Add OrgAdmin and Mentor to GSoCOrgadmin and GSoCMentor updates.
#!/usr/bin/python2.5## Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""Helper functions for sending out notifications."""__authors__ = [ '"Lennard de Rijk" <>', ]import timefrom django.template import loaderfrom django.utils.encoding import force_unicodefrom django.utils.translation import ugettext# We cannot import soc.logic.models notification nor user here# due to cyclic importsfrom soc.logic import accountsfrom soc.logic import dictsfrom soc.logic import mail_dispatcherfrom soc.logic import systemfrom soc.views.helper import redirectsDEF_NEW_NOTIFICATION_MSG = ugettext( "You have received a new Notification.")DEF_INVITATION_MSG_FMT = ugettext( "Invitation to become a %(role_verbose)s for %(group)s.")DEF_NEW_REQUEST_MSG_FMT = ugettext( "New Request Received from %(requester)s to become a %(role_verbose)s " "for %(group)s")DEF_NEW_GROUP_MSG_FMT = ugettext( "Your %(application_type)s for %(group_name)s has been accepted.")DEF_NEW_REVIEW_SUBJECT_FMT = ugettext( "New %s Review on %s")DEF_WELCOME_MSG_FMT = ugettext("Welcome to %(site_name)s, %(name)s,")DEF_GROUP_INVITE_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE = 'soc/notification/messages/' \ 'invitation.html'DEF_NEW_REQUEST_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE = 'soc/notification/messages/' \ 'new_request.html'DEF_NEW_REVIEW_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE = 'soc/notification/messages/' \ 'new_review.html'DEF_NEW_GROUP_TEMPLATE = 'soc/group/messages/accepted.html'def sendInviteNotification(entity): """Sends out an invite notification to the user the request is for. Args: entity : A request containing the information needed to create the message """ from soc.logic.models.user import logic as user_logic # get the user the request is for properties = {'link_id': entity.link_id } to_user = user_logic.getForFields(properties, unique=True) invitation_url = "http://%(host)s%(index)s" % { 'host' : system.getHostname(), 'index': redirects.getInviteProcessRedirect(entity, None), } message_properties = { 'role_verbose' : entity.role_verbose, 'group':, 'invitation_url': invitation_url, } subject = DEF_INVITATION_MSG_FMT % { 'role_verbose' : entity.role_verbose, 'group' : } template = DEF_GROUP_INVITE_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE from_user = user_logic.getForCurrentAccount() sendNotification(to_user, from_user, message_properties, subject, template)def sendNewRequestNotification(request_entity): """Sends out a notification to the persons who can process this Request. Args: request_entity: an instance of Request model """ from soc.logic.helper import notifications from soc.logic.models.role import ROLE_LOGICS from soc.logic.models.user import logic as user_logic # get the users who should get the notification to_users = [] # retrieve the Role Logics which we should query on role_logic = ROLE_LOGICS[request_entity.role] role_logics_to_notify = role_logic.getRoleLogicsToNotifyUponNewRequest() # the scope of the roles is the same as the scope of the Request entity fields = {'scope': request_entity.scope, 'status': 'active'} for role_logic in role_logics_to_notify: roles = role_logic.getForFields(fields) for role_entity in roles: # TODO: this might lead to double notifications to_users.append(role_entity.user) # get the user the request is from properties = {'link_id': request_entity.link_id } user_entity = user_logic.getForFields(properties, unique=True) message_properties = { 'requester_name':, 'entity': request_entity, 'request_url': redirects.getProcessRequestRedirect(request_entity, None)} subject = DEF_NEW_REQUEST_MSG_FMT % { 'requester':, 'role_verbose' : request_entity.role_verbose, 'group' : } template = DEF_NEW_REQUEST_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE for to_user in to_users: notifications.sendNotification(to_user, None, message_properties, subject, template)def sendNewGroupNotification(entity, params): """Sends out an invite notification to the applicant of the group. Args: entity : An accepted group application """ url = "http://%(host)s%(redirect)s" % { 'redirect': redirects.getApplicantRedirect(entity, {'url_name': params['group_url_name']}), 'host': system.getHostname(), } message_properties = { 'application_type': params['name'], 'group_type': params['group_name'], 'group_name':, 'url': url, } subject = DEF_NEW_GROUP_MSG_FMT % { 'application_type': params['name'], 'group_name':, } template = DEF_NEW_GROUP_TEMPLATE for to in [entity.applicant, entity.backup_admin]: if not to: continue sendNotification(to, None, message_properties, subject, template)def sendNewReviewNotification(to_user, review, reviewed_name, redirect_url): """Sends out a notification to alert the user of a new Review. Args: to_user: The user who should receive a notification review: The review which triggers this notification reviewed_name: Name of the entity reviewed redirect_url: URL to which the follower should be sent for more information """ message_properties = {'redirect_url': redirect_url, 'reviewer_name': review.author_name(), 'reviewed_name': reviewed_name, } # determine the subject review_type = 'public' if review.is_public else 'private' subject = DEF_NEW_REVIEW_SUBJECT_FMT % (review_type, reviewed_name) template = DEF_NEW_REVIEW_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE # send the notification from the system sendNotification(to_user, None, message_properties, subject, template)def sendNotification(to_user, from_user, message_properties, subject, template): """Sends out a notification to the specified user. Args: to_user : user to which the notification will be send from_user: user from who sends the notifications (None iff sent by site) message_properties : message properties subject : subject of notification email template : template used for generating notification """ from soc.logic.models.notification import logic as notification_logic from import logic as site_logic if from_user: sender_name = else: site_entity = site_logic.getSingleton() sender_name = 'The %s Team' % (site_entity.site_name) new_message_properties = { 'sender_name': sender_name, 'to_name':, } message_properties = dicts.merge(message_properties, new_message_properties) message = loader.render_to_string(template, dictionary=message_properties) fields = { 'from_user': from_user, 'subject': subject, 'message': message, 'scope': to_user, 'link_id': 't%i' % (int(time.time()*100)), 'scope_path': to_user.link_id } key_name = notification_logic.getKeyNameFromFields(fields) # create and put a new notification in the datastore notification_logic.updateOrCreateFromKeyName(fields, key_name)def sendNewNotificationMessage(notification_entity): """Sends an email to a user about a new notification. Args: notification_entity: Notification about which the message should be sent """ from import logic as site_logic from soc.views.models.notification import view as notification_view # create the url to show this notification notification_url = "http://%(host)s%(index)s" % { 'host' : system.getHostname(), 'index': redirects.getPublicRedirect(notification_entity, notification_view.getParams())} sender = mail_dispatcher.getDefaultMailSender() site_entity = site_logic.getSingleton() site_name = site_entity.site_name # get the default mail sender default_sender = mail_dispatcher.getDefaultMailSender() if not default_sender: # no valid sender found, abort return else: (sender_name, sender) = default_sender to = accounts.denormalizeAccount(notification_entity.scope.account).email() # create the message contents messageProperties = { 'to_name':, 'sender_name': sender_name, 'to': to, 'sender': sender, 'site_name': site_name, 'subject': force_unicode(DEF_NEW_NOTIFICATION_MSG), 'notification' : notification_entity, 'notification_url' : notification_url } # send out the message using the default new notification template mail_dispatcher.sendMailFromTemplate('soc/mail/new_notification.html', messageProperties)def sendWelcomeMessage(user_entity): """Sends out a welcome message to a user. Args: user_entity: User entity which the message should be send to """ from import logic as site_logic # get site name site_entity = site_logic.getSingleton() site_name = site_entity.site_name # get the default mail sender default_sender = mail_dispatcher.getDefaultMailSender() if not default_sender: # no valid sender found, should not happen but abort anyway return else: sender_name, sender = default_sender to = accounts.denormalizeAccount(user_entity.account).email() # create the message contents messageProperties = { 'to_name':, 'sender_name': sender_name, 'to': to, 'sender': sender, 'subject': DEF_WELCOME_MSG_FMT % { 'site_name': site_name, 'name': }, 'site_name': site_name, 'site_location': 'http://%s' % system.getHostname(), } # send out the message using the default welcome template mail_dispatcher.sendMailFromTemplate('soc/mail/welcome.html', messageProperties)