def add_related_update(self, model, column, value, placeholder):
Adds (name, value) to an update query for an ancestor model.
Updates are coalesced so that we only run one update query per ancestor.
self.related_updates[model].append((column, value, placeholder))
except KeyError:
self.related_updates[model] = [(column, value, placeholder)]
def get_related_updates(self):
Returns a list of query objects: one for each update required to an
ancestor model. Each query will have the same filtering conditions as
the current query but will only update a single table.
if not self.related_updates:
return []
result = []
for model, values in self.related_updates.iteritems():
query = UpdateQuery(model, self.connection)
query.values = values
if self.related_ids:
query.add_filter(('pk__in', self.related_ids))
return result
class InsertQuery(Query):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(InsertQuery, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.columns = []
self.values = []
self.params = ()
def clone(self, klass=None, **kwargs):
extras = {'columns': self.columns[:], 'values': self.values[:],
'params': self.params}
return super(InsertQuery, self).clone(klass, **extras)
def as_sql(self):
# We don't need quote_name_unless_alias() here, since these are all
# going to be column names (so we can avoid the extra overhead).
qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name
result = ['INSERT INTO %s' % qn(self.model._meta.db_table)]
result.append('(%s)' % ', '.join([qn(c) for c in self.columns]))
result.append('VALUES (%s)' % ', '.join(self.values))
return ' '.join(result), self.params
def execute_sql(self, return_id=False):
cursor = super(InsertQuery, self).execute_sql(None)
if return_id:
return self.connection.ops.last_insert_id(cursor,
def insert_values(self, insert_values, raw_values=False):
Set up the insert query from the 'insert_values' dictionary. The
dictionary gives the model field names and their target values.
If 'raw_values' is True, the values in the 'insert_values' dictionary
are inserted directly into the query, rather than passed as SQL
parameters. This provides a way to insert NULL and DEFAULT keywords
into the query, for example.
placeholders, values = [], []
for field, val in insert_values:
if hasattr(field, 'get_placeholder'):
# Some fields (e.g. geo fields) need special munging before
# they can be inserted.
if raw_values:
self.params += tuple(values)
class DateQuery(Query):
A DateQuery is a normal query, except that it specifically selects a single
date field. This requires some special handling when converting the results
back to Python objects, so we put it in a separate class.
def __getstate__(self):
Special DateQuery-specific pickle handling.
for elt in
if isinstance(elt, Date):
# Eliminate a method reference that can't be pickled. The
# __setstate__ method restores this.
elt.date_sql_func = None
return super(DateQuery, self).__getstate__()
def __setstate__(self, obj_dict):
super(DateQuery, self).__setstate__(obj_dict)
for elt in
if isinstance(elt, Date):
self.date_sql_func = self.connection.ops.date_trunc_sql
def results_iter(self):
Returns an iterator over the results from executing this query.
resolve_columns = hasattr(self, 'resolve_columns')
if resolve_columns:
from django.db.models.fields import DateTimeField
fields = [DateTimeField()]
from django.db.backends.util import typecast_timestamp
needs_string_cast = self.connection.features.needs_datetime_string_cast
offset = len(self.extra_select)
for rows in self.execute_sql(MULTI):
for row in rows:
date = row[offset]
if resolve_columns:
date = self.resolve_columns(row, fields)[offset]
elif needs_string_cast:
date = typecast_timestamp(str(date))
yield date
def add_date_select(self, field, lookup_type, order='ASC'):
Converts the query into a date extraction query.
result = self.setup_joins([], self.get_meta(),
self.get_initial_alias(), False)
alias = result[3][-1]
select = Date((alias, field.column), lookup_type,
self.connection.ops.date_trunc_sql) = [select]
self.select_fields = [None]
self.select_related = False # See #7097.
self.extra_select = {}
self.distinct = True
self.order_by = order == 'ASC' and [1] or [-1]
class CountQuery(Query):
A CountQuery knows how to take a normal query which would select over
multiple distinct columns and turn it into SQL that can be used on a
variety of backends (it requires a select in the FROM clause).
def get_from_clause(self):
result, params = self._query.as_sql()
return ['(%s) A1' % result], params
def get_ordering(self):
return ()