Add OrgAdmin and Mentor to GSoCOrgadmin and GSoCMentor updates.
# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Params related methods.
__authors__ = [
'"Madhusudan.C.S" <>',
'"Sverre Rabbelier" <>',
import copy
from django import forms
from django.utils.translation import ugettext
from soc.logic import cleaning
from soc.logic import dicts
from soc.models import linkable
from soc.views import helper
from soc.views.helper import access
from soc.views.helper import dynaform
from soc.views.helper import redirects
from soc.views.helper import widgets
'List of %(name_plural)s.')
'Please use this form to select a %(name).')
# list with all js scripts used for documentary purposes
DEF_FIELD_INIT_PARAMS = ['required', 'widget', 'label', 'initial', 'help_text',
'error_messages', 'show_hidden_initial']
def constructParams(params):
"""Constructs a new params dictionary based on params.
Params usage:
The params dictionary is passed to getCreateForm and getEditForm,
see their docstring on how they use it.
rights: The rights value is merged with a default rights
dictionary and then used as rights value.
url_name: The url_name value is used in constructing several
redirects as the first part of the url.
module_name: The module_name value is used in constructing the
location of several templates. It is expected that it matches
the part after "/templates/soc/" for this View.
name_plural: The name_plural argument is provided to the
LIST_DESCRIPTION when constructing the list_description field.
extra_dynainclude: The extra_dynainclude value is used when
constructing the create_dynainclude value.
extra_dynaexclude: The extra_dynaexclude value is used when
constructing the create_dynaexclude value.
logic: The logic value is used as argument to save the scope_logic
and create a create form.
logic = params['logic']
if params.get('rights'):
rights = params['rights']
rights = access.Checker(params)
rights['unspecified'] = []
rights['any_access'] = ['checkIsLoggedIn']
rights['show'] = ['checkIsUser']
rights['create'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
rights['edit'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
rights['delete'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
rights['list'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
rights['pick'] = ['checkIsUser'] # TODO(SRabbelier): proper check
new_params = {}
new_params['scope_logic'] = logic.getScopeLogic()
if 'name_short' not in params:
params['name_short'] = params['name']
if 'name_plural' not in params:
params['name_plural'] = params['name'] + 's'
if 'module_name' not in params:
params['module_name'] = params['name_short'].replace(' ', '_').lower()
if 'url_name' not in params:
params['url_name'] = params['module_name']
if 'document_prefix' not in params:
params['document_prefix'] = params['url_name']
# Do not expand edit_redirect to allow it to be overwritten without suffix
new_params['edit_redirect'] = '/%(url_name)s/edit/%(suffix)s'
new_params['missing_redirect'] = '/%(url_name)s/create' % params
new_params['delete_redirect'] = '/%(url_name)s/list' % params
new_params['invite_redirect'] = '/request/list'
# new_params['cancel_redirect'] = '/%(url_name)s/list' % params
new_params['public_redirect'] = None
new_params['sidebar'] = None
new_params['sidebar_grouping'] = 'main'
new_params['sidebar_defaults'] = [
('/%s/create', 'New %(name)s', 'create'),
('/%s/list', 'List %(name_plural)s', 'list'),
new_params['sidebar_additional'] = []
names_sans_link_id = [i for i in logic.getKeyFieldNames() if i != 'link_id']
sans_link_id_pattern = getPattern(names_sans_link_id,
new_params['link_id_arg_pattern'] = linkable.LINK_ID_ARG_PATTERN
new_params['link_id_pattern_core'] = linkable.LINK_ID_PATTERN_CORE
new_params['scope_path_pattern'] = getScopePattern(params)
new_params['sans_link_id_pattern'] = sans_link_id_pattern
new_params['django_patterns'] = None
new_params['extra_django_patterns'] = []
new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] = []
# Defines the module package that the view is in. If it is not
# already defined in the respective view, it defaults to
# soc.views.models
if not params.get('module_package'):
new_params['module_package'] = 'soc.views.models'
if not params.get('no_edit'):
new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
'%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.edit', 'Edit %(name_short)s')]
if not params.get('no_delete'):
new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
'%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.delete', 'Delete %(name_short)s')]
if not params.get('no_show'):
new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
'%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.public', 'Show %(name_short)s')]
if not params.get('no_admin'):
new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
'Show %(name_short)s (admin)')]
