Add OrgAdmin and Mentor to GSoCOrgadmin and GSoCMentor updates.
* jQuery Spin 1.1.1
* Copyright (c) 2009 Naohiko MORI
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
var calcFloat = {
get: function(num){
var num = num.toString();
if(num.indexOf('.')==-1) return[0, eval(num)];
var nn = num.split('.');
var po = nn[1].length;
var st = nn.join('');
var sign = '';
st = st.substr(1);
sign = '-';
for(var i=0; i<st.length; ++i) if(st.charAt(0)=='0') st=st.substr(1, st.length);
st = sign + st;
return [po, eval(st)];
getInt: function(num, figure){
var d = Math.pow(10, figure);
var n = this.get(num);
var v1 = eval('num * d');
var v2 = eval('n[1] * d');
if(this.get(v1)[1]==v2) return v1;
return(n[0]==0 ? v1 : eval(v2 + '/Math.pow(10, n[0])'));
sum: function(v1, v2){
var n1 = this.get(v1);
var n2 = this.get(v2);
var figure = (n1[0] > n2[0] ? n1[0] : n2[0]);
v1 = this.getInt(v1, figure);
v2 = this.getInt(v2, figure);
return eval('v1 + v2')/Math.pow(10, figure);
spin: {
imageBasePath: '/soc/content/images/',
spinBtnImage: 'spin-button.png',
spinUpImage: 'spin-up.png',
spinDownImage: 'spin-down.png',
interval: 1,
max: null,
min: null,
timeInterval: 500,
timeBlink: 200,
btnClass: null,
btnCss: {cursor: 'pointer', padding: 0, margin: 0, verticalAlign: 'middle'},
txtCss: {marginRight: 0, paddingRight: 0},
lock: false,
decimal: null,
beforeChange: null,
changed: null,
buttonUp: null,
buttonDown: null
spin: function(o){
return this.each(function(){
o = o || {};
var opt = {};
$.each($.spin, function(k,v){
opt[k] = (typeof o[k]!='undefined' ? o[k] : v);
var txt = $(this);
var spinBtnImage = opt.imageBasePath+opt.spinBtnImage;
var btnSpin = new Image();
btnSpin.src = spinBtnImage;
var spinUpImage = opt.imageBasePath+opt.spinUpImage;
var btnSpinUp = new Image();
btnSpinUp.src = spinUpImage;
var spinDownImage = opt.imageBasePath+opt.spinDownImage;
var btnSpinDown = new Image();
btnSpinDown.src = spinDownImage;
var btn = $(document.createElement('img'));
btn.attr('src', spinBtnImage);
if(opt.btnClass) btn.addClass(opt.btnClass);
if(opt.btnCss) btn.css(opt.btnCss);
if(opt.txtCss) txt.css(opt.txtCss);
function spin(vector){
var val = txt.val();
var org_val = val;
if(opt.decimal) val=val.replace(opt.decimal, '.');
val = calcFloat.sum(val, vector * opt.interval);
if(opt.min!==null && val<opt.min) val=opt.min;
if(opt.max!==null && val>opt.max) val=opt.max;
if(val != txt.val()){
if(opt.decimal) val=val.toString().replace('.', opt.decimal);
var ret = ($.isFunction(opt.beforeChange) ? opt.beforeChange.apply(txt, [val, org_val]) : true);
if($.isFunction(opt.changed)) opt.changed.apply(txt, [val]);
src = (vector > 0 ? spinUpImage : spinDownImage);
btn.attr('src', src);
setTimeout(function(){btn.attr('src', spinBtnImage);}, opt.timeBlink);
if(vector > 0){
if($.isFunction(opt.buttonUp)) opt.buttonUp.apply(txt, [val]);
if($.isFunction(opt.buttonDown)) opt.buttonDown.apply(txt, [val]);
var pos = e.pageY - btn.offset().top;
var vector = (btn.height()/2 > pos ? 1 : -1);
var tk = setTimeout(arguments.callee, opt.timeInterval);
$(document).one('mouseup', function(){
clearTimeout(tk); btn.attr('src', spinBtnImage);
return false;