Always normalize accounts, before even storing them
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
#!/usr/bin/python2.5## Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""This module contains the Quiz Model."""__authors__ = [ '"Todd Larsen" <>',]import reflistpropimport soc.models.questionimport soc.models.workclass Quiz( """Model of a Quiz, a collection of Questions to be asked. (named Quiz because Questionnaire was too much to type...) A Quiz collects a set of Questions to which Answers are given in the form of a separate Model called a Response. Quizzes can even be used as templates for comments and scoring annotations to various Works, such as Documents and Proposals. A separate Review Model is derived from Quiz for these purposes. The specific way that the properties and relations inherited from Document, and also indirectly from Work, are used with a Quiz are described below. work.title: the title of the Quiz the author of the Work referred to by this relation is the author of the Quiz (but not necessarily the individual Questions themselves, see the Question Model) even Quizzes can be "reviewed" (possibly commented on during creation or annotated once put into use). work.content: the "preface" of the Quiz, displayed before any of the Questions, usually containing instructions for the Quiz linkable.scope/linkable.link_id: used to scope and uniquely identify a Quiz in the same way these properties are used with Documents, etc. In addition to any explicit ReferenceProperties in the Quiz Model and those inherited as described above, a Quiz entity participates in these relationships: responses) a 1:many relationship where each Quiz can produce all of its many Response entities that indicate they contain specific Answers to each of the Questions contained in that Quiz. This relation is implemented as the 'responses' back-reference Query of the Response Model 'quiz' reference. solutions) a 1:many relationship where some (or none, or all) of the Questions in the Quiz have "solutions" or "correct Answers". The 'solutions' back-reference Query of the Answer Model 'quiz' reference is used to point these "correct Answers" at the Quiz to which they apply. One example of a Quiz having a "correct Answer" is a GSoC mentor survey that has a "pass" Question that gates if the student gets paid. The desired Answer for this Question would be associated with the Quiz via the 'quiz' property and some controller logic could check if a survey "passed" by querying for these "solution" Answers and seeing if the survey Response had the "right" Answers (to the one Question that matters in this case...). proposals) a 1:many relationship where each Quiz can produce all of the Proposals that make use of the Quiz as part of the Proposal. This relation is implemented as the 'proposals' back-reference Query of the Proposal Model 'quiz' reference. """ #: a many:many relationship (many:many because a given Question can be #: reused in more than one Quiz, and each Quiz is made up of one or more #: Questions) between Question entities and, when combined, the Quiz they #: form. #: #: A ReferenceListProperty is used instead of a special many:many #; relation Model for a number of reasons: #: 1) the Questions in a Quiz need to be ordered #: 2) Quizzes will have relatively few Questions, so the performance #: ReferenceListProperty is not a major concern #: 3) querying a Question for all of the Quizzes that contain it is #: a rare occurrence, so the expense of a ListProperty query is #: not a real concern questions = reflistprop.ReferenceListProperty( soc.models.question.Question, default=None)