if not params.get('no_create_raw'):
new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
'%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.create', 'Create %(name_short)s')]
if not params.get('no_create_with_scope'):
new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
'%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.create', 'Create %(name_short)s')]
if not params.get('no_create_with_key_fields'):
new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
'%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.create', 'Create %(name_short)s')]
if not params.get('no_list_raw'):
new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
'%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.list', 'List %(name_plural)s')]
if params.get('pickable'):
new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
'%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.pick', 'Pick %(name_short)s')]
if params.get('export_content_type'):
new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
'%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.export', 'Export %(name_short)s')]
if params.get('sans_link_id_create'):
new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
'%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.create', 'Create %(name_short)s')]
if params.get('sans_link_id_list'):
new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
'%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.list', 'List %(name_plural)s')]
if params.get('sans_link_id_public_list'):
new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
'List %(name_plural)s')]
new_params['public_template'] = 'soc/%(module_name)s/public.html' % params
new_params['export_template'] = 'soc/export.html'
new_params['create_template'] = 'soc/models/edit.html'
new_params['edit_template'] = 'soc/models/edit.html'
new_params['admin_template'] = 'soc/models/admin.html'
new_params['list_template'] = 'soc/models/list.html'
new_params['invite_template'] = 'soc/models/invite.html'
new_params['context'] = None
new_params['cache_pick'] = False
new_params['export_content_type'] = None
new_params['export_extension'] = '.txt'
new_params['csv_fieldnames'] = []
# TODO: Use only the js modules needed instead of js_uses_all
new_params['js_uses_all'] = DEF_JS_USES_LIST
new_params['js_uses_list'] = ['jq', 'menu']
new_params['js_uses_show'] = ['jq', 'menu']
new_params['js_uses_edit'] = ['jq', 'menu', 'tinymce', 'jq_purr',
'jq_spin', 'jq_autocomplete']
new_params['error_public'] = 'soc/%(module_name)s/error.html' % params
new_params['error_export'] = new_params['error_public']
new_params['error_edit'] = new_params['error_public']
new_params['list_main'] = 'soc/list/main.html'
new_params['list_pagination'] = 'soc/list/pagination.html'
new_params['list_row'] = 'soc/%(module_name)s/list/row.html' % params
new_params['list_heading'] = 'soc/%(module_name)s/list/heading.html' % params
new_params['list_action'] = (redirects.getEditRedirect, params)
new_params['list_params'] = {
'list_action': 'action',
'list_description': 'description',
'list_info': 'info',
'list_key_order': 'key_order',
'list_main': 'main',
'list_pagination': 'pagination',
'list_row': 'row',
'list_heading': 'heading',
new_params['list_description'] = DEF_LIST_DESCRIPTION_FMT % params
new_params['no_lists_msg'] = ""
new_params['save_message'] = [ugettext('%(name)s saved.' % params),
ugettext('Cannot delete %(name)s.' % params)]
new_params['submit_msg_param_name'] = DEF_SUBMIT_MSG_PARAM_NAME
new_params['edit_params'] = {
new_params['cannot_delete_params'] = {
new_params['dynabase'] = helper.forms.BaseForm
create_dynaproperties = {
'clean_link_id': cleaning.clean_link_id('link_id'),
'clean_feed_url': cleaning.clean_feed_url,
create_dynaproperties.update(params.get('create_extra_dynaproperties', {}))
# dynafields override any dynaproperties
create_dynafields = getDynaFields(params.get('create_dynafields', {}))
create_dynaproperties = dicts.merge(create_dynafields, create_dynaproperties)
new_params['references'] = []
new_params['create_dynainclude'] = [] + params.get('extra_dynainclude', [])
new_params['create_dynaexclude'] = ['scope', 'scope_path'] + \
params.get('extra_dynaexclude', [])
new_params['create_dynaproperties'] = create_dynaproperties
edit_dynaproperties = {
'clean_link_id': cleaning.clean_link_id('link_id'),
'link_id': forms.CharField(widget=helper.widgets.ReadOnlyInput()),
edit_dynaproperties.update(params.get('edit_extra_dynaproperties', {}))
# dynafields override any dynaproperties
edit_dynafields = getDynaFields(params.get('edit_dynafields', {}))
edit_dynaproperties = dicts.merge(edit_dynafields, edit_dynaproperties)
new_params['edit_dynainclude'] = None
new_params['edit_dynaexclude'] = None
new_params['edit_dynaproperties'] = edit_dynaproperties
new_params['list_msg'] = None
params = dicts.merge(params, new_params)
