author Sverre Rabbelier <srabbelier@gmail.com>
Sat, 07 Mar 2009 18:16:54 +0000
changeset 1721 9acf4fe1b9bb
parent 1718 ca34f4a8c61b
child 1751 17c7a7a48dc7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Adjust the total_popularity after ranging This way 'off the scale' orgs (many applicants, with only few mentors available) will not pull the total amount of allocated slots down as much as before. Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier

# Copyright 2009 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

__authors__ = [
  '"Sverre Rabbelier" <sverre@rabbelier.nl>',

import unittest

from soc.logic import allocations

class Student(object):
  """Mocker for Student object.

  def __init__(self, id):
    """Simple init that stores id for later use.

    self.id = id

  def __eq__(self, other):
    """Simple eq that compares ids.

    return self.id == other.id

  def __str__(self):
    """Simple str that returns str(id).

    return str(self.id)

  def __repr__(self):
    """Simple repr that returns repr(id).

    return repr(self.id)

class AllocationsTest(unittest.TestCase):
  """Tests related to the slot allocation algorithm.

  def setUp(self):
    """Set up required for the slot allocation tests.

    self.slots = 60
    self.max_slots_per_org = 40
    self.min_slots_per_org = 2
    self.allocated = 0
    self.iterative = False

    apps = {
        'asf': self.allocate(20, 20),
        'gcc': self.allocate(15, 30),
        'git': self.allocate(6, 6),
        'google': self.allocate(3, 10),
        'melange': self.allocate(100, 3),

    self.applications = dict([(k,a) for k, (m, a) in apps.iteritems()])
    self.mentors = dict([(k,m) for k, (m, a) in apps.iteritems()])

    self.orgs = self.applications.keys()

    self.allocater = allocations.Allocator(
        self.orgs, self.applications, self.mentors, self.slots,
        self.max_slots_per_org, self.min_slots_per_org, self.iterative)

  def allocate(self, count, max):
    """Returns a list with count new student objects.

    i = self.allocated
    j = i + count
    self.allocated += count

    return max, [Student(i) for i in range(i,j)]

  def testAllocate(self):
    """Test that the allocate helper works properly.

    A meta-test, it never hurts to be certain.

    stash = self.allocated
    self.allocated = 0

    expected = [Student(0), Student(1), Student(2)]
    count, actual = self.allocate(3, 0)
    self.failUnlessEqual(expected, actual)
    self.failUnlessEqual(count, 0)

    expected = []
    count, actual = self.allocate(0, 10)
    self.failUnlessEqual(expected, actual)
    self.failUnlessEqual(count, 10)

    expected = [Student(3)]
    count, actual = self.allocate(1, 5)
    self.failUnlessEqual(expected, actual)
    self.failUnlessEqual(count, 5)

    self.allocated = stash

  def testInitialAllocation(self):
    """Test that an allocation with no arguments does not crash.

    locked_slots = {}
    adjusted_slots = {}
    self.allocater.allocate(locked_slots, adjusted_slots)

  def testLockedSlotsAllocation(self):
    """Test that an allocation with an org locked does not crash.

    locked_slots = {'melange': 3}
    adjusted_slots = {}
    self.allocater.allocate(locked_slots, adjusted_slots)

  def testAdjustedSlotsAllocation(self):
    """Test that an allocation with an org adjusted does not crash.

    locked_slots = {}
    adjusted_slots = {'google': -1}
    self.allocater.allocate(locked_slots, adjusted_slots)

  def testInvalidSlotsAllocation(self):
    """Test that an allocation with an org locked and adjusted errors out.

    locked_slots = {'git': 1}
    adjusted_slots = {'git': 1}
    self.failUnlessRaises(allocations.Error, self.allocater.allocate,
                          locked_slots, adjusted_slots)

  def testNonExistantOrgAllocation1(self):
    """Test that locking a non-existing org errors out.

    locked_slots = {'gnome': 1}
    adjusted_slots = {}
    self.failUnlessRaises(allocations.Error, self.allocater.allocate,
                          locked_slots, adjusted_slots)

  def testNonExistantOrgAllocation2(self):
    """Test that adjusting a non-existing org errors out.

    locked_slots = {}
    adjusted_slots = {'gnome': 1}
    self.failUnlessRaises(allocations.Error, self.allocater.allocate,
                          locked_slots, adjusted_slots)

  def testInitialAllocationBelowMaxSlots(self):
    """Test that the initial allocation is below the max slot count.

    locked_slots = {}
    adjusted_slots = {}

    result = self.allocater.allocate(locked_slots, adjusted_slots)
    self.failIf(sum(result.values()) > self.slots)

  def testLockedAllocationCorrect(self):
    """Test that locking an allocation assigns the org the allocation.

    locked_slots = {'git': 6}
    adjusted_slots = {}

    result = self.allocater.allocate(locked_slots, adjusted_slots)

    expected = 6
    actual = result['git']

    self.failUnlessEqual(expected, actual)

  def testOverassignedAllocationCorrect(self):
    """Test that over-assigned allocation are cut down.

    locked_slots = {'git': 20}
    adjusted_slots = {}

    result = self.allocater.allocate(locked_slots, adjusted_slots)

    expected = 6
    actual = result['git']

    self.failUnlessEqual(expected, actual)

  def testAdjustedAllocationCorrect(self):
    """Test that locking an allocation assigns the org the allocation.

    locked_slots = {}
    adjusted_slots = {'gcc': 10}

    with_adjusting = self.allocater.allocate(locked_slots, adjusted_slots)
    without_adjusting = self.allocater.allocate(locked_slots, {})

    expected = without_adjusting['gcc']
    actual = with_adjusting['gcc']

    self.failUnless(actual > expected)