Add "agrees to site-wide Terms of Service" boolean property for all Users.
Patch by: Todd Larsen
Review by: to-be-reviewed
# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# limitations under the License.
"""Helpers used to render response.
__authors__ = [
'"Todd Larsen" <>',
'"Pawel Solyga" <>',
from google.appengine.api import users
from django import http
from django.template import loader
from soc import release
from soc.logic import accounts
from soc.logic import system
from soc.logic.models import site
from soc.views import helper
from soc.views.helper import templates
from soc.views.sitemap import sidebar
import soc.logic
import soc.logic.models.user
import soc.views.helper.requests
def respond(request, template, context=None, response_args=None):
"""Helper to render a response, passing standard stuff to the response.
request: the Django HTTP request object
template: the template (or search list of templates) to render
context: the context supplied to the template (implements dict)
response_args: keyword arguments passed to http.HttpResponse()
(response_args['content'] is created with
render_to_string(template, dictionary=context) if it is not present)
django.shortcuts.render_to_response(template, context) results
Any exceptions that django.template.loader.render_to_string() or
django.http.HttpResponse() might raise.
if not context:
context = getUniversalContext(request)
if response_args is None:
response_args = {}
response_args['content'] = response_args.get(
'content', loader.render_to_string(template, dictionary=context))
return http.HttpResponse(**response_args)
def getUniversalContext(request):
"""Constructs a template context dict will many common variables defined.
request: the Django HTTP request object
a new context dict containing:
'request': the Django HTTP request object passed in by the caller
'account': the logged-in Google Account if there is one
'user': the User entity corresponding to the Google Account in
'is_admin': True if users.is_current_user_admin() is True
'is_debug': True if system.isDebug() is True
'sign_in': a Google Account login URL
'sign_out': a Google Account logout URL
'sidebar_menu_html': an HTML string that renders the sidebar menu
account = users.get_current_user()
context = {}
context['request'] = request
if account:
context['account'] = account
context['user'] = soc.logic.models.user.logic.getForFields(
{'account': account}, unique=True)
context['is_admin'] = accounts.isDeveloper(account=account)
context['is_debug'] = system.isDebug()
context['sign_in'] = users.create_login_url(request.path)
context['sign_out'] = users.create_logout_url(request.path)
context['sidebar_menu_items'] = sidebar.getSidebar(request)
context['soc_release'] = release.RELEASE_TAG
context['gae_version'] = system.getAppVersion()
settings = site.logic.getFromFields(link_id=site.logic.DEF_SITE_LINK_ID)
if settings:
context['ga_tracking_num'] = settings.ga_tracking_num
return context
def redirectToChangedSuffix(
request, old_suffix, new_suffix=None, params=None):
"""Changes suffix of URL path and returns an HTTP redirect response.
request: the Django HTTP request object; redirect path is derived from
old_suffix, new_suffix, params: see helper.requests.replaceSuffix()
a Django HTTP redirect response pointing to the altered path.
path = helper.requests.replaceSuffix(request.path, old_suffix, new_suffix,
return http.HttpResponseRedirect(path)
def errorResponse(error, request, template=None, context=None):
"""Creates an HTTP response from the soc.views.out_of_band.Error exception.
errror: a out_of_band.Error object
request: a Django HTTP request
template: the "sibling" template (or a search list of such templates)
from which to construct the actual template name (or names)
context: optional context dict supplied to the template, which is
modified (so supply a copy if such modification is not acceptable)
if not context:
context = error.context
if not context:
context = getUniversalContext(request)
if not template:
template = []
# make a list of possible "sibling" templates, then append a default
sibling_templates = templates.makeSiblingTemplatesList(template,
error.TEMPLATE_NAME, default_template=error.DEF_TEMPLATE)
context['status'] = error.response_args.get('status')
if not context.get('message'):
# supplied context did not explicitly override the message
context['message'] = error.message_fmt % context
return respond(request, sibling_templates, context=context,