# These need to be constructed separately, because they require
# parameters that can be defined either in params, or new_params.
if not 'create_form' in params:
params['create_form'] = getCreateForm(params, logic.getModel())
if not 'edit_form' in params:
params['edit_form'] = getEditForm(params, params['create_form'])
if not 'admin_form' in params:
params['admin_form'] = getAdminForm(params['edit_form'])
if not 'key_fields_pattern' in params:
params['key_fields_pattern'] = getKeyFieldsPattern(params)
# merge already done by access.Checker
params['rights'] = rights
return params
def getDynaFields(fields):
"""Constructs a new DynaField using params.
params: the params dictionary used to extract the dyanfields
param_name: the name of the parameter to use
dynafields = {}
# generate the dynafields
for field in fields:
base = field.pop('base')
name = field.pop('name')
passthrough = field.pop('passthrough', DEF_FIELD_INIT_PARAMS)
dynafield = dynaform.newDynaField(field, base, passthrough)
dynafields[name] = dynafield()
return dynafields
def getCreateForm(params, model):
"""Constructs a new CreateForm using params.
Params usage:
dynabase: The dynabase value is used as the base argument to
logic: The logic value is used to get the model argument to newDynaForm.
create_dynainclude: same as dynabase, but as dynainclude argument
create_dynaexclude: same as dynabase, but as dynaexclude argument
create_dynaproperties: same as dynabase, but as dynaproperties argument
create_form = dynaform.newDynaForm(
dynabase = params['dynabase'],
dynamodel = model,
dynainclude = params['create_dynainclude'],
dynaexclude = params['create_dynaexclude'],
dynaproperties = params['create_dynaproperties'],
if 'extra_key_order' in params:
for field in params['extra_key_order']:
if field in create_form.base_fields.keyOrder:
return create_form
def getEditForm(params, base_form):
"""Constructs a new EditForm using params.
Params usage:
create_form: The dynabase value is used as the dynaform argument
to dyanform.extendDynaForm.
edit_dynainclude: same as create_form, but as dynainclude argument
edit_dynaexclude: same as create_form, but as dynaexclude argument
edit_dynaproperties: same as create_form, but as dynaproperties argument
edit_form = dynaform.extendDynaForm(
dynaform = base_form,
dynainclude = params['edit_dynainclude'],
dynaexclude = params['edit_dynaexclude'],
dynaproperties = params['edit_dynaproperties'],
return edit_form
def getAdminForm(base_form):
"""Constructs a new AdminForm from base_form.
# extend _and_ deepcopy the base_fields to do a proper copy
admin_form = dynaform.extendDynaForm(dynaform = base_form)
admin_form.base_fields = copy.deepcopy(admin_form.base_fields)
# replace all widgets with PTW's
for _, value in admin_form.base_fields.iteritems():
if not isinstance(value, forms.fields.Field):
value.widget = widgets.PlainTextWidget()
return admin_form
def getKeyFieldsPattern(params):
"""Returns the Django pattern for this View's entity.
names = params['logic'].getKeyFieldNames()
scope_path_pattern = params['scope_path_pattern']
return getPattern(names, scope_path_pattern)
def getPattern(names, scope_path_pattern):
"""Returns the Django patterns for the specified names.
names: the field names that should be included in the pattern
scope_path_pattern: the pattern to use if the name is 'scope_path'
patterns = []
for name in names:
if name == 'scope_path':
pattern = scope_path_pattern
pattern = r'(?P<%s>%s)' % (name, linkable.LINK_ID_PATTERN_CORE)
result = '/'.join(patterns)
return result
def getScopePattern(params):
"""Returns the Scope pattern for this entity.
logic = params['logic']
depth = logic.getScopeDepth()
if depth is None:
return linkable.SCOPE_PATH_ARG_PATTERN
regexps = [linkable.LINK_ID_PATTERN_CORE for _ in range(depth)]
regexp = '/'.join(regexps)
return r'(?P<scope_path>%s)' % regexp